Found 27104 Articles for Server Side Programming

How to Split a File into a List in Python?

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 18:42:14


Python, a sophisticated, all-purpose coding language, has emerged as the universal dialect in many spheres, particularly analytics, internet creation, automation, and beyond. Its inherent accessibility and adaptability have made it a top choice for beginners and coders alike. One of Python's unparalleled strengths is its ability to manipulate documents, allowing users to read, compose, edit, and organize documents with amazing ease. In this discourse, we'll explore one such facet: dissecting a document into an array. Comprehending Documents and Arrays in Python In the realm of Python, a document represents a specified location on storage media where relevant data ... Read More

How to Speedup Pandas with One-Line change using Modin?

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 18:41:11


Data is considered the new oil in this information era. Python, with its extensive libraries, is one of the leading programming languages for data analysis, and Pandas, a Python library, is its crown jewel. However, as datasets have ballooned, Pandas users have found their workflows hampered by its relatively slow execution on large datasets. Fortunately, there's a way to vastly improve Pandas performance using a single line of code with Modin. A Primer on Pandas and Modin Pandas, an open-source Python toolkit, excels in delivering high-octane, user-friendly data frameworks and tools for data scrutiny. In spite of its formidable arsenal, ... Read More

How to speed up Pandas with cuDF?

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 18:40:29


When it comes to the utilization of Python in the data analysis realm, Pandas stands as a renowned library extensively employed for its potent capabilities in data manipulation. Nevertheless, one might encounter speed bumps while handling substantial datasets via Pandas, chiefly in systems centered around CPU. A brilliant alternative to this predicament is cuDF, a GPU DataFrame library, meticulously crafted by NVIDIA under the umbrella of the RAPIDS ecosystem. cuDF ingeniously deploys the prowess of GPUs to facilitate parallelized data processing, thereby significantly surging ahead of the traditional operations of Pandas in terms of performance. This piece intends to guide ... Read More

How to Sort Date in Excel using Pandas?

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 18:34:08


Robust applications such as Excel have made their mark in handling data arrays, but certain intricate manipulations may require a more potent toolset. Specifically, the task of arranging date-based entries can pose unique challenges if the initial data is skewed or necessitates an advanced sorting mechanism. Pandas - a formidable Python library engineered specifically for data manipulation and scrutiny - steps into this gap. This treatise will shed light on how to finesse the sequence of dates in an Excel sheet, using Pandas, with lucid explications for each line of code. Installing Pandas and OpenPyXL Before we immerse into the ... Read More

10 Python File System Methods You Should Know

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 17:44:29


Collaborating with the file organization is a routine undertaking in coding, and Python equips a bountiful collection of instruments to connect with files and folders. In this discourse, we'll unfold ten Python file management functions that you ought to comprehend to streamline your coding endeavors. We'll escort you through each function, illustrating its operations in uncomplicated steps. Initiating and concluding a file Let’s assume example.txt contains the text "Hello, World!".Example doc = open('example.txt', 'r') contents = doc.close() print(contents) Output Hello, World! The open() operation accepts two parameters: the file trajectory and the file mode. In ... Read More

10 Python Code Snippets For Everyday Programming Problems

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 17:35:19


Python has risen as one of the foremost favored programming languages all-inclusive, owing to its flexibility, user-friendliness, and extensive libraries. Whether you are a beginner or a prepared developer, having a collection of convenient code parts can spare you important time and energy. In this article, we'll delve into ten Python code fragments that can be employed to tackle routine programming challenges. We'll guide you through each fragment, elucidating how it operates in straightforward steps. Swapping two variables Switching the values of two variables is a frequent task in programming. In Python, this can be achieved without utilizing a ... Read More

1/4 Mile Calculator using PyQt5 in Python

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 18:20:16


The 1/4 mile drag sprint is a prevalent gauge for assessing the performance of automobiles and motorcycles. Aficionados and experts alike employ this distance to appraise acceleration and overall capabilities. In this piece, we will construct a basic 1/4 mile estimator using PyQt5, a renowned Python library for crafting graphical user interfaces (GUIs). By the conclusion of this piece, you'll possess a functional 1/4 mile estimator that can be employed to evaluate the performance of various vehicles. Why choose PyQt5 for a 1/4 Mile Estimator? PyQt5 is a strong and versatile library for building desktop applications in Python. It offers ... Read More

How to check for a substring in a PySpark dataframe?

Niharika Aitam
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 16:01:28

3K+ Views

Pyspark is the library which provides the interface to Apache spark. The Apache spark is the distributed computing system to process the large datasets. We have the feasibility in pyspark to write the spark applications using python apart of the traditional languages Java and Scala. Verifying for a substring in a PySpark Pyspark provides the dataframe API which helps us in manipulating the structured data such as the SQL queries. It can read various formats of data like parquet, csv, JSON and much more. It provides the features to support the machine learning library to use classification, regression, ... Read More

How to check horoscope using Python?

Niharika Aitam
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 16:00:18


Checking horoscope using Python Python is used in many applications all over the world. One of the applications is to check the horoscope on that day or day after using the Beautifulsoup of the python language. The following are the steps to be followed to check the horoscope using python. Installing the beautifulsoup Firstly, we have to install the beautifulsoup package in our python working envinornment. The below is the code. pip install bs4 The output of installing the beautifulsoup is as follows. Collecting bs4 Downloading bs4-0.0.1.tar.gz (1.1 kB) Preparing metadata ( started ... Read More

How to check if the PyMongo Cursor is Empty?

Niharika Aitam
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 15:41:50

1K+ Views

PyMongo is one of the libraries in python which provides a way to interact with the MongoDB , the most popular NoSQL document oriented database. It allows the developers to easily connect with the mongoDB instances and interact with the databases and collections, insert and retrieve the documents and other various operations. Cursors in PyMongo A cursor in MongoDB is an object that points to the documents. When we execute the find() method by passing a search query as a parameter, the results of the given query are returned in the form of a cursor object. By iterating ... Read More
