Found 10710 Articles for Web Development

How to Add a Star Rating Component in NextJS?

Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:15:19

3K+ Views

We can add a star rating feature in NextJS by using a library such as react-star-rating. This library allows us to easily display a star rating system and allows for customization of the number of stars and the ability to handle user interactions.Next.js is an open-source web development framework. The Next.js is React Based framework with server side rendering capability. Both speed and SEO are excellent. You can simply build and test sophisticated react-based applications using Next.js. Next.js is written in Typescripts. It offers a Link component that links other components together and has a prefetch property that allows for ... Read More

How to add line breaks to an HTML textarea?

Updated on 09-Feb-2023 16:21:46

12K+ Views

To add line breaks to an HTML textarea, we can use the HTML line break tag to insert a line break wherever we want. Alternatively, we can also use the CSS property "white-space: pre-wrap" to automatically add line breaks to the text. This is particularly useful when displaying pre-formatted text in a textarea. Therefore, let’s discuss the approach for adding the line breaks. Approach Create a textarea in HTML and assign an id to it. Create a button which when clicked will split the textarea’s text using newline. Now create the function which will break the text into newline. ... Read More

How to add a button to print an HTML page?

Updated on 09-Feb-2023 16:15:43

9K+ Views

To add a “PRINT” button on your HTML webpage which, when clicked, prints the whole webpage. This is a fairly simple functionality to add in a webpage and can be added using some HTML elements and plain JavaScript. Therefore, let us discuss the approach for doing so. Approach Firstly, add a tag inside the HTML dom. Assign its type attribute to “button” and give it some value. Then assign an “onclick” handler to the input which will be handled using JavaScript. The function that handles the click event of input tag will look like this − const ... Read More

How To Add Google Translate Button On Your Webpage?

Updated on 09-Feb-2023 16:12:30

11K+ Views

We can add a Google Translate button on our webpage by using the Google Translate API. We need to create a script that calls the API and adds the button to our webpage. Once added, users will be able to translate our webpage to their preferred language. Here's an example of how to add a Google Translate button to your webpage using the Google Translate API − Go to the Google Cloud Console ( − To create a new project, click Select Project and the following section will be visible − Once the ... Read More

How to clear cache memory using JavaScript?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 31-Oct-2023 02:57:17

29K+ Views

Cache memory, often known as cache, is a different memory system in a computer that stores frequently used data and instructions for a short period. While loading a website, the browser we are using will automatically cache some resources, such as images, scripts, and stylesheets, to be utilized again when the page is reloaded. This can shorten the time it takes for a website to load not only that but also it helps to lower the amount of data that has to be sent over the network. But this cache memory stored by the browser also has some disadvantages. If ... Read More

How to check whether the background image is loaded or not using JavaScript?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 20:26:32

1K+ Views

We mainly use JavaScript to create dynamic web applications. This kind of scripting language makes a web page look interactive. JavaScript significantly adds some logic to our website. As we mentioned, the user can check whether the background image is loaded. Web developers can understand that the page is loaded correctly and that the background image is displayed properly. To check whether the background image is loaded as directed by the web developers on the web page user can use the image object. We can access this object's properties and methods related to an image, and we can apply ... Read More

How to check the type of a variable or object in JavaScript?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 20:34:54

11K+ Views

JavaScript is a loosely typed programming language, meaning there is no such rule to declare the variable type. A variable can store multiple data types in a program, so it is essential to understand the variable type before using it. In JavaScript, we can use the typeof operator to check the type of a variable or object. The typeof operator takes a variable and returns its type in a string format. In addition, to the typeof operator, JavaScript also provides the instanceof operator to check the type of a variable or object. The instanceof operator accepts two arguments: the ... Read More

How to Check Mentioned File Exists or not using JavaScript/jQuery?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 20:37:26

6K+ Views

Using JavaScript or jQuery, we can check whether a file exists and retrieve metadata about the file, such as its size, content type, last modified date, etc., without retrieving the actual file. The HTTP HEAD request is used in this case. An HTTP HEAD request is a type of HTTP request that asks the server to return the HTTP headers for a specified resource without the actual resource itself. Several methods can be used to send an HTTP HEAD request, but the most popular way is to use the $.ajax() method and XMLHttpRequest object. Users can define the request ... Read More

How to use template string literal in ECMAScript 6?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 21:17:14


In the ES6 version of JavaScript, literals are introduced. JavaScript contains object literals, array literals, Numeric literals, RegExp literals, etc. Also, it contains the string literals. The string literal allows us to create multiline strings without any backslash characters, add any word or sentence to the quote, and add variables and mathematical expressions in between the strings. Syntax Users can follow the syntax below to use the template string literal in ECMAScript 6. let string = `This is template literal string!`; In the above syntax, we have used the backticks (` `) to create a template literal string. ... Read More

How to add fade-out effect using pure JavaScript?

Updated on 06-Feb-2023 12:38:59

7K+ Views

We can add a fade-out effect using pure JavaScript by manipulating the element's style property. We can start by setting the element's opacity to 1 and then gradually decreasing it over time using the setInterval or setTimeout function. Finally, we can remove the element from the DOM once the opacity reaches 0. Fade-out Effect A fade-out effect is a visual transition where an element gradually becomes less visible over a period of time. This effect is commonly used in web design and animation to create a smooth transition between elements on a page or to hide an element from view. ... Read More
