Found 128 Articles for Ubuntu

How to Change User Password in Ubuntu?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 20:47:16

1K+ Views

Introduction If you are a Linux user, there is no doubt that you have heard of Ubuntu OS. Ubuntu is an open-source operating system based on the Debian architecture and is one of the most popular distributions of Linux. It's user-friendly interface, and versatile nature makes it a great operating system for both personal and professional use. As with any operating system, password security in Ubuntu is of utmost importance. With cyberattacks increasing day by day, secure passwords are essential to keep your information safe from unauthorized access. This guide aims to simplify the process of changing your user password ... Read More

How to Change Sudo or Root Password in Ubuntu?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 20:45:55

10K+ Views

Introduction Ubuntu is a popular Linux operating system that gives users access to powerful tools for managing files, processes, and other system settings. One of the key features of Ubuntu is the ability to use "sudo" or "root" access to perform administrative tasks. This allows you to make changes to the system that would otherwise require special permissions. Sudo access is a type of temporary privilege escalation that allows a user to perform an action with administrative privileges. It requires the user's password before making any changes and is often used for one-time tasks like installing software. On the other ... Read More

How to Change Hostname on Ubuntu 20.04?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 20:25:10


Introduction Have you ever heard the term "hostname" and wondered what it means? In simple terms, a hostname is the unique name that identifies a device on a network. It allows other devices to locate and connect to it, making it an essential component of any network setup. Whether you're running a small home network or managing multiple servers in an enterprise environment, understanding how to change the hostname can come in handy. In this article, we'll explore how to change the hostname on Ubuntu 20.04 – one of the most popular Linux distributions used today. We'll cover two methods: ... Read More

How to Monitor Ubuntu Performance Using Netdata?

Mrudgandha Kulkarni
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 14:23:01


Monitoring the performance of your Ubuntu system is crucial for maintaining its stability, identifying bottlenecks, and ensuring optimal resource utilization. One powerful tool that can help you achieve this is Netdata. With its intuitive interface and comprehensive monitoring capabilities, Netdata allows you to track essential system metrics in real-time. In this article, we will explore how to monitor Ubuntu performance using Netdata. Whether you're a system administrator, developer, or someone interested in understanding your system's health, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to effectively monitor your Ubuntu server. Installing Netdata on Ubuntu Netdata is easy to install on ... Read More

How to Mount Windows Partitions in Ubuntu?

Mrudgandha Kulkarni
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 14:09:59

3K+ Views

Ubuntu, one of the most popular Linux distributions, offers a versatile and powerful environment for users to explore and accomplish various tasks. If you're someone who frequently works with both Windows and Ubuntu, you might find it necessary to access and manipulate Windows partitions within your Ubuntu system. Fortunately, Ubuntu provides seamless support for mounting Windows partitions, allowing you to effortlessly read and write data stored on those partitions. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of mounting Windows partitions in Ubuntu, step by step. We will explore the required preparations, the actual mounting process, and ... Read More

Setting Up High-Performance ëHHVM' and Nginx/Apache with MariaDB on Debian/Ubuntu

Ayush Singh
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 14:37:14


Setting up high overall performance HHVM (HipHop Virtual Machine) with Nginx, Apache, and MariaDB on Debian or Ubuntu entails configuring an effective internet server stack to optimise the overall performance of internet programmes. HHVM is a just-in-time compiler designed for PHP, resulting in advanced execution speed. Nginx/Apache acts because the internet server software programme manages incoming requests efficiently. MariaDB serves as the database server to keep and manipulate statistics effectively. The system consists of putting in and configuring HHVM, Nginx/Apache, and MariaDB on the Debian/Ubuntu system. HHVM is incorporated with the internet server software programme, allowing the execution of PHP ... Read More

Setting Up a Secure FTP Server using SSL/TLS on Ubuntu

Ayush Singh
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 14:24:02

1K+ Views

Vsftpd and OpenSSL must be installed on Ubuntu before configuring an SSL/TLS-enabled FTP server. The following thing to do is to set up vsftpd to use the OpenSSL-generated SSL certificate. Update the vsftpd.conf file to enable SSL/TLS features and enter the locations of the SSL certificate and key files. Modify the firewall's configuration to allow FTP traffic on the necessary port, which is typically port 21, which is often 21. To apply the modifications, restart the vsftpd service. Once the server is set up, users can use an FTP client that supports SSL/TLS to connect safely to the FTP server. ... Read More

Setting up an ëApt-Cache' Server Using ëApt-Cacher-NG' in Ubuntu 14.04 Server

Ayush Singh
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 14:16:17


Use Apt-Cacher-NG to configure an Apt-Cache server in Ubuntu 14.04 Server by following these instructions. First, install the Apt-Cacher-NG package via the terminal. The configuration file should then be modified to include the cache directory and approved networks. Restart the service to make the changes effective. The Apt-Cache server's IP address should then be included to the set up clients to use it, list file. So that the cache can be applied, update the package listings on the clients. The Apt-Cacher-NG server can store and offer package updates with this configuration, which reduces bandwidth usage and speeds up the ... Read More

Setting up a Firewall on an s0.d1.small BMC Instance

Ayush Singh
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 13:26:28


Use these guidelines to set up a firewall on a s0.d1.small BMC instance. Start by using the given IP address to visit the instance's BMC interface. To find the choices for configuring the firewall once inside, go to the security settings area. Set the desired rule sets for both incoming and outgoing network traffic after activating the firewall capability. To impose any necessary access restrictions, specify the permitted protocols, ports, and IP addresses. Apply the firewall settings after configuring the rules and saving the modifications. The BMC instance's security will be considerably improved by this process of filtering and regulating ... Read More

Setting Up OpenERP (Odoo) 9 with Nginx on RHEL/CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu

Ayush Singh
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 13:18:30


On RHEL/CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu, install Nginx, PostgreSQL, and Python requirements before configuring OpenERP (Odoo) 9 with Nginx. For OpenERP, create a PostgreSQL database and user. Extract the OpenERP source code by downloading it. Edit the configuration file to configure OpenERP. As a reverse proxy, configure Nginx to reroute requests. Setup Nginx to directly serve static files. Launch OpenERP and switch on automatic startup. To permit inbound connections, modify the firewall's rules. Access OpenERP through Nginx to check the configuration. Through this procedure, OpenERP 9 will be successfully installed alongside Nginx on RHEL/CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu. Methods Used Manual Configuration Docker ... Read More

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