Found 27104 Articles for Server Side Programming

How can I source a Python file from another Python file?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 14:34:10

4K+ Views

As you explore the world of Python programming, you'll discover that modular and reusable code is indispensable. In Python, it is possible that you can source one Python file from another; this opens up a whole new avenue of possibilities for organizing code and sharing functionality between scripts. In this article, we will navigate through four different ways to import Python files, and each one of them has its own strengths and use cases. It is immaterial if you are a beginner or an expert in Python coding, either way, you will be guided through each method with step-by-step explanations ... Read More

How does underscore "_" work in Python files?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 10:16:10


Have you ever come across the mysterious underscore "_" while coding in Python? This seemingly simple character holds a wealth of functionality and is often used in various contexts to enhance code readability and organization. In this article, we'll explore the magic of the underscore in Python, uncovering its four main use cases with detailed explanations and real-world code examples. In this article, let us use the examples to shed light on the versatility of the underscore, helping you harness its power to write more expressive and human-readable Python code. Let us get started in the world of the underscore ... Read More

How can I make one Python file run another?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 02-Sep-2023 12:38:01

54K+ Views

It is not unusual to come across situations in Python coding where you may need one Python script to execute another. Here, in this article, we will discuss and explore four different approaches to perform this task with ease and efficiency. As you will see, you will be guided through each method, helped by step-by-step explanations and real-world code examples. By the end of this article, you'll be armed with the knowledge of various techniques to run Python files from within your code. Let us get started on this exciting journey of executing scripts in Python! Understanding Python Script ... Read More

How do I copy a binary file in Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 27-Jul-2023 18:23:52

2K+ Views

In Python, dealing with files and processing them for achieving some desired objective is a recurrent and routine task. At times, you may find that you need to duplicate binary files with non-textual content such as images, audio, or video files. In this article, we will discover various ways to explore efficient methods of copying binary files in Python. We will deal with four different code examples, each illustrating a unique and distinct approach to copying binary files. You will be thrilled to know that you will be expertly guided through this process with clear step-by-step explanations and user friendly ... Read More

How to find all files in a directory with extension .txt in Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 10:21:27


Hunting for specific files in a directory is a task that can be effortlessly accomplished using tools in Python; in some situations, you may need to find all the files in a directory with an extension .txt using Python. Let's take a deep dive into the process involved in this task and present you different ways how this task of finding all files with the .txt extension in a directory can be achieved with easy-to-follow code examples along with explanations. Using os.listdir() In this code example, we start by importing the os module, which is essential for working ... Read More

How do I list all files of a directory in Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 10:09:33


Among several file-handling operations, the need to list all files in a directory is a common scenario encountered in Python, and it's quite straightforward. Python offers a utilitarian module called os that provides functions to work with the operating system, the directories, and the files seamlessly. We will cover different strategies and ways of listing all files in a directory using practical code examples followed by detailed explanations to help you understand the concept behind the same. Using os.listdir() to List Files To list all files in a directory, you can use the os.listdir() function. Let's walk through ... Read More

What is the common header format of Python files?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 11:07:33

6K+ Views

The common header format of Python files is a simple yet essential element in any Python script. As you will see, the header format is like the introduction to a beautiful piece of prose—it sets the stage for what's to come and provides valuable context. In Python, we commonly use a docstring as the header format. A docstring is a special kind of comment enclosed within triple quotes (either single or double). It's placed right at the beginning of the script, even before any import statements, making it easily visible and accessible to anyone who reads the code. ... Read More

What do the python file extensions, .pyc .pyd .pyo stand for?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 02-May-2023 13:52:24

6K+ Views

The .py, .pyc, .pyo and .pyd files have their own significance when it comes to executing python programs. They are used for − .py: The input source code that you've written. .pyc: The compiled bytecode. If you import a module, python will build a *.pyc file that contains the bytecode to make importing it again later easier (and faster). .pyo: A *.pyc file that was created while optimizations (-O) was on. .pyd: A windows dll file for Python. In Python, there are several file extensions that are used to indicate different types of files. Here are some of the most ... Read More

What are .pyc files in Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 27-Aug-2023 12:13:53

31K+ Views

In Python, .pyc files are compiled bytecode files that are generated by the Python interpreter when a Python script is imported or executed. The .pyc files contain compiled bytecode that can be executed directly by the interpreter, without the need to recompile the source code every time the script is run. This can result in faster script execution times, especially for large scripts or modules. .pyc files are created by the Python interpreter when a .py file is imported. They contain the "compiled bytecode" of the imported module/program so that the "translation" from source code to bytecode (which only needs ... Read More

How to import other Python files?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 31-May-2024 12:20:05

78K+ Views

The task or process of importing other files in Python allows you to use functions, classes, or variables defined in those files within your current Python script. In this article, we will explore different ways to import other Python files, including built-in modules, user-defined modules, and importing specific functions or variables. By the end of this article, you will have a solid understanding of how to import and use code from other Python files in your current projects. Along the way, we will use code examples followed by lucid explanations to help you understand the above task. Importing a User-Defined ... Read More
