Found 10711 Articles for Web Development

How to the count text lines inside of DOM element

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 13:47:54


Overview The number of the text lines inside the Document Object Model (DOM) element whether it would be any element that is , or can be deliberate mainly in two approaches. In the first approach we will be dividing the “offsetHeight” that is height of the DOM element with the line height in output which will give the total number of lines. In the second approach we will be using the split() method of an array in which we will be passing the line break literal as argument. So the array will be created of the elements ... Read More

How to count number of Rows and Column using jQuery

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 12:28:14

3K+ Views

Overview To count for the number of rows and columns in a table can be calculated by using the “length” property in jQuery. To achieve this solution we will target the HTML element of the table to count the number of columns, to count the number of rows in a table we will target the table tag. We can also target the element in parent to child form also such as “table tr th” this will target the head of the table for calculating the columns. Syntax The syntax used to count the number of rows and ... Read More

How to set a rotated element’s base placement in CSS ?

Shabaz Alam
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 11:42:04

2K+ Views

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a powerful tool that provides a range of effects to create beautiful, dynamic web pages. One of the most important tools in the CSS is the ability to rotate elements. Rotating elements, create a unique designs and animations that capture users' attention and help communicate the message. Here, we will explore how to set a rotated element's base placement in CSS. Transform Property in CSS The Transform property allows to apply various transformations to elements, including rotation, scaling, and skewing. When a transform is applied to an element, the base location of the element ... Read More

How to set a 3D element's base placement in CSS ?

Shabaz Alam
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 11:40:16


CSS has developed from simple style sheets to a powerful language that can create complex and intricate layouts and designs. One of the most exciting features of CSS is to create 3D elements on web pages. With CSS 3D transforms, we can now create attractive 3D effects that were once only possible with JavaScript or Flash. In this article, we will take a look at how to set a 3D element's base placement in CSS. We will also explore the basics of CSS 3D transforms and how to use them to create a simple 3D element. What are CSS 3D ... Read More

How to select text input fields using CSS selector?

Shabaz Alam
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 11:37:21

5K+ Views

Selecting text input fields using CSS selectors is a powerful and crucial tool for styling and targeting the specific elements on the webpage. Text input fields are an essential part of any web form that requires users to provide input. As a web developer or designer, we may need to select text input fields using CSS selectors to apply styling to them. If we want to change the font color, background color, or add custom styles to the input fields, it is important to understand how to select them using CSS selectors. Structure of a text input field Before we ... Read More

How to Rotate Container Background Image using CSS?

Shabaz Alam
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 11:35:27

6K+ Views

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a powerful tool for web designers to control the visual presentation of a website. One of the most common visual effects used in web design is the ability to rotate a Container Background. Rotating a container background image is a simple and effective way to add a dynamic touch to the website design. By using CSS, we can achieve this effect easily and without the need for any additional software or tools. Syntax Following is the syntax to rotate container background image using CSS − transform: rotate(angle); ... Read More

How to Select Multiple Files using HTML Input Tag?

Shabaz Alam
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 11:33:34

1K+ Views

The HTML input tag is a powerful tool that allows developers to create dynamic web pages. One useful feature of the input tag is the ability to select multiple files at once. HTML input tag is a commonly used element for creating web forms and enabling users to interact with web applications. One of the most common use cases for input tags is a file selection where a user can choose one or more files to be uploaded. The input tag in HTML has various attributes that allow us to customize the behavior of the tag. The most commonly used ... Read More

How to select elements by data attribute using CSS?

Shabaz Alam
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 17:30:18

3K+ Views

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is an essential tool for web developers to enhance the visual looks of the web pages. With CSS, we can customize the layout, color scheme, and typography of the website. CSS provides multiple ways to target and style specific HTML elements based on their attributes. One of the most useful and powerful methods to select elements is by using data attributes. What are data attributes? Data attributes are HTML attributes that provide additional information about an element, that information is not visible to the user but can be accessed by scripts or CSS. These attributes begin ... Read More

How to Rotate Image in HTML?

Shabaz Alam
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 17:29:13

3K+ Views

Images are an important part of the web page, and they need to be rotated sometimes to make them look better or fit on a web page. Image rotation in HTML is a relatively simple process that can be completed using CSS. The process of changing the orientation of an image from a specific angle is called image rotation. The CSS transform property is a common and easy way to rotate an image. This property is used to move, rotate, scale, and perform several kinds of transformations of elements. Syntax Following is the syntax to rotate image in HTML − ... Read More

How to Right-align flex item?

Shabaz Alam
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 17:27:59

25K+ Views

CSS is a powerful module for web designers to control the visual layout of a website. One of the most common visual layouts used in web design is flex-box to create flexible and dynamic web layouts. It provides a simple and effective way to align items within a container in different ways, including right-aligning flex items. What is flex-box? Let's first understand what flex-box is. Flex-box is a CSS layout module that provides a flexible way to create layouts for different screen sizes and devices. It is built around two main concepts: first concept is flex containers, which are parent ... Read More
