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Kivy - Python Framework for Mobile App development

Siva Sai
Updated on 17-Jul-2023 14:40:31


Mobile application development is a skill that is growing more and more important as society moves farther into the digital era. Through the Kivy framework, Python, a very flexible language, has made progress in this area. This post will examine Kivy, its features, and how to use them to the creation of mobile applications. Introduction to Kivy An open-source Python package called Kivy enables the quick creation of multitouch applications. It is available under the MIT licence and is cross-platform (Linux, OS X, Windows, Android, and iOS). Applications that demand multi-touch, gestures, and other contemporary touch features benefit from it ... Read More

Kivy - Material design Icon Button

Siva Sai
Updated on 17-Jul-2023 14:39:37


A great open-source Python library for quick application development is called Kivy. It is quite adaptable and can function on Windows, Linux, OS X, Android, and iOS. Today, we'll concentrate on a particular Kivy feature called the Material Design Icon Button. This is a fantastic feature that will improve the visual appeal of your Kivy application. Introduction to Kivy and Material Design Kivy offers a comprehensive collection of UI components and is especially well-liked for creating multi-touch applications. The appeal of Kivy is its adaptability, which enables you to develop applications for a variety of devices. It's also great for ... Read More

Kill a Process by name using Python

Siva Sai
Updated on 17-Jul-2023 14:38:51


Introduction Processes are an essential component of managing system resources in the realm of programming. You might occasionally need to stop a process if it is acting erratically or using more resources than necessary. For these kinds of system-level activities, Python offers a great range of tools. In this post, we'll show you how to use Python to kill a process by name. Python and System Processes With its extensive libraries and modules, Python is a very flexible language that goes beyond straightforward scripting or web programming. Through libraries like os and psutil, you can interface with system-level features like ... Read More

Keyword Module in Python

Siva Sai
Updated on 17-Jul-2023 14:38:15


Python is famous for its simple language and useful tools that help people make lots of different computer programs. Today, we will explore one of the parts already included in Python – the keyword module. This tool helps programmers use Python words more easily. Keywords are certain words in Python that have a specific purpose and cannot be used in certain ways, like as variable names or function names. Introduction to Keyword Module Python's keyword module offers tools for managing the language's keywords. A list of all the keywords is included, along with functions to determine whether a string qualifies ... Read More

Introduction to Dynamic CLI in Python

Siva Sai
Updated on 17-Jul-2023 14:37:29


Understanding how to create command-line interfaces (CLI) is crucial now more than ever as the world of programming develops. Python makes it exceedingly simple to construct dynamic CLIs because of its simplicity and extensive library support. The dynamic CLI construction in Python is covered in this article along with various examples. Why Command-Line Interfaces? You can communicate with your programme directly thanks to command-line interfaces. Users can successfully engage with your programme by giving inputs and receiving outputs through well defined commands and parameters. Running scripts, automating processes, and testing software can all benefit from this. Python Libraries for CLI ... Read More

Introduction to Dask in Python

Siva Sai
Updated on 17-Jul-2023 14:36:38


It is becoming more and more crucial to have tools that can manage large-scale data processing due to the exponential growth of data. Dask, a versatile parallel computing framework for Python analytical computing, is one such tool. This article will provide you a thorough introduction to Dask along with useful examples to get you going. What is Dask? Dask is a Python parallel computing framework that is adaptable and makes it simple to create user-friendly workflows for ingesting, filtering, and analysing huge datasets. It excels at processing massive data sets that don't fit in memory and integrates seamlessly with well-known ... Read More

Introduction to Dash in Python

Siva Sai
Updated on 17-Jul-2023 14:36:04


Dash, a successful Python framework, has become a well-liked option for creating interfaces for data visualisation. It's ideal for building analytical web applications in pure Python with highly interactive user interfaces. This article provides a thorough introduction to Dash along with useful examples to get you going. What is Dash? Dash is a Python framework created by Plotly that allows you to create analytical online applications without having to understand JavaScript, CSS, or HTML. Dash apps have two main components: the layout, which specifies how the app will appear, and the interaction, which specifies how the app will function. Getting ... Read More

Introduction to Confluent Kafka Python Producer

Siva Sai
Updated on 17-Jul-2023 14:35:07

1K+ Views

Today, data is an essential component of the digital ecosystem, and each modern application depends on its effective administration and processing. For this data-driven era, Apache Kafka, a powerful event-streaming technology, provides a high-throughput solution. These potent features are seamlessly integrated into your Python applications using Confluent's Python client for Apache Kafka. This article gives a thorough overview of the Confluent Kafka Python Producer and includes useful examples to get you started. What is Confluent Kafka Python Producer? A component of Confluent's Kafka Python client library, the Confluent Kafka Python Producer offers a Pythonic interface to Apache Kafka's powerful data ... Read More

Introduction to CherryPy

Siva Sai
Updated on 17-Jul-2023 16:49:39


With the growth of the internet, developing web applications has become crucial. Python has grown to be a well-liked option for web development because to its simplicity and dependability. CherryPy is one of its frameworks that makes this approach simple. With the use of real-world examples, this article introduces CherryPy, its features, and how to utilise them to create web applications. What is CherryPy? Python's CherryPy is a simple, object-oriented web framework. It adheres to the tenet that "everything is an object, " making it a natural choice for developers accustomed to Python's object-oriented structure. It lets programmers to create ... Read More

Introduction to Chempy in Python

Siva Sai
Updated on 17-Jul-2023 14:59:51


Python has a robust ecosystem of libraries built to fulfil the demands of diverse technical and scientific fields. Chempy, a programme created to address issues in chemical engineering, is one such library. This page gives you an overview of Chempy's capabilities and uses, along with useful examples. Chempy: Bringing Chemistry to Python Chempy is a Python package that seeks to offer an open-source computing environment for chemistry calculations. It has features for, among other things, thermodynamics, equilibrium computations, and chemical kinetics. Chempy could be a useful tool for modelling chemical reactions, determining the properties of substances, or running sophisticated simulations. ... Read More
