Found 22 Articles for Software Engineering

Key Points on Automation

Sharon Christine
Updated on 24-Jan-2020 09:59:23


Automation is one of the hot domain in the Information and Technology, which has become predominant topic of discussion among the IT professionals. In general, automation can be defined as the process of involving software robots or hardware robots to solve the human problems (requirements). Due to this automation, it is said that ¼th of the job will be lost in the market. But people still prefer automation for (top) 7 reasons, which is discussed in this article.Cost SavingsCost is one of the major factor in the software development cycle, which predominantly comes into picture right from the planning phase. ... Read More

Why Should You Care About Machine Learning?

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 12:31:33


When I say machine learning, it reminds me a subject for the B.Tech Mechanical stream. No this is not a session of machine learning or it’s not related to your regular subject knowledge. The topic remains the same but it’s still different. So before we go to the point why should we be bothered about what is machine learning. We should now see what is machine learning actually.What is Machine Learning?Machine learning is a subcategory or to a say, a type of artificial intelligence (AI) which gives computers, a privilege to learn without being explicitly programmed. It mainly focuses on ... Read More

Top New Skills Needed in the World of Digitization

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 11:28:32


In the quick changing digital world, where we are carrying digital money, shopping online, calling through VOIP and constantly being online all the time, it is difficult to work without digitization. To become an outstanding IT professional in this digital world, we may require more skills than before. Here we have identified few skills which are in high demand in the market.AI/Machine Learning ResearcherThe machine language was always there but never in demand. Research improvements to machine learning algorithms will be one of the hot skills of the future. The knowledge of machine language and Artificial Intelligence has become a ... Read More

Snapshot of Agile Software Development

Sharon Christine
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 13:10:23


Software Development Methodology involves a comprehensive set of activities where there exists an ordering relationship between activities. In the absence of any predefined ordering relationship, the ability to produce the desired product may go for a toss. Be it any software development methodology – the goal of all software development methodologies is to produce good quality software and deliver it to the customers within the mutually agreed deadlines.Let us first understand the purpose of specifying the Agile Software Development Methodology whose manifesto essentially comprises the following −Individuals and Interactions − Individuals can be anybody who is involved either directly or ... Read More

Myths Around Agile - Scrum Framework

Sharon Christine
Updated on 14-Jul-2020 07:44:05


In our childhood, we used to listen to many stories from our Parents, Grandparents and also Teachers in the school. There are stories about Kings and Queens, Prince and Princes, Dogs and Monkeys etc., a wide range of stories from fictions, drama, and actions to stories with morals. One of such famous stories called as “The Sour Grapes”, where the fox jumped again and again to eat the grapes from the tree, but when he couldn’t reach to that height after many attempts, he declared that the grapes are sour.You can see the same state of affairs also occurs in ... Read More

Difference between System software and Application software

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 02-Sep-2023 12:16:02

59K+ Views

Computer software is a set of instructions or programs instructing the computer to do specific tasks. Software is basically a generic term used to describe computer programs. In general, scripts, applications, programs and a set of instructions are all terms often used to describe a software. On the basis of language in which software is developed and platform which is required for its execution, we can group different types of software into two categories: System Software and Application Software. Read through this article to find out more about System Software and Application Software and how they are different from ... Read More

Difference between Frontend Testing and Backend Testing

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 28-Nov-2019 11:43:45


A Web based application is generally three tier architecture based application. First layer is presentation layer called front-end, second layer is business layer or application layer and third layer is database called back-end.Frontend TestingFrontend testing refers to testing the application UI or presentation layer. It can be manual as well as automated.Backend TestingBackend testing refers to testing the backend and application layers. It is normally automated.Following are the important differences between Frontend Testing and Backend Testing.Sr. No.KeyFrontend TestingBackend Testing1LayerFrontend testing is performed on Presentation Layer.Backend testing is performed on Application and Database layer.2GUIIn Cloud Computing, resources are centrally managed.In Grid ... Read More

Difference between Software Testing and Embedded Testing

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 02-Dec-2022 05:39:20

2K+ Views

Software testing involves only the testing of software parts of the system, while embedded testing involves the testing of both software and hardware parts of the system. Read through this article to find out more about software testing and embedded testing and how they are different from each other. What is Software Testing? Software testing refers to verifying and validating the behavior of the software developed. It ensures that software works as expected without any defect. It also helps in documenting that software is meeting the requirements and is ready to use. Software testing also checks the exceptions and error ... Read More

Difference between Tester and SDET

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 28-Nov-2019 11:11:14


TesterA Software tester performs testing on the software to ensure that it meets the required quality standards. A Tester is responsible to check if the software has bugs/defects and performs as what is required from it. A software tester is unaware of application code and its development process.SDETSDET stands for Software Development Engineer in Test. SDET is part of both development as well as software testing. A SDET knows the code of software. A SDET is a tester who can code as well.Following are the important differences between Tester and SDET.Sr. No.KeyTesterSDET1WorkingSoftware Tester tests the application once it is testing ... Read More

Difference between ISO9000 and SEI-CMM.

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 28-Nov-2019 10:54:26

6K+ Views

ISO9000ISO9000 is an international standard of quality management and quality assurance. It certifies the companies that they are documenting the quality system elements which are needed to run a efficient and quality system.SEI-CMMSEI (Software Engineering Institute) - Capability Maturity Model (CMM) is specifically for software organizations to certify them at which level, they are following and maintaining the quality standards.Following are the important differences between ISO9000 and SEI-CMM.Sr. No.KeyISO9000SEI-CMM.1DefinitionISO9000 is an international standard of quality management and quality assurance. It certifies the companies that they are documenting the quality system elements which are needed to run a efficient and quality ... Read More
