Found 27104 Articles for Server Side Programming

Length of longest subset consisting of A 0s and B 1s from an array of strings

Shubham Vora
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 12:52:55


In this problem, we need to find the longest subset containing at most A 0s and B1s. All we need to do is find all possible subsets using the array elements and find the longest subset containing maximum A 0s and B1. In this tutorial, first, we will learn the recursive approach to solve the problem. After that, we will optimize the code using the dynamic programming approach. Problem statement − We have given an array containing N binary strings. Also, we have given A and B integers. We need to make the longest subset using the given binary strings ... Read More

Construct a K-length binary string from an array based on given conditions

Shubham Vora
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 12:50:54


In this tutorial, we require to construct a binary string of length K such that it should contain ‘1’ at the ith index if a subset-sum equal to I is possible using array elements. We will learn two approaches to solving the problem. In the first approach, we will use a dynamic programming approach to check whether the subset sum equal to index ‘I’ is possible. In the second approach, we will use a bitset to find all possible sums using array elements. Problem statement − We have given an array containing N integers. Also, we have given integer M ... Read More

Minimum flips required to generate continuous substrings of 0’s and 1’s

Sakshi Koshta
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 13:26:52


Continuous character sequences known as substrings of 0s and 1s can be created by selecting zero or more characters from the original string in any order without skipping any of them. Take for instance the string "0101." The sub strings that are followed up this text are: 0, " "1, " "01, " "10, " "010, " "101, " and "0101." The unfilled string is likewise a substring of all strings since it very well might be made by picking precisely 0 characters from the beginning string. As a result, in this instance "" is also a substring of "0101". ... Read More

Check if a string can be split into 3 substrings such that one of them is a substring of the other two

Shubham Vora
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 12:48:15


In this problem, we need to split the given string in such a way that the third substring can be a substring of the first two substrings. Let’s think about the solution. The third string can be a substring of the first two string only if the first two string contains all characters of the third string. So, we need to find at least one character in the given string with a frequency of more than 3, and we can take the third substring of the single character. Problem statement − We have given a string str containing the N ... Read More

Check if a Binary String can be sorted in decreasing order by removing non-adjacent characters

Shubham Vora
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 12:46:14


In this problem, we need to sort the given binary string in decreasing order by removing only non-adjacent elements. To solve the problem, we require to remove all zeros which are placed before ones in the binary string. If we find two consecutive ones after two consecutive zeros at any position in the string, it means we can’t sort the string in decreasing order. Otherwise, we can sort it out in each case. Problem statement − We have given binary string str with a length equal to N. We need to check whether we can sort the given string in ... Read More

Minimum prefixes required to be flipped to convert a Binary String to another

Shubham Vora
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 12:44:23


In this problem, we need to convert the first binary string to the second binary string by flipping the prefix of the first string. To get the minimum prefix flip, we require to iterate through the end of the string, and if we find mismatched characters in both strings, we need to flip the prefix of the first string. Problem statement − We have given two different binary strings called first and second. The length of both binary strings is equal, which is N. We need to convert the first string into the second string by flipping the prefixes of ... Read More

Python - Updating value list in dictionary

Arpana Jain
Updated on 27-Jul-2023 12:29:25


Introduction In Python, a dictionary consists of keys and their values, and these keys and values are surrounded by curly brackets. All keys and their associated value are divided by a colon symbol. Maps are employed to hold information with key−value mappings. Those are modifiable, indicating adding, removing, and updating values is allowed. Readers will gain a complete understanding of how to change value sequences in dictionaries with Python by using actual programming examples and clear explanations. These can allow you to access exciting prospects in your software development pursuits. Definition A dictionary is a random collection that contains key ... Read More

Visualizing O(n) using Python

Arpana Jain
Updated on 27-Jul-2023 12:33:31


Introduction Knowing the efficiency of algorithms is crucial in the domain of computer science and programming as it aids in creating software that is both optimized and fast−performing. Time complexity is an important notion in this context since it measures how the runtime of an algorithm changes as the input size grows. The commonly used time complexity class O(n) signifies an association of linearity between the input size and execution time. Definition Algorithmic complexity within computer science is the assessment of the resources, such as time and space utilization, required to operate an algorithm depending on its input size. ... Read More

Python - Visualize graphs generated in NetworkX using Matplotlib

Arpana Jain
Updated on 27-Jul-2023 12:05:38

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Introduction Python represents a flexible coding language recognized for its ease and clearness. This offers many libraries and components for streamlining different tasks, including the creation of graphs and displays. NetworkX represents an efficient Python toolkit for constructing, changing, and investigating the arrangement, movement, and operations of sophisticated networks. Matplotlib, however, is a popular toolkit for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python. Definition NetworkX serves as a Python library for building, modifying, and investigating the arrangement, movement, and capabilities of elaborate networks. This offers multiple features and mathematical formulas to produce a variety of graphical representations. This ... Read More

Identifying Sentiments in Text with Word Based Encoding

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 12:11:30


Introduction Sentiment analysis is a pivotal angle of natural language processing (NLP) that centers on extricating feelings and conclusions from printed information. It plays a crucial part in understanding open assumptions, client criticism, and social media patterns. In this article, we'll investigate two approaches for distinguishing estimations in content utilizing wordbased encoding in Python. These approaches give profitable bits of knowledge into the enthusiastic tone of a given content by leveraging distinctive procedures such as Bag−ofWords and TF−IDF. By utilizing these methods, ready to analyze estimations and categorize them as positive or negative based on the given input. ... Read More
