Found 10711 Articles for Web Development

How Many Ways Can You Insert CSS in HTML?

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 12-Sep-2023 12:29:26


CSS is an abbreviation for Cascading Style Sheets. It specifies how HTML elements should appear on screen, paper, or in other media. It can control the layout of multiple web pages at once, saving time and effort. It can be used for a variety of stylistic purposes, such as changing the colour of a page's text and background, removing underline from links, and animating images, text, and other HTML elements. CSS can be added to HTML in three ways. To style a single HTML element on the page, we can use inline CSS in a style attribute. We can include ... Read More

How to Specify the Link in HTML and Explain the Target Attribute?

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 12-Sep-2023 12:16:58


Specifying Links in HTML HTML links are basically hyperlinks. We can go to another document by clicking on a link. When we move the mouse over a link, the mouse arrow becomes a small hand. Text is not required for a link. A link can be an image or another type of HTML element. A hyperlink is defined by the HTML tag also known as the anchor tag. The syntax is as follows: --link text-- The href attribute, which indicates the destination of the link, is the most important attribute of the element. The link text is ... Read More

Can I learn HTML in 2 Weeks?

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 12-Sep-2023 12:12:56


A basic understanding of HTML is required if you want to work in web design or web development, or if you simply want to know how to create great web pages. Fortunately, the fundamentals of HTML are relatively simple for the average learner to grasp. It should roughly take you about one to two weeks to grasp the fundamental concepts of HTML. Because of the internet and the wealth of online options available, self-study may be all you need to learn HTML. But, if you're like most people, you'll find it difficult to impose self-discipline when it comes to creating ... Read More

Differences between HTML specification and Browser's Implementation

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 12-Sep-2023 12:06:04


HTML is the primary markup language used on the World Wide Web. HTML was originally intended to be a language for semantically describing scientific documents. Its general design, on the other hand, has allowed it to be adapted over the years to describe a variety of other types of documents and even applications. HTML Specification The specification defines a significant portion of the web platform in great detail. Its capabilities are limited to providing a semantic-level markup language and associated semantic-level scripting APIs for authoring web-accessible pages ranging from static documents to dynamic applications. For a web document, an HTML ... Read More

What is the Difference Between the hidden and aria-hidden Attributes?

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 12-Sep-2023 11:51:55


Introduction to Hidden and aria-hidden Attributes The HTML hidden attribute is used for elements that are not displayed to the user until or unless certain conditions or criteria are met, i.e., elements whose content is irrelevant to a specific user. It is a boolean attribute which when used on an element, removes all relevance to that element. When specified on an HTML element, [the hidden attribute] denotes that the element is being used to declare content to be reused by other parts of the page rather than being directly accessed by the user, or that the element is not ... Read More

What is aria-label and How to Use It?

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 12-Sep-2023 11:43:45


Labels are essential for users who are blind, have low vision, have mobility issues, or have memory loss. Many users will be unable to access a form if labels are missing. Visual labels are text that appears near a form control and describes what information is contained in a specific form field or group of fields. Each label must be associated with the form control or group of controls programmatically. Labels are not always the element. Introduction to the aria-label The Aria label stands for Accessible Rich Internet Application, a W3C specification for improving accessibility beyond what semantic HTML ... Read More

How to Use the "Required" Attribute with the Radio Input Field?

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 12-Sep-2023 11:18:06

1K+ Views

The HTML input element with the type attribute "radio" represents an option from a group in which no more than one option can be selected at the same time. These groups are typically defined by a number of radio buttons, each of which has the same value in the name attribute. When a radio button is selected, it is typically rendered as a small circle that is filled or highlighted. In contrast to checkbox controls, radio buttons rely heavily on the value attribute. When the form is submitted in HTML, only the selected option is sent along with the form ... Read More

How to Use the "required" Attribute on the <select> Element in HTML5

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 12-Sep-2023 11:34:33


The HTML select element represents a control that displays a menu of options. It is used to make drop-down menus so users can choose the value they want. It is a useful feature for gathering data to be sent to a server. The tag is typically used within a form element, with the items to be chosen coded within another tag, . It can also be used as a stand-alone element that is associated with a form via one of its special attributes, . The tag in HTML is associated with numerous attributes. They are discussed below. ... Read More

How to Style Even and Odd List Items?

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 12-Sep-2023 11:14:02


Lists are a collection of items that are thought to be one of the best ways to represent information. The list element in HTML is the one that helps us structure the content on our page. It is one of the most commonly used elements, whether for navigation or for displaying general content. HTML allows us to represent lists in three ways: ordered lists, unordered lists, and description lists. Unordered List: This type of list is used to represent HTML items that are not in any particular order. The tag is employed to define unordered lists. Ordered List: ... Read More

How to Set the Table Column Width Regardless of the Text Amount in its Cells?

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 12-Sep-2023 11:10:58


The HTML table tag displays data in a tabular format (row * column). A row can have multiple columns. Using the element and the , , and elements, we can create a table to display data in tabular form. Each table's rows, headers, and data are specified by the , , and tags, respectively. The layout of the page is managed by HTML tables. ExampleThe default width setting of a table’s column is demonstrated by the below example. An example of a table in HTML ... Read More
