Found 1044 Articles for SAP

Allow only a possible set of values to choose from while setting value in SAP ABAP

Updated on 13-Feb-2020 11:39:43


If you need to place a restriction as you said, you can go ahead with using predefined domains on the column or text field.Select Table Field -> Data Element -> Specify DomainWhile specifying the domain you can set the permissible set of values which you want the table field to be set.However please don’t consider as a constraint that we place in database tables, the domain login can still be broken through code.

Working on a cost center report in SAP

Updated on 13-Feb-2020 11:39:03


I would say even if you are a newbie, it will not be a tough one to generate such report. You have requested for any details about how work orders are related to cost center.All the orders whether they are internal or work, they are linked to a specific cost center. So overall each order will have a cost center and in order to find to which cost center it is associated, you can refer to following tables: COEP or COEJ of Controlling. You can find details about cost center, order, and others over a period of time or year.COEP ... Read More

Understand more about roles in SAP system

Updated on 13-Feb-2020 11:35:12


On a high level, both the tables are almost same as both of them deal with storing details about profiles which are generated for a role.Let’s talk about AGR_PROF first. It stores the text of the generated profile which is dependent on language. It stores profile Id as well. So, it results in having only at max one possible combination of a profile and language which is referred to a master profile.To view further details about this Table “AGR_PROF” and the data within it using the relevant SAP transactions such as SE11, SE80 or SE16. Below shows SE11 T-Code −Now ... Read More

Activation of ABAP table failing with reference error

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


The answer is very naïve. If you have any quantity fields or currency fields, you require reference columns and reference table. You need to just add the reference field and table for any such columns in your table.

Change user settings for case sensitivity in SAP 6.0

Giri Raju
Updated on 13-Jun-2020 06:11:30


Yes, there are user specific text settings which can let you stroke in Uppercase or lowercase whatever is you choice. Go to ABAP Editor initial screen using T-Code: SE38You need to go settings under utilities tab. With utilities select ABAP editor tab. Once you have selected ABAP editor tab, select pretty printer section. You will have a handful of options to choose from.

Replace Tab with space in SAP ABAP

Sai Subramanyam
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


You just need to make a small change. You need to add an “If condition” for handling the tab as shown below − if CO gc_hex_char I think it should sort out your issue and neither it looks like hardcoding or a wrong implementation.

Analogous to IN operator of SQL in SAP

Updated on 13-Feb-2020 11:31:25


You can get similar things done in many ways. You can use an internal table usage or a range table.Let me showcase an example with an internal table for your reference.SELECT Id, Name, DOB FROM sEmployee INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE result_tab FOR ALL ENTRIES IN internal_tab // internal_tab is an internal table defined with columns WHERE Id = internal_tab -Id AND Name = internal_tab –Name

Changed SAP password not working while resetting using BAPI

Updated on 13-Feb-2020 11:30:52


You are using the structure Password for resetting the password. It is of type “BAPIPWD” and comprises of a field which is again named as “BAPIPWD”When you need to reset the password, you need to specify the correct field name instead of password.JCO.Structure structPassword = userChangeInput.getStructure("PASSWORD"); sPassword.setValue(nPassword, "BAPIPWD");

Assign image source dynamically in XML View in Fiori app in SAP UI5

Updated on 13-Feb-2020 11:30:20


Yes, it can be done but you need to compute the dynamic field.Firstly, you need to mention that the binding is complex so change the flag −“data-sap-ui-bindingSyntax="complex" ”. Then have a helper function which can be used for formatting.fnImageFmtr: function(value) {    var imgSrc = "Image" + value;    return imgSrc; }And lastly, use the function in the image tag in the XML view.

Updating Data source of provider by REST API in SAP

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


I think you are missing the basic part over here. You have modified the document but you need to save it too.If you would have noticed after you had made changes to the document. Its state would have been updated to ‘Modified’ from the previous state which could be ‘Unused’ or ‘Original’.Now you need to send a PUT request, once the PUT request is processed for the requested document, then the change (data source of the data provider) will be updated in the repository as well.
