Found 940 Articles for SEO

Difference Between SEO and SMO

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 13:00:04

2K+ Views

Both SEO and SMO are the methods used for driving traffic to a website, but they are quite different from each other. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a technique to enhance traffic on a site on the search engine result pages, whereas SMO (Social Media Optimization) is a technique to make the social media content visible to more users. Read this article to learn more about SEO and SMO and how they are different from each other. What is SEO? SEO is a technique to increase the ranking of a website on the search engine result pages. SEO is basically ... Read More

Difference Between Search Engine and Web Browser

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 10:54:21

10K+ Views

The terms "search engine" and "web browser" are related to the Internet. A search engine is basically a tool that is used for searching information over the Internet, whereas a web browser is an application software that is used for loading HTML files such as web pages. Read this article to find out more about search engines and web browsers and how they are different from each other. What is a Search Engine? A search engine is a tool that is used to search all other websites and information over the internet. Search engines are mainly intended to gather ... Read More

Difference Between Data and Metadata

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 12:42:18

2K+ Views

Metadata is a form of Data, but both are not the same. Data and metadata are used for different purposes and have different specifications. Data is simply defined as a set of raw facts and figures, while metadata is one that provides relevant information about the data. Read this article to learn more about data and metadata and how they are different from each other. What is Data? Raw facts and figures obtained from an observation, measurement, etc. are called data. Data makes the basis of processing. For a user, raw data may not always be meaningful. Data is first ... Read More

How to Make Your Site Mobile Friendly – The Mobile SEO?

Sharon Christine
Updated on 10-May-2022 11:34:21


Mobile phones are becoming part of our life without which we may not survive for a day. Gone are the days when these devices were only used to making calls. These days’ mobile phones are not just for calls and chatting, but also for buying products, booking appointments, order a thing or two and much more which we usually perform with our desktops and laptops.In fact, many reputed surveys indicate that nowadays more people are using their smartphones instead of desktops or laptops to perform the online activities. There are billions of users around the world prefers to surf the ... Read More

Video Ads for Mobile Devices – A Successful Recipe for Your Digital Campaign

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 13-May-2022 06:47:02


Have you remembered your first book, the first lessons as a kid? Probably you may not recall the text written over there, but one thing you can surely recall that there were attractive images of animals, vehicles, fruits, vegetables and much more, isn’t it? And what about those videos of beautiful rhymes that you loved to watch being a kid? You can still remember a few of them, isn’t it? That is the power of video message; a good video can keep its viewer engaged and leave an impact which can be recalled after long years.So, why don’t you use ... Read More

How to Group Ads to Boost Your Digital Campaigns

Sharon Christine
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 10:00:55


To succeed in digital campaigns, it is important to have many relevant ad words in your web pages. The appropriate keywords have the power to attract more visitors to your site. The more visibility you will get on the search results, the more chances of converting them to your potential customers.It is the keywords, which are primarily responsible for drawing the visitors to your websites. The usage of so many keywords can increase your site’s visibility but, the keywords which are not relevant to your business can cost you dearly when using paid advertisements.For example, let’s assume that you are ... Read More

How to Conquer Social Media Campaign with A Foolproof Plan

Sharon Christine
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 09:52:49


The path to success is not a straight line; it has many curves and diversions. While going on that curvy trail, the chances are high that you may go off-route at some juncture and end up not getting the desired success. That is why it is advisable to prepare your best plan and stick to it throughout your journey.And, when your aim is to conquer the world of social media by connecting with hundreds and thousands of peoples around the world, it is utmost important to take each step carefully. A wrong move can sabotage your entire effort which is ... Read More

How to Boost Your Digital Campaign with Email Marketing

Sharon Christine
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 07:11:24


Getting customer’s attention on your products or services is not a one-day affair. It is an ongoing process of building a relationship by keeping them engaged year after years. But, that is not an easy job, winning your customer’s loyalty requires solid digital campaigning strategies with various modes of engagement.There are several means of customer engagement that you can avail. You may have advertised your products on various blogs and websites, actively doing social media marketing, optimizing your site to appear on top pages of search engines and much more. But, if you are not aware of email marketing then ... Read More

How YouTube helps you Earn Money?

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 12:59:27


In 2005, the first video was uploaded on the YouTube, “me at the zoo” and now ten years later we find nearing to 100 hours of content is uploaded to Google‘s Video-sharing service each minute and each month nearing to six billion of videos are watched each month. That’s equal to an hour for each person on the planet.Partner ProgramYouTube provides a Partner program which can help you monetize your video’s on YouTube. Once you gain acceptance into the program, you can upload a video, which you have created, then enable advertising for your video and you need to wait ... Read More

Tips and Tricks to Drive Traffic to a Landing Page

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 28-Apr-2022 07:04:18


In this digital world, most of the business enterprises nowadays are aware of the importance of online presence and they are able to see the benefits of branding in digital format. The first thing in their mind is to develop a web portal. However, few entrepreneurs may not be technically aware that, the landing page is one of the most important aspects to look for. It is better to be aware of these basics before entering the online world.The landing page is a distinct page built for the sole objective of conversion. It is designed, written and developed to meet ... Read More
