Found 27104 Articles for Server Side Programming

How to Create Multiple Toolbars in wxPython

Atharva Shah
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 17:12:31


In the realm of GUI programming, wxPython has emerged as a powerful and versatile library, empowering developers to craft stunning graphical user interfaces with ease. Among the many essential components, toolbars play a vital role in providing users with quick access to various functionalities. In this tutorial, we'll dive into the art of creating multiple toolbars using wxPython. By the end, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to enhance your GUI applications with multiple toolbars, thereby offering an improved user experience. Installation wxPython Library for GUI Prototyping As a wrapper for the C++ library wxWidgets, wxPython allows ... Read More

Create list of Tuples using for Loop using Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 17:09:36


Python's key data structures are lists and tuples. Once elements of tuples are set they cannot be changed. This is called immutability. But list elements can be modified after initialization. When dealing with data that needs to be grouped together, a for loop is used to create tuple lists. Lists are more adaptable than tuples due to their ability to be modified. This tutorial demonstrates creating a list of tuples using a for loop, simplifying repetitive tasks. Syntax for variable in iterable: # loop code Basic Operations on Tuples Example # Initializing my_tuple = ... Read More

How to Create a Dictionary Of Tuples in Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 17:07:55


This walkthrough is all about creating a dictionary of tuples in Python. This data structure stores key-value pairs. By combining dictionaries and tuples, a dictionary of tuples can be created. The benefit is organized and accessible data in a structured format. Becomes easy to represent multiple values for each key, such as student grades or contact information. Let us see how this efficiently stores and retrieves complex data. Syntax Ensure Python is installed on your system for its simplicity and readability. Create a dictionary of tuples using the following syntax: dictionary_name = {key1: (value1_1, value1_2, ...), key2: ... Read More

How to Create Acronyms from Words Using Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 16:39:36

2K+ Views

In programming and data processing, an acronym is an abbreviated version of a sentence. Python is an effective language for constructing acronyms, simplifying tasks, and conveying larger sentences simply. This lesson shows how to make acronyms out of words using Python and some of its potential applications. Algorithm You need to install any additional packages to run the below codes. Start off with an empty string to hold the acronym. Using the split() function, divide the supplied sentence into distinct words. ... Read More

Python - Create a string made of the first and last two characters from a given string

Atharva Shah
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 16:35:01

1K+ Views

This tutorial is all about string slicing. This involves creating a new string using the first and last two characters of a given string. Examples include using string slicing to extract the first two characters of a string. Such as "he" and "lo, " and combining these slices to create a new string with the first and last two characters. String manipulation methods prove handy while working with large strings or performing specific operations on a string's individual components. Let us explore several ways to handle this. Algorithm Begin with the string that has ... Read More

Removing Odd Elements From List in Python

Sai Mohan Pulamolu
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 16:32:39

3K+ Views

In Python, lists are a versatile data structure that allows you to store and manipulate collections of items. There may be use cases where you need to remove specific elements from a list based on certain criteria. In this tutorial, we will learn how to remove odd elements from a list in Python. Using a For Loop and remove() method The approach is to use a for loop to iterate through each element of the list and check if the element is odd or even and then use the remove() method to remove it from the list. Syntax remove() remove(item) ... Read More

How to Create a List of Tuples in Python?

Atharva Shah
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 16:28:05


In Python, creating a list of tuples is a flexible data structure for storing many items. Tuples are immutable, ordered collections that are suitable for grouping similar items. This tutorial will guide you through this with several examples to build and handle lists of tuples. Understanding Tuples Tuples are ordered collections of elements. Lists are mutable collections of elements enclosed in square brackets, that combine with tuples to form a list of tuples. List comprehension gives compact code. It also unpacks and assigns variables to each member necessary for quick access. Nesting tuples within lists ... Read More

Python - Odd Frequency Characters

Sai Mohan Pulamolu
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 16:29:38


In Python, fetching characters with odd frequencies from a given string can be a very common task in text processing and data analysis. In this article, we will learn various methods to fetch the odd frequency characters of a string in Python. Using a Dictionary Dictionaries are very convenient when there is a need to keep track of the frequencies of elements Approach To get the odd frequency elements, We will iterate through the entire string, and for each character in the string, we will increment the character count in the dictionary. At the end of the iteration, we will ... Read More

Create a box in Python GTK+ 3

Atharva Shah
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 16:26:52


GTK+ 3 is a sophisticated and used graphical user interface library (GUIs). It comes with an extensive range of tools and widgets for creating cross-platform interactive and appealing apps. Let us concentrate on the fundamentals of GTK+ 3 and its box layout to manage and arrange widgets within a window. Setup Windows users require the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). It uses Linux commands and PyGObject in Windows contexts. This simplifies access to libraries and GObject Introspection bindings. When you have it: pip install PyGObject sudo apt install libcairo2-dev python3-gi gir1.2-gtk-3.0gcc libgirepository1.0-dev gobject-introspection pkg-config ... Read More

Opening Links Using Selenium in Python

Sai Mohan Pulamolu
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 16:35:59

1K+ Views

When working with automation tasks, opening links programmatically is a very common requirement. Selenium, a popular web testing framework, provides powerful tools to handle web pages and perform various actions like opening links and etc. In this article, we will learn various methods to open links in Selenium using Python. Prerequisites Before we get started just make sure that you have the following software installed: Python: Install Python, if you haven't already. Selenium: Install Selenium by running pip install selenium in your command prompt. Web Driver: Selenium requires a web driver to interface with the chosen browser. You need to download ... Read More
