Found 10711 Articles for Web Development

Which property is used to set the background image of an element using CSS?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 09:00:08


In CSS, the ‘background-image’ property is used to set the background image of an element using CSS. The background-image property takes 4 different properties, as explained below. Url () − It takes an image path or remote url to fetch the image from a particular location and set it as a background. None − Users can use none as a value of the background-image property to remove the background. Initial − It sets the initial background, which will be none in most cases. Inherit − It sets the same background image as the parent elements. Syntax Users ... Read More

Which property is used to make a font oblique?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:09:28


In CSS, we can use the ‘font-style’ property to set the style of the font. We can use the different styles as a value of the font-style property, and ‘oblique’ is one of them. Basically, the ‘oblique’ font is a sloppy version of the text, and we set the angle to decrease or increase the slope of the text. Here, we will make a font oblique in the various examples. Syntax Users can follow the syntax below to make a font oblique using the font-style property of CSS. font-style: oblique; Example 1 In the example below, we have created ... Read More

Which one should we use ‘border: none’ or ‘border: 0 ‘?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:06:54


In CSS, the ‘border’ property is used to add a border to the HTML elements. We can add a border of widths, styles, and colours to the HTML element. Two border values come to mind when we need to remove the border from any element. The first value is ‘none’, and the second is ‘0’. Sometimes, it creates confusion about which value we should use, and in this tutorial, we will clear that doubt. Syntax Users can follow the syntax below to use the ‘none’ or ‘0’ as a value of the ‘border’ property. border: none; border: 0; Border: ... Read More

What is maximum & minimum value for z-index property in CSS?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 16:20:13

2K+ Views

In CSS, the z-index property is used to put one element on another. For example, we can create a stack of multiple HTML elements using CSS. If you have ever used the z-index property, you must have seen its value like 9, 99, 999, 0, -9, -99999, etc. Have you ever asked yourself what could be the maximum value of the z-index, and have you researched about that on the internet? If not, go through this guide. The maximum value of the z-index property is equal to 2147483647, and the minimum value is -2147483647. The number 2147483647 equals 232, the ... Read More

How to create nofollow link using HTML5

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 15:48:39


Overview In simple language, a “nofollow” link is a link which tells the google search engine to not to follow the particular link. As when it comes to the search engine optimization of the page, time the links play a vital role in the ranking of the page. In the HTML5 we can make any link a nofollow link by assigning the nofollow attribute to the anchor tag. Syntax The basic syntax used to create any link a nofollow link is −

Set the opacity only to background color not on the text in CSS

Shubham Vora
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 16:17:06

7K+ Views

In CSS, we can set the background for the particular HTML element using the ‘background’ property of CSS. Sometimes, we may require to decrease the background colour's opacity without affecting the HTML element's content. We can decrease the background color's opacity by decreasing the alpha variable's value while assigning the color value to the ‘background color’ property. Syntax Users can follow the syntax below to set the opacity only to background color not on the text in CSS. background: rgba(255, 0, 0, opacity); or background-color: hsla(0, 100%, 30%, opacity); Users can set the background color using ... Read More

Set the limit of text length to N lines using CSS

Shubham Vora
Updated on 22-Jul-2024 13:06:47

9K+ Views

To set the limit of text length to n lines, it can help in more organized presentation of text and better readability. This process is also known as truncating. In this article we will be understanding diifferent approaches to truncate the text. In this article, we are having a div element with some text content in it. Our task is to limit the text length to N lines using CSS. Approaches to Set the Limit of Text Length to N Lines Here is a list of approaches of how to Set Color of Progress Bar using HTML and CSS with ... Read More

How to create a navbar in Bootstrap

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 15:47:22


Overview A navbar is a common component in any web application. A navbar can also act like a header which contains a logo of an organization or the brand which represents the website. It also contains the navigation part of the website through which we can navigate through a part of the website directly. To make a navigation bar using bootstrap can be achieved by integrating some of the predefined navbar classes to a nav element which will slightly help us to build a navbar. There are some predefined bootstrap classes that must and will provide a shape to ... Read More

Make a div horizontally scrollable using CSS

Shubham Vora
Updated on 26-Jun-2024 17:18:47

4K+ Views

To make a div horizontally scrollable we will need to use the CSS overflow property. In this article we will show all the possible ways to make div horizontally scrollable. First, let’s understand why we need to make a div horizontally scrollable. For example, the width of the parent div element is 500px, or the screen size is 500px. Now, the content of the div element is 1500px. So, if we don’t make the parent div horizontally scrollable, it breaks the UI of the application. So, we can make it scrollable, and users can scroll to see the invisible ... Read More

How to create a multiline input control text area in HTML5

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 15:45:30


Overview The text area is an HTML tag which is used to write a multiline text in it. So to control the multiline text inside the text area can be achieved with the help of some predefined HTML attribute. These HTML attributes are maxlength, minlength, rows, column and readonly. By using these attributes we can control the text inside the text area. Syntax The syntax to create a text area in the HTML is − Algorithm Step 1 − Create a HTML boilerplate in your text editor. Step 2 − Add the text area tag to the body ... Read More
