Found 27104 Articles for Server Side Programming

Check if any valid sequence is divisible by M

Divya Sahni
Updated on 25-Jul-2023 12:20:14


A sequence is a collection of objects, and in our case, it is a collection of integers. The task is to find if a sequence with the usage of the addition and subtraction operator within the elements is divisible by M or not. Problem Statement Given an integer M and an array of integers. Using only addition and subtraction between elements check if there is a valid sequence whose solution is divisible by M. Sample Example 1 Input: M = 2, arr = {1, 2, 5} Output: TRUE Explanation − For the given array a valid sequence {1 ... Read More

Pause method - Action Chains in Selenium Python

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 21:00:54


The Pause method is an essential technique utilized in Selenium Python for implementing Action Chains. Action Chains allow users to perform complex interactions on web pages, such as hovering over elements, clicking and dragging, and more. By incorporating the Pause method, programmers can introduce specific time delays between actions, ensuring accurate execution and synchronization. This article explores the significance of the Pause method and how it enhances the functionality and reliability of Action Chains in Selenium Python. What are Action chains? Action Chains, in Selenium Python, allow users to perform a series of actions sequentially, mimicking real user interactions. ... Read More

Parkinson Disease Prediction using Machine Learning in Python

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 20:58:50


Parkinson's Disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects millions worldwide, early and accurate diagnosis is crucial for effective treatment which can easily be done using machine learning in Python. This article explores the application of machine learning techniques in predicting Parkinson's Disease using a dataset from the UCI machine learning repository. By employing the Random Forest Classifier algorithm, we demonstrate how Python can be leveraged to analyze and preprocess data, train a predictive model, and make accurate predictions. Parkinson Disease Prediction using Machine Learning in Python We have used Jupyter notebook to run the code in this article. Below ... Read More

Parent element method in Selenium Python

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 20:54:46

1K+ Views

Selenium is a robust tool that enables the automation of web browsers, and Python is widely employed for test automation, a significant aspect of Selenium is its capability to find elements on web pages through diverse approaches which can easily be done using the parent element method that emerges as a valuable technique. By recognizing and manipulating the parent element associated with a particular target element, testers can effectively engage with specific sections of a webpage. This article delves into the parent element method in Selenium Python, shedding light on its benefits and practical implementation strategies. What is a ... Read More

How to take a random row from a PySpark DataFrame?

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 20:41:54

3K+ Views

In PySpark, working with large datasets often requires extracting a random row from a DataFrame for various purposes such as sampling or testing. However, the process of selecting a random row can be challenging due to the distributed nature of Spark. In this article, we explore efficient techniques to tackle this task, discussing different approaches and providing code examples to help you effortlessly extract a random row from a PySpark DataFrame. How to take a random row from a PySpark DataFrame? Below are the Approaches or the methods using which we can take a random row from a PySpark ... Read More

XNOR of two numbers

Divya Sahni
Updated on 25-Jul-2023 12:16:12


XNOR(Exclusive-NOR) gate is a digital logic gate that takes two inputs and gives one output. Its function is the logical complement of the Exclusive-OR (XOR) gate. The output is TRUE if both inputs are the same and FALSE if the inputs are different. The truth table of the XNOR gate is given below. A B Output 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Problem Statement Given two numbers x and y. Find the XNOR of the two numbers. Sample Example 1 Input: x ... Read More

QuickSort using Random Pivoting

Divya Sahni
Updated on 04-Sep-2023 09:37:30

1K+ Views

Quick Sort is a Divide and Conquer algorithm. In this algorithm, we elect a pivot element and then partition the array around the pivot element. The two partitions are such that one part contains elements all lower than the pivot element and the other part contains elements all higher than the pivot element. Similarly, each part is further partitioned around a pivot selected in each part and this process is executed until one single element is reached. Choosing a Pivot A pivot can be chosen in an array as follows − A random pivot. Rightmost or leftmost element as ... Read More

Comparison between Tarjan’s and Kosaraju’s Algorithm

Updated on 21-Jul-2023 18:43:16


Tarjan’s algorithm is to locate strongly linked components in a directed graph, Robert Tarjan created the graph traversal technique known as Tarjan's algorithm in 1972. Without going over previously processed nodes, it effectively locates and handles each highly related component using a depth-first search strategy and a stack data structure. The algorithm is often employed in computer science and graph theory and has several uses, including algorithm creation, network analysis, and data mining. Kosaraju’s algorithm consists of two passes over the graph. In the first pass, the graph is traversed in reverse order and a "finish time" is assigned ... Read More

Plotting Geospatial Data using GeoPandas

Shriansh Kumar
Updated on 21-Jul-2023 19:07:58


GeoPandas, a widely used Python library build on top of the Pandas library to include the support of geospatial data. Here, geospatial data or geodata describes the information related to the various locations on Earth's surface. These datasets have many use cases including visualization of maps, urban planning, analysis of trade locations, network planning and so forth. In this article, we are going to explore how the GeoPandas library works and also, how to plot geospatial data using GeoPandas. Plotting Geospatial data using GeoPandas in Python Since GeoPandas extends the features of the Pandas library, we need to ... Read More

Longest substring having K distinct vowels

Updated on 21-Jul-2023 18:01:45


In this article, we will explore the problem of finding the longest substring in a given string that contains K distinct vowels. The problem can be solved using different algorithms in C++. This problem is commonly encountered in the field of computer science, particularly in text processing and natural language processing tasks. It tests one's ability to manipulate strings and handle edge cases. Syntax In the realm of C++, the class std::string epitomizes a string datatype. This versatile entity enables storage and manipulation of character sequences. The template class std::vector embodies a dynamic array, granting the ability to resize arrays ... Read More
