Found 27154 Articles for Server Side Programming

Find the last remaining Character in the Binary String according to the given conditions

Disha Gupta
Updated on 23-Oct-2023 15:43:53


A binary string is a string that only has two characters, usually the numbers 0 and 1, and it represents a series of binary digits. Problem Statement Now, in this problem, we are given a binary string comprising zeros and ones. We have two conditions to keep in mind while solving the problem. First, one digit can delete another digit that is a ‘1’ can delete a ‘0’ and vice versa. Secondly, if at any moment the entire string consists of only 0’s and 1’s then the corresponding digit is printed. Here, a binary string will be the input given ... Read More

Difference between casefold() and lower() in Python

Updated on 23-Oct-2023 15:25:50


Introduction Python is a versatile programming language, provides several built-in methods for manipulating strings. Two commonly used methods are `casefold()` and `lower()`. While they may appear similar at first, there are some differences that make them unique and suited for specific use cases. Both methods help in case-insensitive string comparisons, it's crucial to highlight that their outcomes may vary depending on the local settings of our Python environment. Therefore, it is recommended to be aware of these settings and choose the method accordingly to ensure accurate results. Python – Casefold() and Lower() Casefold() The casefold() method is used to perform ... Read More

math.Float64bits() Function in Golang With Examples

Updated on 23-Oct-2023 15:25:01


Introduction In the world of programming, effectiveness, and accuracy are vital. One dialect that grasps these standards is Go, too known as Golang. One significant angle of programming is working with numbers, and when it comes to floating-point numbers, precision things. This can be where the math.Float64bits() function in Golang sparkles. In this article, we are going to delve into the complexities of math.Float64bits() work, look at its noteworthiness and challenges in different applications, and eventually get its part within the broader setting of Golang programming. Overview of Float64 in Golang The float64 type in Golang uses the IEEE 754 standard representation to ... Read More

io.Pipe() Function in Golang with Examples

Updated on 23-Oct-2023 15:20:36


Introduction The world of programming embraces effectiveness and adaptability, and Golang, or Go, encapsulates these standards. Among its flexible highlights, the io.Pipe() function stands out. This Golang work, found within the io bundle, encourages inter-goroutine communication by making in-memory channels. These channels permit consistent information exchange, streamlining concurrent preparation. This article digs into the profundities of io.Pipe(), investigating its mechanics, focal points, downsides, and real-world significance. Understanding this work not as it improved your Golang proficiency but also enables you to form more productive and robust concurrent programs. Overview of io.Pipe() Function? The io.Pipe() function returns a connected pair of ... Read More

Matplotlib.figure.Figure.draw() in Python

Updated on 23-Oct-2023 15:26:36


Introduction The Matplotlib.figure.Figure.draw() method stands as a foundation inside the Matplotlib library, a crucial instrument for visualizing information utilizing Python. At the heart of the Matplotlib plotting system, this strategy plays an urgent part in changing theoretical information representations into tangible visualizations. By digging into the perplexing workings of Matplotlib.figure.Figure.draw(), one can reveal its centrality in rendering plots, empowering energetic intuitive, and encouraging the creation of outwardly engaging design. This article sets out on a travel to unwind the mechanics and suggestions of this strategy, investigating its preferences, impediments, applications present within the domain of information visualization. What is Matplotlib.figure.Figure.draw()? ... Read More

Python calendar module : yeardayscalendar() method

Updated on 23-Oct-2023 13:56:40


Introduction In the realm of Python programming, the calendar module serves as a flexible toolkit for overseeing date and time operations. Inside this module, the yeardayscalendar() strategy discreetly sparkles as a particular jewel. Not at all like conventional calendar functions, this strategy presents a new viewpoint by organizing days into weeks, advertising an elective way to comprehend the entry of time. In this article, we dive into the profundities of the yeardayscalendar() strategy, revealing its focal points, applications, and the special experiences it offers when managing calendars from a week-by-week perspective. Exploring the Module `yeardayscalendar()` Method? The Python calendar module, known ... Read More

Python calendar module : monthdays2calendar() method

Updated on 23-Oct-2023 15:18:58


Introduction The Python calendar module stands as a flexible arrangement for dealing with dates and calendars in programming. Settled inside this module is the monthdays2calendar() strategy, a covered-up pearl that provides uncommon capabilities for managing with month to month calendars. This article dives into the profundities of the monthdays2calendar() strategy, unraveling its applications, points of interest, restrictions, and its part in tending to complex data-related assignments. As a bridge between theoretical concepts and real-world representations, this strategy represents the control of Python's instruments in disentangling complex calendar operations. Exploring the `monthdays2calendar()` Method? The monthdays2calendar() method, residing inside the Python calendar ... Read More

Different ways to import csv file in Pandas

Niharika Aitam
Updated on 20-Oct-2023 15:17:23


We can use import different data files in pandas like csv, excel, JSON, SQL etc. In pandas library, we have different ways to import the csv files into our python working environment. CSV is abbreviated as Comma Separated Values. This is the file format most widely used in the Data Science. This stores the data in a tabular format where the column holds the data fields and rows holds the data. Each row in the csv file is separated by a comma or by a delimiter character which can be customized by the user. We have to use the pandas ... Read More


Updated on 23-Oct-2023 15:17:16


Introduction In the realm of programming, proficiency, and flexibility are key elements that engineers endeavor to realize. Python, a dialect known for its effortlessness and coherence, offers plenty of built-in capacities to help in accomplishing these objectives. One such work is itertools.zip_longest(), defined in Python's itertools module which plays a noteworthy part in dealing with iterables of unequal lengths. In this article, we dive into the internal workings of itertools.zip_longest(), investigating its preferences, utilize cases, challenges, and suggestions for different applications. Itertools.zip_longest() Explanation? The zip_longest() function combines multiple iterables together by "zipping" them into tuples. It does this by leveraging an ... Read More

Different ways to create Pandas Dataframe

Niharika Aitam
Updated on 20-Oct-2023 13:26:34


Pandas is one of the libraries in python which is used to perform data analysis and data manipulation. The data can have created in pandas in two ways one is as DataFrame and the other way is Series. The DataFrame is the two dimensional labeled data structure in python. It is used for data manipulation and data analysis. It accepts different data types such as integer, float, strings etc. The label of the column is unique whereas the row is labeled with the unique index value which helps in accessing the defined row. DataFrame is used in machine ... Read More
