Found 27104 Articles for Server Side Programming

Annoted Heatmaps using Plotpy in Python

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 17:40:40


Introduction A heat map, is a graphical representation of data in which each value in a matrix is assigned a unique colour. The primary purpose of heat maps is to increase the accuracy of the visualization of the total number of places and events included within a dataset, as well as the accuracy with which they direct viewers' attention to the most important aspects of data visualizations. Heat maps, which rely on colour to communicate values, are most commonly used to offer a more holistic picture of numerical values. This is due to the fact that heat maps rely on ... Read More

Animate image using OpenCV in Python

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 12:28:06


Introduction Animated pictures are a sequence of static images that are automatically played to display relevant material in a continuous and dynamic manner, and they have the benefit of being smaller than videos. Additionally, many online and mobile applications enable animated images in the same manner that they support static photos, although they do not always permit the upload of movies. In this situation, animated pictures can be really helpful. Clearly, there are several other reasons why animated graphics are preferable. Sometimes, combining similar or unrelated photos is simply for fun. In this article, we would learn the steps to ... Read More

Various aspects of Machine Learning process explained?

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 11:15:53


Introduction Machine learning's influence in IT and other industries is expanding rapidly. Despite still being in its early stages, Machine Learning has gained a lot of attention across industries. It's the study of how to program computers to learn and improve on their own. Therefore, Machine Learning is concerned with improving computer programs by utilizing data gathered from a wide range of observations. In this article, titled "Aspects of Machine Learning process, " we will explore some of the foundational ideas behind Machine Learning, including its definition, the technologies and algorithms it employs, its potential applications and examples, and more. ... Read More

False Positive vs. False Negative

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 10:52:07


Introduction The ratio of accurate predictions to inaccurate predictions is plotted in a matrix known as a confusion matrix. This would refer to the ratio of true negatives and true positives (right predictions) to false negatives and false positives for a binary classifier (incorrect predictions). After data cleaning, preprocessing, and parsing, the first thing we do is feed the data to an efficient model, which naturally produces results in probabilities. Hold on though! But how do we assess the performance of our model? Higher performance, better effectiveness—exactly that's what we want. And here’s when the Confusion matrix comes into ... Read More

How are Java and C++ related?

Priya Mishra
Updated on 23-Aug-2023 12:54:52


Introduction These days, Java and C++ are widely utilized in competitive programming. These two programming languages are utilized generally in industry and competitive programming due to their impressive characteristics. C++ is a commonly used programming language due to its efficiency, fast speed, and dynamic memory use. In terms of software development, Java is incomparable to any other programming language. Java is extensively utilized in the IT sector. Now we will look into how Java and C++ are similar. What is Java? Java is an Object-Oriented programming, general-purpose, and high-level language. It is mainly used for coding web applications. Java ... Read More

Fromisoformat() Function of Class in Python

Updated on 23-Aug-2023 09:46:27


The class in Python provides a convenient way to represent and manipulate dates. The fromisoformat() method lets in you to create a date object from a string in the ISO layout. The fromisoformat() feature will parse a string in ISO 8601 format and create a date object that represents that date. this could be beneficial in numerous scenarios, consisting of whilst you want to parse dates from log files or whilst working with APIs that offer dates in ISO 8601 format. Syntax The parameter, date_string is a string that represents a date in the ISO format ... Read More

Finding the Number of Weekdays of a Given Month in NumPy

Updated on 23-Aug-2023 09:18:04


Numpy is an open-source library in Python used for numerical computing, scientific computing, data analysis, and machine learning applications. This library has powerful array methods and tools to perform vector and matrix operations. You must install the NumPy module manually since it is not a component of the default Python library. The Python package manager pip can be used to accomplish this by executing the following command − pip install numpy We will use NumPy’s busday_count() function to calculate the required count of weekdays. This will calculate the number of business days (Monday to Friday) between 2 specific dates. ... Read More

Find the size of numpy Array

Updated on 23-Aug-2023 09:15:27


Numpy is often used along with packages such as SciPy and matplotlib in python. Additionally, arrays in Numpy are faster compared to lists in Python due to which this module is extensively used for complex mathematical algorithms and problems. It has various functions, and methods, to make our task easy and simple for matrix operations. In Numpy arrays there are two types of array − Single Dimensional Array Multi-Dimensional Array Single Dimensional Array (1D array) The datatypes of the elements stored in the array are - strings, integers, boolean or floating points. These arrays are called single or ... Read More

Find the path to the given file in Python

Updated on 23-Aug-2023 09:13:13

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Python users frequently work with files, particularly when altering, reading, or writing data to files. However, identifying a file's path is necessary before performing any operation on it. Simply said, a file's path refers to the system location or directory where it is kept. There are four major types of methods to use to find the path to the given file in Python − Pathlib Module OS Module os.path.join() method os.getcwd() method Approach 1: Using the Pathlib Module The pathlib module in Python makes everything very feasible and efficient to make file paths. absolute() − An absolute path ... Read More

Find the maximum and minimum element in a NumPy array

Updated on 23-Aug-2023 09:09:43


The well-known open-source Python library NumPy is used for numerical computing. Large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices are supported, along with a sizable number of sophisticated mathematical operations that can be used to work effectively on these arrays. When working with NumPy arrays, finding the maximum and minimum elements is often necessary. Method 1:Using max() and min() Functions The following code demonstrates creating an array of integers. We then use the max() and min() functions to find the highest and lowest value elements in the array, respectively. Algorithm Import the desired Numpy library. Create a 1D numpy array with integer ... Read More
