Found 517 Articles for Swift

New Array from Index Range Swift

Nitin Aggarwal
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 10:53:41


In Swift, you can create an array using the ArraySlice type. The following examples will show how to use the ArraySlice type. You can create an extension as well to define the subscript method. Example 1 In the following example, we create an array of numbers with values from 0 to 9 and then create a range of indices from startIndex to endIndex (exclusive). Using this range we can generate an ArraySlice of the original array. In the end, we will convert the ArraySlice to an array using the Array initializer and print the result. import Foundation let numbers = ... Read More

Multiple Type Constraints in Swift

Nitin Aggarwal
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 10:50:39


In Swift, there are several ways to implement type constraints on types. We will use some common approaches like the where clause, protocol, etc. Generics provide lots of flexibility to write better and more secure code in Swift. We can apply generics to collections, custom types, etc. One of them is generic type constraints. Using type constraints, you can make your generic code behave that matches a certain set of constraints whatever you define. Swift provides multiple ways to specify type constraints on generic type parameters. Type constraints using the "where" clause The "where" clause in Swift is a highly ... Read More

Swift Program to find the second largest element from the array

Ankita Saini
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 08:37:22

2K+ Views

In Swift, we can find the second largest element from the given array using the sort() function or using user defined function. For example, we have the following array − Array = [34, 23, 1, 45, 3] Hence the largest element is 45 and the second largest element is 34. So lets discuss both the methods in detail along with examples. Method 1 In this method, we find the second largest element from the specified array by creating user defined function. Example In the following example, we will create a function named as ‘secondlargestElement’, it takes an array as ... Read More

Swift Program to Convert Set into Array

Ankita Saini
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 08:38:24


In Swift, a set is used to define an unordered collection of unique elements whereas an array is used to define an ordered collection with may or may not be unique elements. To convert a set into an array Swift provides an inbuilt initializer named as Array(). Syntax Array(MySet) Where Array() initializer takes only one parameter that is the name of the set and, returns an array of the same type. Example In the following example, we will create and initialize a set of strings. Then convert the set into the array using Array() initializer and then display the ... Read More

Swift Program to Convert an Set of String to Comma Separated String

Ankita Saini
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 08:35:04

1K+ Views

Swift provide a inbuilt method named as joined() to convert a set of string to comma separated string. This function return the concatenated elements of the given sequence by inserting the given separator in between each element of the sequence. Syntax func joined(separator: sep) Where the separator parameter contains a string or sequence, which is further used to insert between each element of the given sequence. This function returns a concatenated or joined sequence of elements. Example In the following code, we will create and initialize a set of strings. Then we join the elements of the set ... Read More

Swift Program to Check if two sets are equal

Ankita Saini
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 08:36:32


Swift provide an equality operator(==) to check if the given two sets are equal or not. Here the equality of two the sets means that both the sets should be identical in terms of their size and elements. So if both the sets are identical or the same, then the equality operator returns true. Otherwise, the equality operator will return false. Syntax set1 == set2 Where set1 and set2 are two sets and using the == operator we check if they are equal or not. This operator will return true if both sets are equal. Else it will return ... Read More

Swift Program to Check if a Set is empty

Ankita Saini
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 08:36:24


In Swift, a set is used to create a collection of unique elements. In a set, the elements are not arranged in a particular order. Now to check if a set is empty or not Swift provide an inbuilt property named as isEmpty. This property will return true if the given set is empty. Otherwise it will return false. Syntax newSet.isEmpty Where newSet is the name of the set and we can access the isEmpty property using the dot operator. This property's return type is bool, meaning if it returns true, it means the set is empty. If it ... Read More

Swift Program to Add Two Complex Numbers by Passing Class to a Function

Ankita Saini
Updated on 05-Apr-2023 09:51:25


In swift, a complex number is the combination of real and imaginary number. So we create a class to store the real and imaginary part of the complex number and then we pass this class in the function to find the sum of two complex numbers. Algorithm Step 1 − Create a class to store the real and imaginary part of the complex number. Step 2 − Create a function named as ‘add’ which takes two class objects as a parameters and return the sum of the two complex numbers by adding the real and imaginary part ... Read More

Swift Program to Add Elements to a Set

Ankita Saini
Updated on 05-Apr-2023 09:44:48


In Swift, set is used to create an unordered collection of unique elements. Swift provide inbuilt functions named as formUnion() and insert() function to insert elements to a set. Lets discuss both the methods in detail along with examples. Method 1: Using formUnion(_:) function The formUnion(_:) function is used to insert elements of the given collection into the set. Syntax func formUnion(newSequence) Where newSequence represents a collection of elements, it can be either an array or set. Also the newSequence collection must a finite collection. This function does not return any value it only add new element into the ... Read More

How to test the equality of Swift enums with associated values?

Nitin Aggarwal
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 10:41:59

2K+ Views

In Swift, you can use the Equatable protocol to compare enums with associated values. In this article, we will see how we can compare them using the Equatable protocol with an example. Enumeration with Associated Values In Swift, you can provide a value along with an enum case. This makes enumeration more powerful in Swift. A Swift feature called an enumeration with associated values enables you to design a type that can have a finite set of cases, each of which can have a unique set of associated values of any type. This enables you to link data to each ... Read More
