Found 27154 Articles for Server Side Programming

Inventory Management with JSON in Python

Arpana Jain
Updated on 12-Oct-2023 12:14:02


Inventory Management with JSON : Introduction Any firm that handles and tracks items or products needs to have effective inventory management. In order to guarantee that there is a sufficient supply of goods for clients and avoid overstocking or stockouts, it entails the process of monitoring and controlling the input and outflow of commodities. We'll look at using JSON for inventory management in Python in this tutorial. Inventory Management with JSON Definition JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a simple data exchange format that is simple for both humans and robots to read and write. For data sharing between ... Read More

Introduction to Theory of Evolution

Arpana Jain
Updated on 12-Oct-2023 11:29:16


Introduction to Evolution in Python: Unleashing the Power of Genetic Algorithms Python is a flexible programming language that has become extremely popular among developers because of its ease of use and adaptability. It offers a variety of frameworks and tools that make it easier to create sophisticated algorithms and solutions. Python particularly shines in the domain of evolutionary computation. Natural selection and genetics are used in evolutionary computation to address challenging optimisation issues. Developers can quickly implement genetic algorithms, a subset of evolutionary computation, to identify the best solutions for a variety of issues thanks to Python's vast ecosystem of ... Read More

Introduction to Support Vector Machines (SVM)

Arpana Jain
Updated on 12-Oct-2023 12:11:36


Introduction to Support Vector Machines (SVM) Support Vector Machines (SVM) is a potent technique in the field of machine learning that can be applied to both classification and regression analysis. It is widely utilized in many areas, including bioinformatics, text classification, and picture classification. The capacity of SVM to handle high-dimensional datasets and non-linear classification issues is its main benefit. The idea of SVM will be introduced in this article, along with a description of how to use it in Python. Support Vector Machines (SVM) Definition A machine learning algorithm called Support Vector Machines (SVM) identifies the ideal hyperplane ... Read More

Introduction to Tensor with Tensorflow

Arpana Jain
Updated on 12-Oct-2023 11:14:55


Tensor with Tensorflow : Introduction Machine learning has recently gained popularity in the tech sector. It ultimately comes down to creating models and algorithms that can learn from data and forecast or take actions based on that data. Tensors, multidimensional arrays that can store numerical data, are one of the core ideas in machine learning. Google created the open-source machine learning framework known as TensorFlow. It is intended to streamline the creation of machine learning models and increase developers' and researchers' access to them. Working with tensors is one of TensorFlow's primary functionalities. Tensors will be introduced, ... Read More

k-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm in Python

Arpana Jain
Updated on 13-Oct-2023 08:26:09


Introduction The k-Nearest Neighbor is a powerful and straightforward technique to solve problems related to classification and regression. It makes the prediction on the input samples and checks for how similar the samples are to one another. In this present article we will explain k-NN technique and implementation of python, with two different types of approaches . To ensure a clear comprehension of this well-known technique, we will offer step-by-step explanations replete with executable code and results. k-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm A supervised machine learning ( ML) technique used for classification and regression problems is called the k-Nearest ... Read More

K-Means Clustering on Handwritten Digits Data using Scikit-Learn in Python

Arpana Jain
Updated on 13-Oct-2023 08:24:51


Introduction Clustering, which groups similar bits of data based on shared characteristics, is a prominent technique in unsupervised machine learning. K-Means clustering is a popular clustering algorithm. Data is divided into K clusters using the iterative K-Means technique, where K is a predetermined number. The process minimizes the sum of squared distances between the cluster centroids and the data points. In this post, we will look at how to use the Python Scikit-Learn package to conduct K-Means clustering on handwritten digits data. Definition A straightforward and efficient unsupervised learning approach called K-Means clustering seeks to separate a dataset into K ... Read More and keras.fit_generator()

Arpana Jain
Updated on 13-Oct-2023 08:23:53


Introduction The fit() and fit generator() methods in Keras make it incredibly easy to train deep neural networks in Python. The fit() method makes it possible to efficiently process and train on batches of data, making it particularly useful for smaller datasets that can be loaded into memory. On the other hand, the fit generator() method, which enables dynamic loading and processing of batches, is better suited for larger datasets that cannot be loaded into memory all at once. Basics of Keras Today, technology has improved in every way possible. So, in this advanced environment of technology and future, Keras ... Read More

Keeping the eye on Keras models with CodeMonitor

Arpana Jain
Updated on 13-Oct-2023 08:22:55


Introduction The strong deep learning framework Keras makes it easier to create neural networks. Model performance monitoring, bug detection, and code quality assurance become increasingly important as models become more complicated and large-scale. This article examines how developers may closely monitor their Keras models with the use of CodeMonitor, a code analysis and monitoring tool. We will start by outlining what CodeMonitor is before going into its syntax and how it can be used with Keras models. A step-by-step algorithm for integrating CodeMonitor into Keras projects will also be presented, along with two techniques that highlight the tool's possibilities. We'll ... Read More

KBC game using Python

Arpana Jain
Updated on 12-Oct-2023 17:40:16

2K+ Views

Introduction A prominent Indian game show called Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC) is modelled after the international game show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire." In this post, we'll look at how to use the Python programming language to make a streamlined version of the KBC game. KBC Definition In the KBC game, competitors select the proper answers to multiple-choice questions to win a prize that grows with each correct response. The objective of the game is to choose the right response from a collection of questions with several possible answers. A certain sum of money is awarded for each correct ... Read More

kaiser in Numpy - Python

Arpana Jain
Updated on 13-Oct-2023 08:21:00


kaiser in Numpy – Python: Introduction A typical windowing function in signal processing and data analysis is the Kaiser window. Applications like spectral analysis, filter design, and windowed Fourier transforms all benefit greatly from it. A popular windowing function that is essential to many signal processing and data analysis applications is the Kaiser window. The Kaiser window offers a versatile and adaptable tool to manage the trade-off between the main lobe width and the sidelobe levels in any application, including spectrum analysis, filter design, and windowed Fourier transforms. The Kaiser window significantly reduces spectrum leakage artefacts and signal leakage, which ... Read More
