Found 10711 Articles for Web Development

How to Send Axios Delete to the Backend ReactJS in JavaScript

Nikesh Jagsish Malik
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 16:06:15

3K+ Views

What is Send Axios Delete? Deleting data from a backend using ReactJS and Axios can be a challenging task. However, with the right approach and knowledge, you can easily achieve this task. In this article, we'll explore how to send an Axios delete request to the backend in ReactJS using JavaScript. We'll cover two different approaches with code and explanations, as well as two working examples. So, let's dive in! Algorithm To commence our discourse, it is of utmost importance to apprehend the procedure for transmitting an Axios obliteration entreaty to the back end when utilizing ReactJS. Here are the ... Read More

How do you make synchronous HTTP request in JavaScript?

Nikesh Jagsish Malik
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 16:01:26

6K+ Views

In the current digital terrain, the act of making HTTP requests is a vital component in transmitting and receiving data between the client and server. Asynchronous requests have gained prevalence as they provide a non-blocking experience, which ultimately enhances the overall user experience. Nevertheless, there are certain situations where synchronous HTTP requests may prove necessary or preferable. In the ensuing narrative, we shall delve into the algorithm for creating synchronous HTTP requests using JavaScript. We will also explore two distinct approaches with their corresponding code explanations and practical applications. Algorithm To initiate synchronous HTTP requests in JavaScript, one must execute ... Read More

Find quotient and remainder by dividing an integer in JavaScript

Nikesh Jagsish Malik
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 15:56:20

1K+ Views

Dividing an integer is a mathematical operation where we divide a number into two parts, the quotient, and the remainder. In JavaScript, we use this operation to perform various calculations and to get the desired result. In this article, we will discuss how to find the quotient and remainder by dividing an integer in JavaScript. Algorithm The algorithm for dividing an integer in JavaScript is straightforward. We divide the number into two parts, the quotient, and the remainder. The quotient is the result of the division, and the remainder is the part of the number that is left over after ... Read More

Find 1st January be Sunday between a range of years in JavaScript?

Nikesh Jagsish Malik
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 15:55:31


It's always important to know when the 1st January falls on a Sunday in a range of years. This information can be used for various purposes, such as scheduling events, managing projects, and more. The purpose of this article is to help you find the 1st January falling on Sunday in a range of years in JavaScript. Algorithm The algorithm to find the 1st January falling on Sunday between a range of years involves several steps. The first step is to calculate the number of days between the current year and the year you want to find the 1st January ... Read More

JavaScript Program for Two Pointers Technique

Aishwarya Mani Tripathi
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 15:51:59

1K+ Views

JavaScript Program for Two Pointers Technique is a commonly used algorithmic approach to solve various problems that require linear time complexity. This technique is widely used to find a solution for problems that involve searching, sorting, or manipulating arrays, strings, or linked lists. The approach works by maintaining two pointers, one starting from the beginning and the other starting from the end of the data structure, and then iterating through them towards each other until a solution is found. In this tutorial, we will explore the concept of the Two Pointers Technique and how it can be implemented using ... Read More

JavaScript program for the third largest element in an array of distinct elements

Aishwarya Mani Tripathi
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 15:50:48


In this tutorial, we will explore different ways to solve the problem using JavaScript. We will discuss various strategies and approaches that can be used to find the third largest element, and we will provide step-by-step explanations for each method. By the end of this tutorial, readers should have a solid understanding of how to approach this problem and find the third largest element in an array of distinct elements using JavaScript. Before we start, let's first understand what an array is. An array is a group of elements, and each element in the array is assigned a unique index. ... Read More

JavaScript program for Swapping Nodes in A Linked List Without Swapping Data

Aishwarya Mani Tripathi
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 15:50:02


JavaScript program for Swapping Nodes in A Linked List Without Swapping Data is a familiar problem in web development that involves rearranging the order of nodes in a linked list. A linked list is a data structure that consists of nodes, each containing a piece of data and a reference to the next node in the list. In this article, we will learn a complete tutorial about swapping nodes in a linked list without swapping data using JavaScript. So let’s get started by defining swapping nodes first and then we move ahead in this tutorial. So, Keep learning! Swapping Nodes ... Read More

File Upload using Angular

Nikesh Jagsish Malik
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 17:03:54

3K+ Views

This guide aims to show how to implement file uploading using Angular. File uploads are a crucial component for many websites, allowing users to transfer files from their devices to the server. Whether it be for storing user-generated content, sharing files with others, or downloading files from the server, file uploads play a significant role. Steps for File Uploading with Angular Configuring the File Upload Before diving into the actual file upload implementation, we must first set up the necessary file upload configuration. This involves specifying the server-side script URL that will handle the upload, as well as any additional ... Read More

JavaScript Program for Sorting a Linked List of 0s, 1s, And 2s

Aishwarya Mani Tripathi
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 15:47:44


In this tutorial, we will learn the JavaScript program for sorting a linked list of 0s, 1s, and 2s. Sorting algorithms are essential for any programming language, and JavaScript is no exception. Sorting a linked list of 0s, 1s, and 2s is a common problem that developers encounter in coding interviews and real-world applications. So, let's dive in and explore how to sort a linked list of 0s, 1s, and 2s using JavaScript programming. What is sorting? Sorting is the process of arranging elements in a specific order, either ascending or descending. It is a fundamental operation in computer science ... Read More

JavaScript program for Sort the given matrix

Aishwarya Mani Tripathi
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 15:45:51


Sorting a given matrix using JavaScript is a fundamental operation in programming. Sorting is the process of arranging the elements of a collection or matrix in a particular order. It is essential to make searching and other operations more efficient. In this article, we will discuss how to sort a given matrix using the JavaScript programming language. Example Given a n x n matrix in a specific order known as the "strict order". In the strict order, each row of the matrix must be sorted in ascending order, and for any row i where 1 matrix[i + 1][j]) ... Read More
