Found 27104 Articles for Server Side Programming

Flask Development Server

Atharva Shah
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 17:51:43


Because of its notoriety and lightweight plan, Flaskis a Python web application structure that is regularly used to make online applications. It provides programmers with the resources they require to develop web applications with less redundant code. The Flask server, which is utilized to execute web applications while they are being created, will be shrouded in this illustration. Installation Pip may be used to install the necessary Python package named Flask before we start. pip install Flask Flask Server, Its Uses and Application Structure A Python micro web framework called Flask makes it simple and quick for programmers to ... Read More

Get latest Government job information using Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 17:51:03


Since they provide job stability, respectable pay, and several other advantages, government jobs are in high demand worldwide. Finding and managing these notifications, though, may be a difficult process. This article will teach you how to scrape the web for the most recent government employment announcements using Python. Installation and Syntax Before we begin, we need to install the required Python packages. The two packages we will use are requests and BeautifulSoup. We can install these packages using pip. Here's the command to install them: pip install requests pip install beautifulsoup4 Once we have installed the required packages, ... Read More

Get last n records of a Pandas DataFrame

Atharva Shah
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 17:50:17

1K+ Views

Data analysis frequently faces the issue of working with enormous datasets, which frequently necessitates data modification to yield valuable insights. The ability to extract the most recent n entries from a Pandas DataFrame might be helpful in certain circumstances. The goal of this article is to offer a thorough how-to manual for successfully doing this activity. Installation and Syntax pip install pandas Once Pandas is installed, you can use a CSV file or the results of a database query to create a DataFrame from a variety of data sources. import pandas as pd data = {'Name': ['John', 'Mark', 'Alice', ... Read More

How to Run Two Async Functions Forever in Python

Rohan Singh
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 16:57:19

8K+ Views

Async functions, also known as coroutines, are functions that can be paused and resumed during their execution. In Python, the asyncio module, provides a powerful framework for writing concurrent code using coroutines, which are special functions that can be paused and resumed. In this article, we will explore how to run two async functions forever using asyncio in Python. Async Functions Async functions, also known as coroutines, are functions that can be paused and resumed during their execution. They allow for concurrent execution of code without blocking the main thread, thus enabling efficient utilization of system resources. To define an ... Read More

Get information about YouTube Channel using Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 17:48:53


YouTube, the world's largest video-sharing website, hosts a wide variety of media. Individuals or groups can create channels on YouTube, and recordings can be uploaded for others to view. Using Python, we will use the Google API in this tutorial to learn more about a YouTube channel. Installation pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client Navigate to to access the Google Cloud Console. Choose an existing project or start a new one. On the left-hand menu, pick APIs & Services > Dashboard by clicking the "Navigation menu" symbol . Choose "+ ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES" from the menu.In the ... Read More

Get Indian Railways Station code Using Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 17:48:07


Web scraping is only one of the many uses for the flexible programming language Python. We'll discover how to use Python to extract station codes for Indian Railways in this blog post. Each Indian railway station has a specific identification number, or station code. They are used to make reservations for tickets, look at train timetables, and find other relevant data. Installation To start with, we need to install the requests and Beautiful Soup libraries. Requests is a Python library used for sending HTTP requests, while Beautiful Soup is a library used for web scraping purposes. To install requests, open ... Read More

Get index in the list of objects by attribute in Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 17:47:00


Lists are a common data structure in Python for storing a collection of objects. On occasion, you might need to locate the index of a certain item in the list using the value of a particular characteristic. This can be a difficult process, particularly if the list has a lot of things but Python has a simple method for obtaining the index in the list of objects by attribute which we will be exploring in this article. Syntax To find the index in the list of objects according to an attribute, use the syntax shown below − index = next((i ... Read More

Get Flight Status using Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 17:46:16


"Flight status" refers to the present condition of a flight, such as whether it is on schedule, running behind schedule, or being cancelled. You may find out the status of a flight by visiting the airline's website and entering the flight number or the airports of departure and arrival. The essential data is then taken from the HTML page and structured by the BeautifulSoup module and used to assess if a flight is on time, delayed, or cancelled. To obtain the flight status for this blog post, we'll utilise Python. Installation It's essential that Python and the BeautifulSoup library ... Read More

How to Resize Matplotlib RadioButtons

Rohan Singh
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 16:31:32


Matplotlib is a popular data visualization library in Python that provides a wide range of tools for creating interactive plots and charts. One of the interactive components offered by Matplotlib is the RadioButtons widget, which allows users to select a single option from a group of mutually exclusive choices. While working with RadioButtons, you may encounter situations where you need to resize them to better fit your plot or application layout. In this article, we will explore different methods to resize Matplotlib RadioButtons. Syntax[left, bottom, width, height]) Here, radio_buttons refers to the instance of the RadioButtons widget. ... Read More

Get first n records of a Pandas DataFrame

Atharva Shah
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 17:44:27

2K+ Views

Working with large datasets in Pandas can often be a daunting task, especially when it comes to retrieving the first few records of a dataset. In this article, we will explore the various ways to get the first n records of a Pandas DataFrame. Installation and Syntax We must make sure that Pandas is installed on our system before moving further with the implementation so run the pip command in your terminal − pip install pandas Once installed, we can create a DataFrame or load a CSV and then retrieve the first N records. Algorithm A Pandas DataFrame's first ... Read More
