Found 132 Articles for Academic

Dietary Fiber Significance

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 13-Dec-2023 18:24:59


Introduction An essential component of a healthy diet is fibers that can be obtained from cereals, certain fruits and cruciferous vegetables. Fibers can also be determined as types of carbohydrates that include numerous plant compounds and ingestible parts that pass through the intestines and stomach undigested. Some fibers are highly water-soluble and some are bulky or rough. Benefits of Dietary Fiber Some of the major benefits of dietary fibers are as stated below. Various health disorders can be controlled or prevented by in taking appropriate amounts of dietary fiber daily. The disorders that fibers can prevent include heart ... Read More

Dicotyledonous Monocotyledonous Seed

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 11:48:06


Introduction Seeds are the result of the sexual reproduction of a plant. It has a major impact on human lives too because it provides basic food. However, seeds have a most important contribution to the world; it helps to grow new plants that make the planet much greener. The survival of the major plants depends on the production of seeds, as it is a process of replicating one plant. What is Seed? Seeds can be defined as a part of the plant, which is fertilized and matured ovule that helps the plant to preserve food. It is usually found inside ... Read More


Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 11:52:10


Introduction Extinction plays the most crucial role in the evolution of life. When the last member of the species died the whole species became extinct. The cause of Extinction can be anything, from climate change to losing the food source. The extinction, that happened almost 250 million years ago, is believed as the biggest extinction in the history of the earth. In the process of making today’s world, five major extinctions played a key role. What is the meaning of Extinction? In the field of biology, the term Extinction can be defined as the process of elimination of one single ... Read More

External Fertilization

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 11:56:46


Introduction External Fertilization is very common among aquatic habits. The process consists of discharging egg and sperm into the water. In this process, the sperm reaches the egg and it shows diversity. In this factor, the temperature of the water plays a major role. Almost all fish, crustaceans, mollusks, spawn, and squid follows this type of fertilization process. It consists of some features and has some advantages and disadvantages of this factor. What is External Fertilization? The fertilization that occurs outside the body of the organisms is called External Fertilization. In this process for having successful fertilization water body ... Read More

Experimentally Show That Carbon Dioxide Is Given Out During Respiration

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 12:01:22


Introduction Respiration is the primary part for living beings in order to have life existence. In this process, energy is released either due to the presence or due to absence of oxygen. It is also called a catabolic process where complex molecules break down into simple molecules. Respiration is of two kinds aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration. In this tutorial, the experiment shows that carbon dioxide is given out during respiration. Aim of the Experiment The main aim of this experiment is to show by experiment that the process of respiration releases carbon dioxide (CO2). It helps to demonstrate the ... Read More


Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 13-Dec-2023 13:36:27


Introduction The problems of diarrhea are limited to the stomach as the first symptom is the failure to hold the bowel syndrome for a little while. This is a severe issue as the person loses a large amount of water from the body and tends to get seriously dehydrated. The issue is very common as it is more of a symptom than a disease in itself. Causes of Diarrhea The causes of diarrhea range for a long list of reasons. There are reasons that are associated with the consumption of tainted food and water. On the other hand, a few ... Read More


Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 13-Dec-2023 13:53:26


Introduction The term diapause mainly refers to the development of an animal. The development is seen at a particular stage until the organism passes the unfavourable conditions. The significance of this stage is that it describes the decrease of metabolic activities of an organism. The stage is important for overcoming the conditions like extreme temperature. Overview of Diapause Diapause mainly defines as a state of physiology that relates to dormancy. It is also called the developmental arrest and in this state, most of the life processes are shut down. The initiation of this stage has happened when the condition is ... Read More


Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 13-Dec-2023 13:38:47


Introduction The crucial organs, the kidneys tend to get affected due to various reasons that concern from senility or underlying illness. However, if kidneys tend to fail to work properly then it may result in severe conditions for the affected individual leading to death. The process of dialysis supports individuals to survive. In simple words, it can be stated that through the process of dialysis, the normal functioning of the body is maintained which is similar to the work done by healthy kidneys. What is Dialysis? Kidneys are stated crucial within the human body that are responsible for the elimination ... Read More


Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 13-Dec-2023 13:42:09


Introduction Diffusion is the biological process in which the molecules go from a higher to a relatively lower region. This is an essential process as it allows the motion of various molecules to go from one cell to another. Diffusion is an essential part because it provides cell the required energy. This energy and enables them to release the waste materials. What is Diffusion? Diffusion refers to the movement of individual molecules of a component from a high concentration to a low concentration area. Diffusion provides the movement of every molecule. It is important both in the plants and animals. ... Read More

Different Ways of Taking Food

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 13-Dec-2023 13:43:52


Introduction A body utilizes the energy consumed from food in a different manner. Understanding the difference between food intake procedures can be helpful in understanding each significant nature of food habits. The process of in taking food varies from animal to animal and even from human to human. The basic process of having food is different from each other and every single way holds an important part in the life of a living being. Ingestion - The Way of Taking Food In continuing everyday activity, each living being requires energy that can be extracted only from food. In having food, ... Read More

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