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K-Medoids clustering with solved example in Machine Learning

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 11:51:43

2K+ Views

Introduction K-Medoids is an unsupervised clustering algorithm using the partition method of clustering. It is an improvised version of the K-Means clustering algorithm especially used to handle outlier data. It requires unlabeled data to work with. In this article let us understand the k-Medoids algorithm with an example. K-Medoids Algorithm In the K-Medoids algorithm, each data point is called a medoid. The medoids serve as cluster centers. The medoid is a point such that its sum of the distance from all other points in the same cluster is minimum. For distance, any suitable metric like Euclidian distance or Manhattan distance ... Read More

How to check whether the day is a weekday or not using Pandas in Python?

Niharika Aitam
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 14:51:19

2K+ Views

The Python pandas library provides different functions to check whether the day is a weekday or not namely, weekday(), day_name(), isoweekday() etc., Pandas is an open source python library which is used for data manipulation, data analysis, data visualization, data structures etc. This library is widely used in data science and data analysis which provides data cleaning, exploration and transformation. There are many modules and functions available in pandas to work with the given data. Using the weekday() function In python, the weekday() function can be used to determine whether a given day is a weekday or not. This ... Read More

How to check whether specified values are present in NumPy array?

Niharika Aitam
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 14:47:20

5K+ Views

We have different modules and functions available in python language to check whether specified values are present in the given Numpy array. Numpy is abbreviated as Numerical Python, which is a python library used to perform the mathematical, statistical and scientific calculations. The result of the numpy array is returned in the format of array. The arrays can be created in one dimension, two dimension and so on up to 32 dimensions. The Numpy library provides a number of modules and functions which helps us to perform scientific calculations and mathematical calculations. Let’s see each way one by one to ... Read More

Exploring Data Distribution

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 11:26:27


Introduction The distribution of data gives us useful insights into the data while working with any data science or machine learning use case. Data Distribution is how the data is available and its present condition, the information about specific parts of the data, any outliers in the data as well as central tendencies related to the data. To explore the data distribution there popular graphical methods that prove beneficial while working with the data. In this article let us explore these methods. Know more about your data: The Graphical Way Histograms & KDE Density Plots Histograms are the most ... Read More

How to check the execution time of Python script?

Niharika Aitam
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 14:45:08

9K+ Views

The python script is the file that can store the code which is used to execute a specific task or set of tasks. This file is saved with the file extension “.py”. The python script can be created and edited in any text editor and can be executed using the command line prompt or can be imported as a package or module into the integrated development environment(IDE). Each python script will take some time to execute the file; it can be calculated by using the following ways. Using the time Module In python, we have the time module which ... Read More

How to check multiple variables against a value in Python?

Niharika Aitam
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 14:42:47

2K+ Views

The variable is an entity that stores on different values. When we assign a new value, every time, the previous value will be replaced with the new one. In python, a variable can be alphabetic, underscore, numeric value starting with the alphabet etc. The multiple variables can be against a value; it can be checked by using the following ways in python. Using logical ‘or’ and ‘and’ One of the way to check multiple variables against a value in python is by logical or and and. The and operator will check if all the variables are equal to their ... Read More

How to Check Loading Time of Website using Python

Niharika Aitam
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 14:35:53


We use different websites in our day to day life. Every particular website will take some time to load the content. Mathematically, we can get the loading time by subtracting the time obtained with the reading time of the whole website. In python we have few packages and modules to check loading time of the website. Steps/Approach The following are the steps that we need to follow to get the loading time of the website. Let’s see each step one by one. Firstly, we have to import the required libraries into our python environment. The following is the lines ... Read More

Exploring Categorical Data

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 11:24:02


Introduction Categorical data is a type of data that takes a fixed number of values and there is no possible logical order in such variables. Categorical variables can be blood groups, yes-no situations, gender, ranking (ex. first, second, third), etc. Categorical variables most of the time undergo encodings such as one hot encoding, and nominal encoding to represent them in binary or integer format for the Machine Learning use case under consideration. Categorical Data and related terms Mode is the most common central tendency associated with categorical variables/observations. It is the value in the set of observations that has the ... Read More

How to check if Time Series Data is Stationary with Python?

Niharika Aitam
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 14:34:50


Time series is a collection of data points, which are recorded at regular intervals of time. It is used to study the trend of patterns, relationship between the variable over the defined time. The common examples of time series are stock prices, weather patterns and economic indicators. It analyzes the time series data by the statistical and mathematical techniques. The main aim of the time series is to identify the patterns and trends of the previous data to forecast the future values. The data is said to be stationary, if it doesn’t change with the time. It is necessary ... Read More

How to Check if Tensorflow is Using GPU?

Niharika Aitam
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 14:32:59


GPU is abbreviated as Graphics Processing Unit. It is a specialized processor designed to handle the complex and repetitive calculations required for video encoding or decoding, graphics rendering and other computational intensive tasks. It is mainly suited to perform the large scale parallel computations, which makes ideal for the machine learning and other data based applications. The GPU in machine learning has become more popular as it reduces the time required to train complex neural networks. Tensorflow, Pytorch, keras are the built-in frameworks of machine learning which supports the GPU acceleration. The following are the steps to check if Tensorflow ... Read More
