Found 20 Articles for Vue JS

How to Expand button with Animation on Hover using Vue.js ?

Updated on 10-Aug-2023 11:40:54


Animated websites give users an enjoyable experience. An animated element, such as a link or button, may change colour, expand or shrink, rotate, or any combination of those actions when a website visitor hovers over it. This serves as visual confirmation that their interactions are effective in addition to being eye candy. Vue.js is a popular javascript framework for building interactive and visually appealing UI elements that can greatly enhance the user experience of your website or application. It provides a declarative and component−based programming approach that enables you to effectively create user interfaces, whether they are straightforward or intricate. ... Read More

How to conditionally disable the input taking in VueJS?

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 16:42:54

4K+ Views

For removing the disabled property, we can use the disabled tag available in VueJS. The disabled tag basically checks for the boolean value and decides if the input tag needs to be displayed or not. We set the value in app.js and dynamically change its value based on the toggle feature. To apply the :disabled, we will first create a div element with id ‘app’. Once the div element is created, we can apply the disabled property to the element by initializing the data content. Syntax Following is the syntax to disable the input taking in Vue.js − @click ... Read More

How to check if a string is palindrome or not without filters in VueJs?

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 16:42:02


Filters basically provides the functionality to check inputs and then apply different type of formatting or transformations to the same. The filter property of a component is an object that accepts a value and return some other confirgured value as a response. In this article, we will not use filters and therefore directly apply the logic to check if a string is a palindrome or not. For a string to be palindrome the string should be equal to its reverse string. Therefore, we have to first reverse the string and then check the equality of that string with the original ... Read More

How to categorize a year as a Leap or Non-Leap using Vue?

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 16:40:34


Vue can be defined as a progressive framework for building the user interfaces. It has multiple directives that can be used as per the user needs. The basic core library is mainly focused on building the view layer only and is also easy to pick up other libraries or integrate with them. In this article, we will use the Vue filters to check whether a string is a Leap year or not. A leap year has 366 days, whereas a non-Leap year has only 365 days. We can use logic to check whether a year is a Leap or not. ... Read More

How to capitalize a String using VueJs filters?

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 16:37:38

2K+ Views

Vue can be defined as a progressive framework for building the user interfaces. It has multiple directives that can be used as per the user needs. The basic core library is mainly focused on building the view layer only and it is also easy to pick up other libraries or integrate with them. In the below article, we will see how to capitalize a particular string. Capitalizing is basically a process where only the first character of a string is in capital letters and remaining all the characters are in lower case. We can capitalize a string by getting the ... Read More

How to call a VueJS component method from outside the component ?

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 16:36:08

6K+ Views

Generally, we cannot call a Vue component method from outside the component. But we have a way to call the component from outside. We can use the Vue’s ref Directive. This metthod allows a component to be referenced from the parent for direct access. To apply the ref Directive, we will first create a div element with id ‘app’. Once the div element is created, we can apply the ref to the element by initializing the its data. Syntax Following is the syntax to call a component method from outside the component in Vue.js − Here, the ... Read More

How to call a function with Mouse hover in VueJS?

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 16:35:05

2K+ Views

While hovering over a div or an element sometimes we require to display some information. This information or data is displayed while hovering over it with the mouse. Therefore, to display this data, we basically use the JS function @mouseover to display data. In the above specific case, we will make the mouseover function which will return data on hover. Please look at the below example for more clarification. Syntax Following is the syntax to call a function with mouse hover in Vue.js − mouseOver: function(){ = !; } Here mouseOver ... Read More

How to bind the background image in Vue.js?

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 16:33:52

6K+ Views

The value for v-bind:style is just a plain JavaScript object that works upon some rules for binding the content. The value of the background image should be a string. So we can apply or data-bind the background image in Vue.js using the style tag and then defining the backgroundImage URL in it. It will automatically retrieve the url from the string and then display the same data content on the browser webpage. To access the background image, make a div element and define the background image in it with url. The url will be retrieved from the JS file. Example ... Read More

How to bind attributes in VueJS?

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 16:32:38

1K+ Views

The v-bind directive in VueJS can be used for binding one or more attributes, or a component prop to an element. If the attribute is bonded towards our data that is defined in the Vue instance, then we can observe these data changes dynamically since the attributes are binded. To apply the v-bind directive, we will first create a div element with id ‘app’. Once the div element is created, we can apply the v-on: click.middle directive to the element. Syntax We can use the following syntax to bind attributes in Vue.js − v-bind:attribute = "expression" Here "expression" ... Read More

How to apply Switch in Vue using Filters?

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 16:31:06


Vue can be defined as a progressive framework for building the user interfaces. It has multiple directives that can be used as per the user needs. The basic core library is mainly focused on building the view layer only and is also easy to pick up other libraries or integrate with them. The vue components provides the filter functionality to filter out the requests and response that lets the user to apply different formatting and transformations to the template dynamic data. Filters are used in two places : mustache interpolation and v-bind expressions. Functions are appended in the end of ... Read More
