Found 27154 Articles for Server Side Programming

Pattern Generation using Python time() module

Adeeba Khan
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 11:39:26


Programming's basic concept of pattern creation entails producing ordered sequences or patterns. Python as a powerful programming language, provides a great range of tools as well as modules that make it simple to manage patterns. The time() is one kind of module that gets tools for managing time-related tasks. The time() module, while mostly used for time monitoring and measurement, can also be creatively utilized to produce dynamic patterns that alter over time. We will examine two different methods for pattern generation using the Python time() function in this article. We will examine the underlying algorithms of each strategy, offer ... Read More

Python - Number Theoretic Transformation

Adeeba Khan
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 11:37:47


The Number Theoretic Transformation (NTT) is a key component in many computational applications in the field of number theory. It is essential in areas like encryption, signal processing, error-correcting codes, and more because it makes large-number multiplication and convolution processes efficient. The NTT is a fast method for computing polynomial multiplications modulo a prime integer and is closely connected to the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). We will examine two different methods for implementing the Number Theoretic Transformation in Python in this article. We will look into the Cooley-Tukey algorithm, one of the most popular methods for putting the Fast Fourier ... Read More

Python- Percentage occurrence at index

Adeeba Khan
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 11:05:14


In this article, the user will learn the percentage occurrence at the index in the list. Determining the percentage recurrence of a particular value at a given index in a list or array is a common task in data analysis or processing. This kind of computation can offer insightful information on the distribution and trends in the data. In this article, we will examine two distinct strategies for solving this problem, talk about their algorithms, give code snippets that get the desired results, and then compare the strategies. For Example − Given list : [4, 2, 3, 1, ... Read More

Finding the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) using Python

Adeeba Khan
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 11:03:57

1K+ Views

Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) is a generally utilized statistic to compute the quality of digital signals, for images as well as video. It computes the difference between the original as well as distorted versions of the signal and gauges the amount of noise appended via compression, transmission, as well as for processing. PSNR is a utilized as tool in an assortment of applications, that has multimedia, video compression, as well as image processing. In this article, we'll monitor the two techniques for computing PSNR in Python. This method will generate algorithms, code implementations, as well as explanations that will make ... Read More

Python - Percentage similarity of lists

Adeeba Khan
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 10:57:42


Measuring the similarity of two lists in Python is a frequent operation performed in a variety of applications. Determining the degree of similarity across lists is essential for making wise judgments and gaining insightful knowledge, whether you are working with data analysis, text processing, recommendation systems, or even social network analysis. In this article, we'll examine two distinct methods for estimating the % similarity as we delve into the subject of list similarity. Analyzing overlap or shared elements between lists is necessary to determine their degree of similarity. This metric offers a numerical assessment of the degree of similarity between ... Read More

Parse a website with regex and urllib in Python

Adeeba Khan
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 10:55:59


A powerful technique for extracting data from websites, web scraping enables automated data extraction and analysis. Python offers several tools to make web scraping chores easier thanks to its robust ecosystem of modules. The libraries urllib and re (regular expressions) are two that are commonly utilized for online scraping. A Python module called urllib enables obtaining web material, processing URLs, and sending HTTP requests. It offers a simple way to connect with web servers, open URLs, and obtain HTML from web pages. On the other hand, regular expressions, which are character sequences used to construct search patterns, are supported by ... Read More

Passing Python dictionary as keyword arguments

Adeeba Khan
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 10:53:42


Python dictionaries constitute a flexible data structure that enables us to employ key-value pairs to store as well as manipulate data. Employing special keys, they offer a practical way to arrange and access information. Dictionaries in Python can be passed as keyword arguments to functions, which is an intriguing feature. When working with functions that require numerous inputs, this method enables greater flexibility as well as readability. By passing dictionaries as keyword arguments, we can pass a variety of arguments without having to define each one individually. Our code becomes more modular and understandable since it offers a simple and ... Read More

Python - Number of positions where Substrings Match of Length K

Nikitasha Shrivastava
Updated on 17-Oct-2023 14:14:11


In the given problem statement we have to find the number of positions on which substrings match of length K using Python programming. So this problem can be helpful to get all the K length substrings from the input string. Understanding the Problem The problem at hand requires an input string in which there are some substrings. So we have to show the number of positions of the substrings match in the given string. For example let’s see the below image − In the above image we can see that the value of K is ‘aaab’ so after counting ... Read More

Python - Nth smallest Greater than K

Nikitasha Shrivastava
Updated on 17-Oct-2023 14:13:21


The given problem statement is required to find the Nth smallest greater than K using Python. So we can use a combination of iteration and sorting techniques to find the required element. Understanding the Problem The problem at hand is to find the Nth smallest but greater than the number K with the help of Python. Basically we are required to find the number which is greater than K but it should be the Nth number from the number K in the sorted list. For example we will understand this phenomena with the help of the below image − ... Read More

Python - Non-overlapping Random Ranges

Nikitasha Shrivastava
Updated on 17-Oct-2023 14:12:30


The problem at hand is to find the non overlapping random ranges with the help of Python. Sometimes in Python we need to extract random ranges which are non overlapping. This application will be helpful while working with data. Understanding the Problem In this problem statement we will be given three parameters like starting values, ending value and also the number range. So on the basis of these values we will have to generate the non-overlapping random ranges using Python. Suppose we have a starting value as 1 and ending value is 50 and number range is 2 so the ... Read More
