Found 27104 Articles for Server Side Programming

The Optimal Number of Epochs to Train a Neural Network in Keras

Updated on 28-Jul-2023 17:29:13


Introduction Training a neural network includes finding the proper adjustment between under fitting and overfitting. In this article, we'll learn the epochs’s concept and dive into deciding the epoch’s number, a well−known deep−learning library. By understanding the trade−off between underfitting and overfitting, utilizing methods like early ceasing and cross−validation, and considering learning curves, we are able successfully to decide the perfect number of epochs. Understanding Epochs An epoch alludes to one total pass of the whole preparing dataset through a neural network. Amid each epoch, the network learns from the training information and updates its internal parameters, such as ... Read More

Using Interquartile Range to Detect Outliers in Data

Updated on 28-Jul-2023 17:23:49


Introduction Data analysis plays a significant part in different areas, counting commerce, back, healthcare, and investigation. One common challenge in data analysis is the nearness of outliers, which are data focuses that essentially deviate from the overall design of the data. These outliers can distort statistical measures and influence the exactness of our examination. Hence, it gets to be imperative to distinguish and handle outliers appropriately. In this article, the user will understand the concept of IQR and its application in identifying outliers in data. Python Program to Detect Outliers Algorithm Step 1 :Calculate the mean and deviation of the ... Read More

Python program to find number of likes and dislikes?

Adeeba Khan
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 18:04:00


The ability to communicate our ideas, feelings, and preferences through likes and dislikes on social media platforms has revolutionized the way we connect with and interact with material. These straightforward yet effective indications are crucial for determining the level of interest and sentiment surrounding a post, video, or any other type of shared content. You could frequently get across situations as a Python programmer where you need to examine the number of likes and dislikes on a given article or video to learn more about user preferences or gauge engagement levels. We will study two distinct methods for determining the ... Read More

Visual representations of Outputs/Activations of each CNN layer

Updated on 28-Jul-2023 17:15:53


Introduction Convolutional neural networks offer remarkable insight into mimicking human−like visual processing through their sophisticated multi−layer architectures. This article has taken you on a creative journey through each layer's function and provided visual representations of their outputs or activations along the way. As researchers continue to unlock even deeper levels of understanding within CNNs, we move closer toward unraveling the mysteries behind complex intelligence exhibited by these futuristic machines. In this article, we embark on a fascinating journey through the layers of CNNs to unravel how these remarkable machines work. Visual representation of Outputs The Input Layer − Where ... Read More

How to Make Boxplots with Data Points using Seaborn in Python?

Adeeba Khan
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 18:01:55


A strong visualization tool for summarizing a dataset's distribution is the boxplot. They provide important statistical parameters including the median, quartiles, and possible outliers. Traditional boxplots, on the other hand, simply provide summary statistics, thus they might not offer a complete picture of the data. In this article, we will learn how to make Boxplots with Data points using Seaborn in Python. A well-liked data visualization library based on matplotlib is called Seaborn. It offers a sophisticated interface for producing beautiful statistics visuals. We may create boxplots with overlapping data points using the functionality of Seaborn and Matplotlib, enabling ... Read More

Perceptron Algorithm for NOT Logic Gate

Updated on 28-Jul-2023 17:13:28


Introduction Within the domain of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the Perceptron Algorithm holds a special put as one of the foundational building blocks. Although it could seem basic in comparison to present−day complex neural networks, understanding the Perceptron Algorithm is basic because it shapes the premise for many modern learning techniques. In this article, we are going to investigate the Perceptron Algorithm with a center on its application to the NOT logic gate. We are going to dig into the hypothesis behind the algorithm, its components, and how it can be used to implement the logical NOT operation. ... Read More

How to Make a Time Series Plot with Rolling Average in Python?

Saba Hilal
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 17:54:52


In this article, we will look at two methods for making a Python time series plot with a rolling average. Both strategies make use of well-known libraries like Matplotlib, Pandas, and Seaborn, which offer strong capabilities for data manipulation and visualization. Following these methods will enable you to visualize time series data with a rolling average efficiently and get an understanding of its general behavior. Both methods utilize a similar set of sequential steps, that involve loading the data, turning the date column to a DateTime object, figuring out the rolling average, and producing the plot. The primary distinction is ... Read More

How to Check form Submission in PHP?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 16:58:13

2K+ Views

How to check form submission in PHP? To check form submission in PHP, you can follow these steps: Step 1 Create an HTML form: Start by creating an HTML form that collects user input. The form should have an action attribute pointing to the PHP file where you will process the form data. Index.html Employee Information Form .error { color: red; } Employee Information First Name: ... Read More

Perceptron Algorithm for NAND Logic Gate with 2-bit Binary Input

Updated on 28-Jul-2023 17:11:04


Introduction Within the domain of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, one of the foremost basic components is the Artificial Neural Network (ANN). ANNs are motivated by the human brain's neural systems and are designed to imitate the way neurons prepare data. At the center of an ANN lies the perceptron, an essential building square that serves as a basic numerical model of a neuron. In this article, we'll investigate the Perceptron NAND Logic Gate with 2−bit Binary Input, and basic however fundamental concept within the world of ANNs. Understanding the Perceptron The perceptron, proposed by Frank Rosenblatt in 1957, could ... Read More

What is DBScan Clustering in R Programming?

Updated on 28-Jul-2023 16:52:40


Introduction Clustering analysis, a fundamental technique in machine learning and data mining, allows for identifying patterns and grouping similar data points together. Among various clustering algorithms, Density−Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) stands out as a powerful tool that can automatically discover clusters of arbitrary shapes. In this article, we will explore the concepts behind DBSCAN and demonstrate its implementation in R programming through clear and concise code examples. DBScan Clustering DBSCAN is particularly valuable when dealing with datasets that contain groups of varying densities or irregularly shaped clusters. Unlike other traditional clustering techniques like K−means or hierarchical ... Read More
