Found 27104 Articles for Server Side Programming

Complete Guide to Python StringIO Module with Examples

Gaurav Leekha
Updated on 21-Aug-2023 17:44:26


Sometimes we need data to be created or read in memory instead of actual files seen by the OS. This is where the Python StringIO module, an in-memory file-like object, comes into play. Read through this article to get a detailed explanation about the Python StringIO module. What is Python StringIO Module? Python StringIO module is an in-memory file-like object which can be used as both input and output to most of the functions expecting a standard file object. In other words, the file-like object acts like a regular file allowing most of the standard file I/O operations. One of ... Read More

Check Multiple Conditions in IF statement using Python

Gaurav Leekha
Updated on 21-Aug-2023 17:42:17

8K+ Views

When writing programs, it is often necessary to check multiple conditions in order to determine the appropriate course of action. In Python, the "if" statement is used to execute a block of code if a specific condition is true. However, in many cases, we need to check more than one condition at a time, which can be accomplished using logical operators, parentheses, and other tools. In this article, we will explore several techniques for checking multiple conditions within an "if" statement using Python. We will discuss the use of logical operators such as and, or, and not, as well as ... Read More

A Beginner’s Guide to Image Classification using CNN (Python implementation)

Gaurav Leekha
Updated on 21-Aug-2023 17:40:30


Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are a type of neural network that is specifically designed to process data with a grid-like topology, such as an image. CNNs are composed of a number of convolutional and pooling layers, which are designed to extract features from the input data, and a fully connected layer, which is used to classify the features. The primary advantage of CNNs is that they are able to automatically learn the features that are most relevant for the task at hand, rather than having to rely on manual feature engineering. This makes them particularly well-suited for image classification tasks, ... Read More

7 Easy Steps to Build a Machine Learning Classifier with Codes in Python

Gaurav Leekha
Updated on 21-Aug-2023 17:38:39


Machine Learning (ML), a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI), is more than a buzzword right now. It is continuously growing and set to be the most transformative technology existing over the next decade. A few applications of machine learning that have already started having an impact on society include self-driving vehicles, fraud detection systems, and tumor detection. Machine learning became part of our daily routines as well. From voice-enabled personal assistants (PAs) like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant to optimized music, movies, news, and shopping recommendations, to suggestive searches, everything we use is directly or indirectly influenced by machine ... Read More

5 Simple Ways to Perform Tokenization in Python

Gaurav Leekha
Updated on 21-Aug-2023 17:37:03

2K+ Views

Tokenization is the process of splitting a string into tokens, or "smaller pieces". In the context of natural language processing (NLP), tokens are usually words, punctuation marks, and numbers. Tokenization is an important preprocessing step for many NLP tasks, as it allows you to work with individual words and symbols rather than raw text. In this article, we'll look at five ways to perform tokenization in Python. We'll start with the most simple method, using the split() function, and then move on to more advanced techniques using libraries and modules such as nltk, re, string, and shlex. Using the split() ... Read More

Flipkart Product Price Tracker using Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 21-Aug-2023 17:09:16


Flipkart, one of India's biggest online retailers, offers a variety of products at competitive costs, yet it may be difficult to manually monitor pricing due to Flipkart's rapid price fluctuations in response to discounts and offers. This step-by-step tutorial will teach you how to build a Python Flipkart product price tracker that will allow you to locate reasonable sales pricing and follow price changes in the background. Syntax To build a Flipkart product price tracker using Python, we need to install the following modules − requests − to fetch the webpage of the product BeautifulSoup − to parse the ... Read More

Flight-price checker using Python and Selenium

Atharva Shah
Updated on 21-Aug-2023 17:08:10


Web scraping has been a useful technique for extracting data from websites for various purposes, including price checking for airline tickets. In this article, we will explore how to build a flight price checker using Selenium, a popular web testing automation tool. By leveraging Selenium's capabilities, we can automate the process of collecting and comparing prices for flights across different airlines, saving time and effort for users. Setup Firefox Executable Download the Firefox browser installer from here Once downloaded, install the browser and an exe file will be placed automatically in C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe. We will be needing it ... Read More

Flattening JSON objects in Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 21-Aug-2023 17:07:06

3K+ Views

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format. It is extensively used in web applications for transmitting data between the server and the client. JSON data often comes in a nested format, which can be difficult to manipulate. Flattening JSON objects involves converting complex hierarchical JSON structures to simpler structures. This process is often required when analyzing JSON data or transforming it into a different format. In this blog post, we will explore the process of flattening JSON objects in Python. Syntax Python has a built-in JSON module that provides functions to encode and decode JSON data. data= ... Read More

Flask project – Create a Joke App with PyJokes

Atharva Shah
Updated on 21-Aug-2023 17:05:32


Flask is an incredible choice in the event that you're a Python engineer needing to fabricate a web application. It is a lightweight web framework that is easy to use and understand. Using PyJokes, a Python package with a large number of jokes, we'll show you how to use Flask to create an amusing and interactive joke app in this article. Installation and Syntax To get started with our Flask news application, we need to first install Flask and the pyjokes library which will fetch jokes for us randomly pip install pyjokes flask Before we dive into the implementation ... Read More

Flask NEWS Application Using Newsapi

Atharva Shah
Updated on 21-Aug-2023 16:41:01


Python developers may create tiny to medium-sized web apps using the well-liked Flask web framework. It is easy to operate and lightweight. This project showcases the use of the News API, a well-known API for gathering news headlines and stories from many sources, to build a straightforward news application. Installation and Syntax To get started with our Flask news application, we need to first install Flask and the News API library. We can install Flask using pip, which is a package installer for Python. We can then install the News API library using the following command − pip install newsapi-python ... Read More
