Found 1044 Articles for SAP

Getting day of the year from DD/MM/YYYY using function in SAP system

Nancy Den
Updated on 18-Dec-2019 07:49:03


You can do this by following line of code:DATA(l_day) = m_date - CONV d(m_date(4) && '0101' ) + 1.Where m date is the date that needs to be input as type d. Note the format of type d is YYYYMMDD.ExampleIf the above function is not present in your system, you can use the below code using simple date subtraction.DATA: l_date TYPE d, l_jan_01 TYPE d, l_day TYPE i. l_date = “your input date in YYYYMMDD format” l_jan_01 = l_date. l_jan_01+4 = '0101'. ( sets the date to first day of year) l_day = l_date - l_jan_01 + 1.Read More

Missing SAP Java Connector libraries JCo- librfc32.dll, and

Updated on 13-Feb-2020 12:51:47


Please note that all these library files - librfc32.dll, and come under JCo 2.1. With release of JCo 3.0, it’s classes were also relocated from packages* to*For running with SAP JCo 3.0, you need these files at runtime - sapjco3.jar and sapjco3.dll (on Windows). You can follow below procedure for installation of JCo files:Installing JCo on Windows platform −In Windows OS, you have to copy sapjco3.jar file into ITDI_HOME/jars/3rdparty/others.Copy the sapjco3.dll file into ITDI_HOME/libs. On Windows, JCo 3 requires additional Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 libraries to be installed. Installation details for the package that contains these ... Read More

Calling external programs using SAP connector

Daniol Thomas
Updated on 09-Dec-2019 06:46:49


Yes, it is possible to address or call an external program using SAP connector SDK. From ABAP, you can reference external program by SAP’s RFC protocol.There are various SAP connector available for various programming languages. Few of them areJCo is the SAP Java connectorNCo is the .NET SAP connectorNW RFC SDK is the SAP NetWeaver RFC SDK for C/C++

Exposing employee master data from SAP HR system using Web Service

Govinda Sai
Updated on 11-Dec-2019 06:51:17


In a general scenario, when you have ICF configured you can expose SAP system business objects and jobs via BAPI. It is very easy to create and expose BAPI as a web service. As there are only few web services for SAP HR module in SAP system however you can transform a BAPI or ABAP function into a web service. If there is no such function you can create one easily.To find details about BAPI from Function module, use T-Code: SE37 and enter Functional module name for SAP HR module. Below is the list of existing HR function modules in ... Read More

Creating SAP interface to pull data from web application

Ramu Prasad
Updated on 11-Dec-2019 06:47:01


Web Dynpro is a complex framework and it would be tough to integrate it to your Java application. You can use SAP Java Connector JCo. SAP Java Connector can be used to call Remote Function calls on SAP system.You can use already defined function modules to connect. You can take help from a SAP ABAP developer if you want to customize any function module request.You can use SAP JCo to make 2 types of calls to system:Inbound calls (Java calls ABAP)Outbound calls (ABAP calls Java).By using a JCo connection, you can call an RFC from the R/3. It contains 2 ... Read More


Krantik Chavan
Updated on 09-Dec-2019 06:49:36

3K+ Views

IMPORTING transfers a value from the caller to the called method by passing an actual parameterEXPORTING is just opposite to what IMPORTING does. IT passes value from the method to Caller.CHANGING is transferring the value from caller to method by a variable which is processed or changed and the changed value is passed back to the Caller. Thus it combines both IMPORTING and EXPORTING function.There are a couple of ways in which CHANGING can be used:CHANGING myvar or CHANGING VALUE(myvar)By using, CHANGING myvar , the value of a variable is changed and passed back to the caller or main program.Using ... Read More

Standard way to integrate SAP with external system like .NET application

Nishtha Thakur
Updated on 18-Dec-2019 07:58:19


The SAP tables can be directly accessed by the .net application but it is not recommended to do so. Generally, the SAP database is accessed by the program or reports and there are security checks running behind that and directly accessing SAP tables can cause security threats.ERP Connect is the best way. You can access the database by RFC which is supported by ERP Connect.

Determining table or structure of an ABAP code

Smita Kapse
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


abc would be a table and its line will be of type PPP. For structure, you need to code asabc TYPE PPP

Using SQL statements in ABAP Programming and Database performance

Anvi Jain
Updated on 18-Dec-2019 07:57:43


The basic principle for performance is that there should be minimal data transferred between application server and database.For your first question, I would suggest to select only the fields that are required. So, don’t use SELECT * in case you don’t require all the fields. But in specific scenarios, if you have multiple SELECT statements at various parts of your program querying the same table but different columns, it is advisable to use SELECT * as the output is stored in a buffer till your program execute. In that case, when you come to subsequent select, the system uses the ... Read More

Standards for maintaining Customer Repository Objects in SAP

Nitya Raut
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


The Y-namespace is meant to be used for centrally developed solutions or also known as head office while the Z-namespace is used for local developed solutions or also known as branch office. But at the end of day, it all depends on the developer how he uses it.
