Found 10711 Articles for Web Development

How does $('iframe').ready() method work in jQuery?

Kristi Castro
Updated on 20-Jun-2020 07:24:24

2K+ Views

Here’s an example wherein the iframe size is larger than the page. We will scroll to the top of the page whenever the iframe loads using jQuery −ExampleLive Demo               $(document).ready(function(){       $("button").click(function(){         $('iframe').ready(function(){           $(window).scrollTop(0);         });       });    });           Loop through each image

How to loop through all the iframes elements of a page using jQuery?

Kristi Castro
Updated on 20-Jun-2020 07:22:57


To loop through all the iframes element of a page, use the jQuery each() method. You can try to run the following code to learn how to loop through all iframes. We have created three iframes below −ExampleLive Demo $(document).ready(function(){   $("button").click(function(){     $("iframe").each(function(){       alert($(this).text())       });   }); });   Qries Q/A   Tutorialspoint Free Learning   Send Files   Loop through iFrames

How to insert new row into table at a certain index using jQuery?

Kristi Castro
Updated on 20-Jun-2020 08:09:28

1K+ Views

To insert a new row into table at a certain index, use the jQuery val() and insertBefore() method. You can try to run the following code to learn how to insert new row into table −ExampleLive Demo     jQuery Example       $(document).ready(function(){               $('#index').val($('#myTable tbody tr').length);     $('#btn1').click(function(){       var indx = $('#index').val()-1;       var newRow = $('New row is added at index '+$('#myTable tbody tr').length+'');       newRow.insertBefore($('#myTable tbody tr:nth('+indx+')'));    });   });                   This is row 1                   This is row 2                 Add

How do I center <div> tag using CSS?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 08-Jan-2024 16:16:50


For web layout, it's essential to center a in CSS. The task of centering a div should be encountered by every developer at some point in their career, if not every day. Everybody has a handy approach, but it can occasionally be annoying for beginners. The visual appeal and usability of your web design are improved by these CSS approaches, which guarantee dynamic and smooth centering. Let’s look them one by one before that let’s have a quick view on the div tag. HTML div tag In an HTML, the tag is used as a division or section. ... Read More

How to make a div center align in HTML?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 04-Oct-2023 14:59:38

11K+ Views

DIV is called as a division tag, the name itself indicates that it makes divisions for the content on the web pages, tag separates the data on web pages, the data like text, images, navigation bar etc., By using DIV tag we can also create particular sections. DIV tag consists of open and close tags , both open and close tags are compulsory if we want to divide the page. By using class or id attributes DIV tags can be easily styled by using CSS or can be manipulated with JavaScript. Any sort of data can be placed ... Read More

How to horizontally center a

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 22-Dec-2021 06:36:55


Here I have one html form and one css file(style.css).”o-div” is the outer div and “i-div“is the inner div class.Example           center a div                              I am OUTER DIV                       I am INNER DIV,             I am in Center                     OutputI am OUTER DIV I am INNER DIV, I am in CenterStyle.cssbody {    background-color:Gray;    padding:30px; } .o-div {    padding:50px;    background-color:Lime; } .i-div {    background-color:Fuchsia;    max-width:400px;    height:200px;    margin: 0 auto;    text-align:center; }

How can I set the content of an iframe without src using jQuery?

Kristi Castro
Updated on 20-Jun-2020 08:08:20

1K+ Views

To set the content of an iframe without src, use the jQuery html() method. You can try to run the following code to learn how to set the content of an iframe without src attribute −ExampleLive Demo      jQuery Selector                  $(document).ready(function() {     var context = $('iframe')[0].contentWindow.document;     var $body = $('body', context);     $body.html('Hello World!');   });        

How to get the children of the $(this) selector in jQuery?

Kristi Castro
Updated on 20-Jun-2020 08:07:11


To get the children of the $(this) selector, use the jQuery find() method. You can try to run the following code to get the children of the $(this) selector −ExampleLive Demo   jQuery Example       $(document).ready(function(){     $('#mydiv').click(function(){       alert($(this).find('img:last-child').attr('src'));    });   });   #my_div {    width: 200px;    height: 200px;    background-color: red;   }    

How to center a div on the screen using jQuery?

Kristi Castro
Updated on 20-Jun-2020 08:05:51


To center a div on the screen, use the jQuery centering function You can try to run the following code to learn how to center a div on the screen:ExampleLive Demo               $(document).ready(function(){ = function(parent) {         if (parent) {           parent = this.parent();         } else {           parent = window;         }       this.css({        "position": "absolute",        "top": ((($(parent).height() ... Read More

How to check if a div is visible using jQuery?

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 22-Jun-2020 07:58:38

11K+ Views

You can use .is(‘:visible’) selects all elements that are visible.Example divvisible               $(document).ready(function () {          $("button").click(function () {             var dim = $('#div1').is(":visible");             if (dim == false) {                $('#div1').css({ "display": "block", "color": "red" });             }          });       });     Div is visible    Click Here
