Found 10711 Articles for Web Development

How to load a JavaScript function using the variable name?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 15-Sep-2022 12:26:54

1K+ Views

In this tutorial, we will learn to load a JavaScript function using the name of a variable. Functions are the block of statements that takes an input and displays the result to the user after an execution. We can use these blocks of codes repeatedly by only declaring the function, and these functions can help a programmer in many ways as it also reduces efforts. JavaScript also supports the use of functions like other programming languages. Functions in JavaScript can be either built-in or user-defined. There are different ways to declare a function and call it. Generally, a simple Function ... Read More

How to use JavaScript to hide a DIV when the user clicks outside of it?

Rishi Raj
Updated on 18-Sep-2019 08:30:50

1K+ Views

To hide a div when the user clicks outside of it, try to run the following codeExampleLive Demo                    window.onload = function(){             var hideMe = document.getElementById('hideMe');             document.onclick = function(e){                if( !== 'hideMe'){          = 'none';                }             };          };             Click outside this div and hide it.    

What is the difference between decodeURIComponent and decodeURI?

Vikyath Ram
Updated on 16-Jun-2020 11:03:12


decodeURIComponentTo decode a URL component in JavaScript, use the decodeURLComponent() method.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to decode a URL component −           Check                      function display() {             var uri = " msg.jsp?name=åmit&sub=programming";             // first encode             var encode = encodeURIComponent(uri);             var decode = decodeURIComponent(encode);             var result = "Encode= " + ... Read More

What is the difference between single and double quotes in JavaScript?

Kumar Varma
Updated on 16-Jun-2020 11:02:43


In JavaScript, use any of the single or double quotes for a string. However, you should be consistent in whatever you select. Single and double quotes are the same in JavaScript −"Let us say: \"Life's good!\"" 'Let us say: "Life\'s good!"' “Let us say: \"Life\'s good!\"" 'Let us say: \"Life\'s good!\"'Let’s see an example, which is supported by ES6 −`Will you be "my" friend. I really liked it when I was a kid,.`;

How to write a JavaScript function to get the difference between two numbers?

Arjun Thakur
Updated on 08-Jan-2020 06:46:47

7K+ Views

Use Math.abs() inside a JavaScript function to get the difference between two numbers in JavaScript.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to get the difference of numbersLive Demo                    var num1, num2;          num1 = 50;          num2 = 35;          var difference = function (num1, num2){             return Math.abs(num1 - num2);          }          document.write("Difference = "+difference(num1,num2));              

What does the operator || do in a var statement in JavaScript?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 31-Oct-2022 11:40:20


In this tutorial, we will discuss what the operator || does in a var statement in JavaScript. The logical OR operator or logical disjunction on the operands returns true if any of the operand values are true, false, ’’, null, undefined, 0, and NaN are the false values. All other values are true. The logical OR operands must be either boolean, integer, or a pointer kind. The logical OR returns the latest operand if there is no true value. The logical OR executes from left to right. Users can follow the syntax below for using the logical OR operator. Syntax ... Read More

What is the purpose of a self-executing function in JavaScript?

Fendadis John
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 12:08:10


The purpose of a self-executing is that those variables declared in the self-executing function are only available inside the self-executing function.Variables declared in the self-executing function are, by default, only available to code within the self-executing function.It is an immediately invoked function expression (IIFE). It is a function, which executes on creation.SyntaxHere is the syntax −(function() {    // code })();As you can see above, the following pair of parentheses converts the code inside the parentheses into an expression:function(){...}In addition, the next pair, i.e. the second pair of parentheses continues the operation. It calls the function, which resulted from the ... Read More

How to extract the hostname portion of a URL in JavaScript?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 23-Aug-2022 09:20:54

10K+ Views

In this tutorial, we will see how to extract the hostname portion of a URL in JavaScript. What is a URL? An alternative term for a web address is a URL. For example, is a word-based URL. An IP address can also be used as a URL (ex. Since names are simpler to recall than numbers, most users submit the name’s address when searching on the internet A URL is a method by which web browsers ask web servers for specific pages. The syntax/format of a URL is given below. Syntax scheme://prefix.domain:port/path/filename Parameters scheme − specifies ... Read More

Is it required to have a return a value from a JavaScript function?

George John
Updated on 08-Jan-2020 06:30:25

2K+ Views

A JavaScript function can have an optional return statement i.e. it’s optional to return a value. This statement should be the last statement in a function.For example, you can pass two numbers in a function and then you can expect the function to return their multiplication to your calling program.ExampleTry the following example. It defines a function that takes two parameters and concatenates them before returning the resultant in the calling program.Live Demo                    function concatenate(first, last){          var full;          full = first ... Read More

What is a standard for commenting a function in JavaScript?

Saurabh Jaiswal
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 16:15:47

6K+ Views

JavaScript is used everywhere, from creating the back end using environments like Node.js to creating the front end using React.js, Vue.js, etc. In JavaScript, the uses of a function are very high, it is used for performing a group operation, it is used as a callback, as a constructor, and in many more places. With the high use of functions in JavaScript, the code becomes full of functions everywhere and looks messy and hard to debug. At a point, it is difficult to find which functions trigger which event and which callbacks are used for what, so it is ... Read More
