Found 1044 Articles for SAP

Send an Idoc using connector 3.0 from a non-SAP system

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


As per my knowledge, SAP doesn’t offer any development library for NCo to deal with Idocs. .Net connector is primary used for development of RFC clients.One of a common method to submit idocs to the SAP system using NCo is by using function module “IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS”. This function module includes multiple table parameters containing idoc data.Function Module: IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS (IDoc inbound processing via tRFC)Function Group: EDINProgram Name: SAPLEDINFollowing are the parameters:Table IDOC_CONTROL_REC_40 contains the control record, IDOC_DATA_REC_40 contains the idoc data segments.IDOC_DATA_REC_40 contains a field called SDATA. That field contains an Idoc segment data as a single concatenated string with fixed field ... Read More

Pseudo code to hide warning in SAP ABAP

Sharon Christine
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


This cannot be overridden or suppressed by a pseudo code of pragma. If you run your query with extended syntax check, you will find the message as well that this cannot be suppressed.  The extended check can be done by going to PROGRAM => Check => Extended Syntax Check

Using EF to insert data into SAP Business One.

Swarali Sree
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


You are absolutely correct. You cannot use anything other than DI to perform data manipulation.Because if you violate this, the warranty is void and SAP would stop any kind of support it.Coming to your point of using EF in your project, I will issue a simple warning to you just because a basic operation also results in updating many tables. In simple words, a lot of data manipulation happens. So in case you still stick to using EF, then you will need to take care of doing that on your own.

Using SAP Web Service from WSDL file

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 10-Dec-2019 10:26:06


As you mentioned, you are integrating the web service in .NET, it’s going to be piece of cake. As Visual studio does most of the configuration part of you with a simple click.Open your project, Click on Add Service Reference. Then specify the WSDL file shared by your client. Click OK.This will create a proxy client for your project using the WSDL file, with all the web methods exposed by the web service. Just instantiate the proxy client and then you can go ahead and call them. Visual studio intellisense (auto -suggest) will help you with the exact definition of ... Read More

Use decimal in where clause in SAP ABAP

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 14-Feb-2020 10:05:41


You are trying to use the user-specific setting in your queries, but ABAP does not support it. You need to use ‘.’ as the decimal separator instead of ‘,’.So the query would look something like −SELECT * FROM INTO WHERE amount = 10.15

Convert CHAR to HEX in SAP system and functions

Sai Subramanyam
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


I tried to use the same function as mentioned; I am too getting the exception.What I can make out of the dump thrown by the exception, only character type data objects are compatible with the function.You can try using another function module ‘CRM_EI_KB_CONV_DEC_TO_HEX’  which is available in ECC 6.0 environment.It will convert a decimal to hex and can be used. Hope it helps.

Declare dynamically in SAP ABAP

Monica Mona
Updated on 14-Feb-2020 08:25:23


I think for your implementation, you can declare an internal table in a dynamic manner.DATA:  tbl_TEST TYPE REF TO DATA. FIELD-SYMBOLS: < tbl_TEST > TYPE STANDARD TABLE CREATE DATA tbl_TEST TYPE (Received_Type) ASSIGN tbl_TEST TYPE ->* to < tbl_TEST TYPE >

Using logarithm in SAP ABAP

Swarali Sree
Updated on 10-Dec-2019 07:46:01


Yes, there is a log function. You can use it to implement your requirement.Here is a code snippet which might be of some help for your implementation.DATA:  NUMBER  TYPE INT,        BASE TYPE INT,        RESULT  TYPE FLOATLet’s say:Number=16 BASE=4 RESULT= log(NUMBER)/log(BASE)RESULT will be 2.

Use workbench along with SAP Business One

Sharon Christine
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


The answer is No. Workbench is not present in business one. The reason being the core of business one is not based on ABAP or NetWeaver.Business one relies heavily on SQL. It has a SQL database and you can write queries for fetching data. These data are then used for creating reports.But When you analyze business one with ABAP, the extension capabilities are very little in business one as available in ABAP.But you have other options for achieving the same; you can integrate with either JAVA or .NET using their connectors for writing your custom requirements.

Create an INCLUDE in SAP system

Monica Mona
Updated on 10-Dec-2019 10:30:26


I think the question is very basic and if you would have explored a little bit, you would have found out the way.Just go and open transaction SE38, specify the include name and press create.Otherwise, you can open transaction SE80, select a packet and then the object name. That’s it.
