Found 136 Articles for TestNG

How to get the test group name in TestNG before and after execution?

Ashish Anand
Updated on 12-Jan-2022 12:37:30

1K+ Views

TestNG supports native dependency injection. It allows to declare additional parameters in methods. At runtime, TestNG automatically fills these parameters with the correct values. Here's a set of native dependencies in TestNGITestContextXmlTestMethodITestResultThese dependencies help to retrieve the description of a Test method, if written. Group name of a Test method can be retrieved before or after the execution of a test.If the user wants to get the group name of a test method prior to its execution, then @BeforeMethod can be useful to retrieve it.On the other hand, if the user wants to know the group of test method is ... Read More

Difference between BeforeClass and BeforeTest methods in TestNG

Ashish Anand
Updated on 12-Jan-2022 12:31:14

4K+ Views

A TestNG class can have various TestNG methods such as @BeforeTest, @AfterTest, @BeforeSuite, @BeforeClass, @BeforeMethod, @test, etc. As per execution order, @BeforeTest executes first and after that, @BeforeClass does. However, if there are multiple TestNG classes and multiple Tests inside each class, then the behaviour of these methods is noticeable.@BeforeTestThis method will execute only once in the entire execution before calling the first @Test method. It doesn’t matter how many @Test tags are present or how many classes are there having @Test tags, or multiple classes have multiple test tags. Based on the testing.xml file, once the execution starts, @BeforeTest ... Read More

How to get the current invocation count in TestNG?

Ashish Anand
Updated on 12-Jan-2022 12:20:09

4K+ Views

TestNG supports multi-invocation of a test method, i.e., a @Test method can be invoked multiple times sequentially or in parallel. If we want to run single @Test 10 times at a single thread, then invocationCount can be used.To invoke a method multiple times, the keyword invocationCount = is required. For example −@Test(invocationCount = 10)In this example, the @Test method will execute for 10 times each on a single thread.In this article, we will illustrate how to get the current invocation count.Approach/Algorithm to solve this problemStep 1 − Create a TestNG class, NewTestngClass.Step 2 − Write two @Test methods in ... Read More

How to add custom messages to TestNG failure?

Ashish Anand
Updated on 12-Jan-2022 12:16:38

1K+ Views

TestNG supports a lot of assertions. It has the org.testng.Assert class, which extends the Java object class java.lang.object. Whenever there is a failure, the user wants to get a customized failure message so that the root-cause analysis could be easy. TestNG supports assertion with customized failure message. However, message is completely optional.The syntax is −Assert.(expected, actual, message)If the user doesn't provide a message, TestNG prints a default error message; but if the user sets a message, then TestNG throws the error along with the customized message set by the user.In this article, we will see how to set a custom ... Read More

How to retrieve test method name in TestNG before and after execution?

Ashish Anand
Updated on 12-Jan-2022 11:28:10

3K+ Views

TestNG supports native dependency injection. It allows to declare additional parameters in methods. At runtime, TestNG automatically fills these parameters with the correct values. Here is a set of native dependencies in TestNG:ITestContextXmlTestMethodITestResultThese dependencies help to retrieve the Test method name. A Test method name can be retrieved before or after the execution of the test.If the user wants to get the name of a Test method prior to its execution, @BeforeMethod can be useful to retrieve it.If the user wants to know which Test method is just executed, @AfterMethod can be used.The actual code can be written in either ... Read More

How to retrieve test method description in TestNG before and after execution?

Ashish Anand
Updated on 12-Jan-2022 11:22:23

2K+ Views

TestNG supports native dependency injection. It allows to declare additional parameters in methods. At runtime, TestNG automatically fills these parameters with the correct values. Following is a set of native dependencies in TestNG −ITestContextXmlTestMethodITestResultThese dependencies help to retrieve the description of Test method, if written. A Test method name can be retrieved before or after the execution of the test.If the user wants to get the description of a test method prior to its execution, then @BeforeMethod can be useful to retrieve it.If the user wants to know the description of a Test method after it is executed, then @AfterMethod ... Read More

How to run multiple test classes in TestNG?

Ashish Anand
Updated on 12-Jan-2022 06:54:25

11K+ Views

testng.xml has a format as where we define what all test classes should be executed. Users can mention n number of classes in testing.xml that require executing. In this article, we are going to discuss how to execute more than one class using a single testing.xml.Here, we will have two classes with multiple test methods, and we will see how testng.xml is configured to run both the classes - NewTestngClass and OrderofTestExecutionInTestNG.Approach/Algorithm to solve this problemSetp 1 − Create two TestNG classes - NewTestngClass and OrderofTestExecutionInTestNG.Setp 2 − Write two different @Test method in both the classes - NewTestngClass ... Read More

What is the order of execution of tests in TestNG?

Ashish Anand
Updated on 12-Jan-2022 06:47:53

10K+ Views

A TestNG class can have different tests like test1, test2, test3, etc. Once a user runs a TestNG class consisting of various tests, it runs the test cases in an alphabetic order based on the name provided. However, the user can assign the priority to these tests so that these tests can run as per user's priority. Priority starts from 0 (highest priority) and gradually decreases as we move to 1, 2, 3, etc.Default OrderTestNG executes different tests alphabetically. By default, test1 will run first and after that test2 and finally test3. By default, TestNG assigns priority as 0 to ... Read More

What is a TestNG xml file in TestNG?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 19-Nov-2021 12:30:16

1K+ Views

The testng.xml file has the numerous uses as listed below −Test cases are executed in groups.Test methods can be included or excluded in the execution.The execution of multiple test cases from multiple java class files can be triggered.Comprises names of the folder, class, method.Capable of triggering parallel execution.Test methods belonging to groups can be included or excluded in the execution.ExampleCode implementation of TestNG.xml file                                             ... Read More

What are the annotations in TestNG?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 19-Nov-2021 12:25:54

2K+ Views

The various annotations available in TestNG are listed below −@Test – This is used before every test method in the java class file.@BeforeSuite – This is used to run a particular test method before all the test methods.@AfterSuite – This is used to run a particular test method after all the test methods.@BeforeClass – This is used to run a particular test method only once before the first test method.@AfterClass – This is used to run a particular test method only once after all the test methods in the present java class file are done with execution.@BeforeTest – This is ... Read More
