Found 10711 Articles for Web Development

How to change the target of a link in HTML?

Lokesh Badavath
Updated on 18-Nov-2022 09:27:11

9K+ Views

We use the target attribute of the … tag, to change the target value of the link. The target attribute can be used to open any link in a new tab, current tab and so on. _blank − link will open in a new tab. _self − link will open in the current tab. _parent − link will open in a parent frame. _top − link will open in the top frame. Syntax Following is the syntax to change the target of a link in HTML. Link text… Example Following is the example program to change the ... Read More

How to remove underline from a link in HTML?

Lokesh Badavath
Updated on 02-Sep-2023 12:27:12

50K+ Views

We use inline style attribute with the CSS property text-decoration to remove underline from a specified link in HTML. Syntax Following is the syntax to remove underline from a link in HTML. HTML tutorial Example Following is the example program to remove underline from a link in HTML. DOCTYPE html> HTML-HyperText Markup Language HTML tutorial Example DOCTYPE html> instagram login instagram login Example Following is another example program to remove underline from a link in HTML. DOCTYPE html> HTML Text Decoration About Our Team comprises of programmers, writers, and analysts.

How to change the color of links in HTML?

Lokesh Badavath
Updated on 06-Sep-2023 14:11:24

38K+ Views

A link is a connection from one Web page to another web page. We can add page links to a web page. HTML links are hyperlinks. The tag defines a hyperlink and used to link from one page to another. The href attribute is used with the tag, which indicates the link's destination. To make page links in an HTML page, use the and tags, with href attribute used to define the links. We should use the … tags inside … tags. The link text is visible. Clicking on the link text, will navigate to the specified ... Read More

How to link pages using relative URL in HTML?

Lokesh Badavath
Updated on 11-Nov-2022 10:48:40

13K+ Views

In HTML different HTML elements have attributes that contain link to the other resources. The values of these attributes are URL’s, these can be absolute or relative URL’s. Relative URLs don’t contain full web address. With relative URL we start automatically from the address the browser currently at then we add path components and then extension. Explicitly tells the browser to use the current folder. Syntax Following is the syntax to link a page using relative URL. Link text… Example Following is the example program to link a page using relative URL. Login Page DOCTYPE html> ... Read More

How to link pages using absolute URL in HTML?

Lokesh Badavath
Updated on 11-Nov-2022 10:46:40

2K+ Views

In HTML different HTML elements have attributes that contain link to the other resources. The values of these attributes are URL’s, these can be absolute or relative URL’s. An absolute URL used to link to resources on web page, it includes the website address. Absolute URL’s never changes. We can also use absolute URL to link to resources within same site on the web page. Following link includes the protocol and domain (host name) making this an absolute URL. Link text… Absolute URL begins with the domain where the file is located. Syntax Following is the syntax ... Read More

How to use internal CSS (Style Sheet) in HTML?

Lokesh Badavath
Updated on 11-Nov-2022 10:44:29

4K+ Views

Cascading Style Sheets is used to format the presentation of a webpage. CSS is used to style and layout web pages — you can control the presentation of the web page using, to alter the font, color, size, and spacing of your content, split it into multiple columns, or add animations and other decorative features available within the css properties. Internal CSS Internal CSS is used to define within style tags for a single HTML page. It is defined inside the tag of an HTML page, within a tag element. Example Following is the example program, uses internal ... Read More

How to use inline CSS (Style Sheet) in HTML?

Lokesh Badavath
Updated on 11-Nov-2022 10:42:26

3K+ Views

Cascading Style Sheets is used to format the presentation of a webpage. CSS is used to style and layout web pages - you can control the presentation of the web page using, to alter the font, color, size, and spacing of your content, split it into multiple columns, or add animations and other decorative features available within the css properties. Inline − Using the style attribute inside HTML elements. Inline CSS − Inline CSS is used to apply a unique style to a single HTML element used within the tag. Example Following is the example program, uses inline ... Read More

How to create conditional comments in HTML?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 14:21:52


Conditional comments are nothing but conditional statements which are used to hide or provide HTML the source code from browser. First let us discuss about HTML comments then we will know more about conditional comments in HTML − HTML comments is not an executable statement; they are used to describe the statements. The comments in HTML has start and end tag, . These comments can be placed anywhere in the HTML page, but its better to place after DOCTYPE. HTML cannot hold nested comments, that means it cannot support comment within another comment. HTML comments are used to ... Read More

How to create hidden comments in HTML?

Lokesh Badavath
Updated on 11-Nov-2022 10:40:04

13K+ Views

Comments are used to hide content. To create hidden comments in HTML, we add tag and end it with -- >. Whatever comes inside this tag it is hidden. These comments allow us to easily understand the code. Comments can be considered as a note to yourself and allows the other person to understand the code, which also hides HTML code, so the browser doesn't display it on the web page. Syntax Following is the syntax to hide comments in HTML. Example Following is the example program to hide comments in HTML. DOCTYPE html> ... Read More

How to display text Right-to-Left Using HTML?

Lokesh Badavath
Updated on 11-Nov-2022 10:38:17

2K+ Views

The direction property specifies the text direction within a block element on the web page. We use the style attribute, to set text direction in HTML. The style attribute specifies an inline style for an element within a block. The style attribute is used with the CSS property direction to set direction for the text. Syntax Following is the syntax to set text direction (right-to-left) using CSS property. The text… Example Following is the example program to set direction to the element in HTML. DOCTYPE html> ... Read More
