Found 27104 Articles for Server Side Programming

Python-Multiply each element in a sublist by its index

Updated on 01-Sep-2023 15:28:26


In Python, there are different approaches to multiplying each component in a sublist by its list. This errand includes iterating over the sublists, accessing the components and their corresponding indices, and performing the multiplication operation. Two common approaches to achieve this are employing a for loop, leveraging list comprehension, and utilizing the NumPy library. Each approach offers it possesses focal points in terms of code simplicity, proficiency, and lucidness. In this article, we'll investigate these two approaches in detail, giving step-by-step algorithms and Python code illustrations. By the conclusion, you'll have a clear understanding of how to multiply sublist components ... Read More

Python - Mutual tuple subtraction in list

Adeeba Khan
Updated on 05-Sep-2023 14:01:00


Tuples are immutable sequences that let us store collections of elements in the Python programming language. The operation of performing mutual tuple subtraction on the tuples included in a list is required in a variety of programming scenarios. In this procedure, corresponding elements from two tuples are subtracted, and the resulting new tuple is created. In this article, we will examine two distinct methods for implementing mutual tuple subtraction in Python. We will examine the issue statement, outline the algorithms for both strategies, give code samples to aid in understanding, and then draw attention to the benefits and drawbacks of ... Read More

Python - Multiplying Selective Values

Adeeba Khan
Updated on 05-Sep-2023 13:59:08


In Python, multiplying selective values entails picking and choosing which components of a given data structure, like a list or an array, to multiply. This method is useful when you need to conduct multiplication operations on only a subset of components following predefined rules or specifications. Python provides a variety of methods for successfully doing this task. We will examine two different strategies in this discussion: using list comprehension and using a loop. When it comes to multiplying selective numbers, these methods offer ease and versatility while accommodating a variety of circumstances and use cases. Understanding these techniques will ... Read More

Classical NOT Logic Gates with Quantum Circuit using Qiskit in Python

Mukul Latiyan
Updated on 01-Sep-2023 10:30:11


Quantum computing is an emerging field that utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics to perform computations more efficiently than classical computers. Qiskit, a powerful open-source framework, provides a user-friendly platform to develop and execute quantum programs in Python. In this tutorial, we will explore the concept of classical NOT logic gates implemented with quantum circuits using Qiskit. Classical NOT Logic Gate The classical NOT gate, also known as an inverter, is a fundamental logic gate that takes a single input and produces the logical complement of that input. In other words, if the input is 0, the output is 1, ... Read More

Checking if a Value Exists in a DataFrame using 'in' and 'not in' Operators in Python Pandas

Mukul Latiyan
Updated on 01-Sep-2023 10:21:54

3K+ Views

Pandas is a powerful Python library widely used for data manipulation and analysis. When working with DataFrames, it is often necessary to check whether a specific value exists within the dataset. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use the 'in' and 'not in' operators in Pandas to determine the presence or absence of a value in a DataFrame. Checking for a Value Using the "in" Operator The 'in' operator in Python is used to check if a value is present in an iterable object. In the context of Pandas, we can use the 'in' operator to verify if ... Read More

Numbers having difference with digit sum more than s

Prabhdeep Singh
Updated on 01-Sep-2023 10:04:48


The digit sum for a given number is the sum of all the digits present in the given number. We will be given a number n and s and we have to find all the numbers which are in the range 1 to n and have the difference between the number and the sum of its digits greater than s. We will implement two approaches with the code and the discussion on time and space complexity. Input N = 15, S = 5 Output 6 Explanation For all the numbers in the range 0 to 9, the difference ... Read More

Sort 1 to N by swapping adjacent elements

Prabhdeep Singh
Updated on 01-Sep-2023 10:15:24


An array is a linear data structure that stores the elements and a sorted array contains all the elements in increasing order. Sorting an array by swapping the adjacent elements means we can swap the adjacent elements any number of times and we have to sort the array. We will be given two array’s first array is the array to be sorted and another array is a Boolean array that represents whether the current element is swappable or not. If the given array is of the length N then all the elements present will be from 1 to N. ... Read More

Back-Face Detection Method

Prabhdeep Singh
Updated on 01-Sep-2023 09:54:53

3K+ Views

Programming languages are used for many purposes such as making websites, developing mobile applications, etc. Graphic designing is one of the things that we can do by using the programming language. While graphic designing, we can face a problem where we have to project a 3-D object on the 2-D plane and due to which one dimension will be reduced or one face will be hidden. In this problem, we have to detect that hidden face. Back-Face detection is also known as the name Plane Equation method, and it is a method for the object space methods in which objects ... Read More

Largest number in [2, 3, .. n] which is co-prime with numbers in [2, 3, .. m]

Prabhdeep Singh
Updated on 01-Sep-2023 09:49:52


Co-prime numbers are numbers that do not have any common divisor other than 1. We will be given two numbers n and m. We have to find the largest number in the range of 2 to n (both inclusive) which is co-prime with all the elements in the range of 2 to m (both inclusive). If none of the elements in the given range is co-prime with all the elements of the second range then we have to return or print -1. We will implement the approach, and code, and will discuss the time and space complexity of the program. ... Read More

P – smooth numbers in given ranges

Prabhdeep Singh
Updated on 01-Sep-2023 09:46:40


P smooth numbers are the numbers that have the maximum prime number that can divide them is less than or equal to the given number P. Prime numbers are the numbers that are divisible by only 1 and that number. 1 is by default considered as the P - smooth number for any given value of P. In this problem, we will be given a value P and the range and we have to return the number of elements that are present in that range and are P-smooth. Input Given the value of P is 7 and the range ... Read More
