Found 111 Articles for SQL

Conversion Functions in SQL

David Meador
Updated on 20-Jun-2020 08:00:07

1K+ Views

There may be times when the SQL query was expecting some data type but it got another. In that case type conversion is done by SQL. This is implicit type conversion. However, sometimes the programmer explicitly converts one data type into another in a query. This is known as explicit type conversion. Both of these in detail are given as follows:Implicit Data Type ConversionIn implicit data type conversion, the SQL programmer does not specify anything. Rather the system converts one type of data to another as per its requirements. For example - a numeric data type can be converted to ... Read More

Mathematical Functions in SQL

Amit Diwan
Updated on 20-Jun-2020 07:55:29

14K+ Views

Mathematical functions are very important in SQL to implement different mathematical concepts in queries.Some of the the major mathematical functions in SQL are as follows −ABS(X)This function returns the absolute value of X. For example −Select abs(-6);This returns 6.MOD(X, Y)The variable X is divided by Y and their remainder is returned. For example −Select mod(9, 5);This returns 4.SIGN(X)This method returns 1 if X is positive, -1 if it is negative and 0 if the value of X is 0. For example −Select sign(10);This returns 1.FLOOR(X)This returns the largest integer value that is either less than X or equal to it. ... Read More

Loading an individual column in SAP HANA using SQL

SAP Developer
Updated on 13-Mar-2020 07:59:07


Yes, you can open SQL console and execute the statement −LOAD (, ...);This SQL query will load or unload entire column into or from main memory. Its load status is TRUE or FALSE. The table's load status is PARTIALLY.

Creating a Standard user in SAP HANA system using SQL

SAP Expert
Updated on 21-Feb-2020 08:06:19


This can be created using following SQL query −CREATE USER TEST_122 PASSWORD Pass123$$

Create View SQL in SAP HANA database

Updated on 22-Jun-2020 08:52:55

3K+ Views

>Create View View_name as Select Col1,Col2 From Table_name;In the above SQL statement, you are creating a view that contains Col1 and Col2 from the table.Table Name − Emp_InfoExampleIdEmplNameEmpluserEmplpasswordJoining_Date1Employee 1Emp1Emp1Pwd9/11/20162 Employee 2Emp2 Emp2Pwd   16/08/20153Employee 3Emp3Emp3Pwd15/09/20164Employee 4Emp4   Emp4Pwd  3/07/20145Employee 5Emp5Emp5Pwd10/09/20126Employee 6Emp6  Emp6Pwd   1/10/2013                                                                                               To create a view, which contains only 3 columns you have to write->Create View View_EmpInfo As Select Id, EmplName,Joining_Date  From Emp_Info;This view can be used by users to get Id, EmplName, and Joining_date. 

Create User SQL in SAP HANA database

Updated on 21-Feb-2020 07:52:45

2K+ Views

You can achieve this by running the below SQL query −>CREATE USER TEST password “Welcome1$$”  VALID FROM ‘2017-12-05 11:00:00’ UNTIL ‘2018-12-08 12:00:00’; CREATE USER DUMMY password “Welcome1$$”  VALID FROM NOW UNTIL FOREVER;Note that password passed in this SQL should meet password policy of SAP HANA system otherwise user creation will be failed.

Execution time while running a SQL query in HANA Studio

John SAP
Updated on 22-Jun-2020 10:49:45


When a SQL query is executed, you can see the confirmation that the query is executed in time duration and also with server processing time. In this scenario, you can see the time taken by SAP HANA processor to create a new table in the HANA database as below −“Statement 'Create Table Demo_HANA ( ID INTEGER, NAME VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY (ID) )' successfully executed in 3 ms 117 µs  (server processing time − 2 ms 458 µs) - Rows Affected − 0”

Executing a SQL query in SAP HANA Studio

John SAP
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21

1K+ Views

To run the query, click on green arrow button on top right corner  or press F8.

Architecture of SAP HANA system

SAP Expert
Updated on 18-Jun-2020 09:43:23


SAP HANA contains multiple components and it provides high computing power to HANA. Most important component of SAP HANA system is Index Server, which contains SQL/MDX processor to handle query statements for database.SAP HANA system also consists of Name Server, Preprocessor Server, Statistics Server and XS engine. XS engine is used to communicate and host small web applications and various other components on top of HANA database.

Increasing memory of traditional database as compared to SAP HANA

John SAP
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:22


SAP HANA is not only a database but it is software and hardware innovation. You may get better result w.r.t Performance but HANA is not just a db with more memory.
