Found 1044 Articles for SAP

Using method getBPLIST() to get list of all orders in SAP Business One

Govinda Sai
Updated on 14-Feb-2020 10:01:47


I would suggest using recordset with DI API −SAPbobsCOM.Recordset rs = ((SAPbobsCOM.Company)oCompany.GetDICompany()).GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset); rs.DoQuery("SELECT DocEntry, DocNum, DocDate, TaxDate, CardCode, CardName, DocTotal    FROM OPOR ORDER BY DocDate ASC"); while (!rs.EoF) {    int DocEntry = rs.Fields.Item("DocEntry").Value;    //OR    DocEntry = rs.Fields.Item(0).Value;    rs.MoveNext(); }

User rights required to make a call to SAP RFC Function Module RFC_SYSTEM_INFO from JAVA application

Rahul Sharma
Updated on 25-Feb-2020 11:12:21


When you use Java connector you need basic authorization to read metadata of Function Module. S_RFC is an authorization object for the RFC call.This object contains the following fieldsRFC_TYPE Type of the RFC object you want to protect. You can pass the value 'FUGR'- function group) or 'FUNC'- function module.RFC_NAME Name of RFC to be protected. This file contains a value of the function group or of function modules.CTVT ActivityThis field may take the value 16.In case you want a user to be able to call function modules in-group 'ABCD' remotely, following user authorization is required          ... Read More

Debugging an Asynchronous RFC in SAP ABAP

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


In SAP system, an Asynchronous call (aRFC) of a remote-enabled function module specified in func using the RFC interface. The addition DESTINATION is used to specify a single destination in dest or use IN GROUP to specify a group of application servers. The latter supports parallel processing of multiple function modules.Check the below link which tells about Asynchronous RFC:!ABAP_ADDITION_2@2@

Using sy-datum low and high in ABAP Program

Rahul Sharma
Updated on 14-Feb-2020 10:24:16

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In this code, you have used ‘BT’ i.e. between so select option will hit any date between today and YYYYMMDD ‘99991231’.You should declare high dates at INITIALIZATION so that it is visible on the selection screen and you can change it if so_date FOR sy-datum. INITIALIZATION.    so_date-sign = 'I'.    so_date-option = 'BT'.    so_date-low = sy-datum.    so_date-high = '99991231'. APPEND so_date.

SAP UI5 application throws an error while using Tree map

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


Note that SAP UI5 1.14 version supports Tree map and older version like 1.12 doesn’t have Tree map. You can try using below link:,outputIt returns the code of tree map constructor, try loading your own copy sap-ui-core-js of UI5.

Error while creating a PO in SAP system from a .NET application

Nikitha N
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


Below is the correct sequence to invoke Function Module for automatic OP generation:ME_REFRESH_PO onceME_CREATE_PO_HEADER onceME_CREATE_PO_ITEM n timesME_POST_PO onceIn case you don’t follow this sequence, it may result in data inconsistencies.

Converting OData using SAPUI5 libraries to JSON format

Updated on 14-Feb-2020 10:18:07


This can be done in multiple ways. One of common approach would be by passing user name/password in URL.$.ajax({    url : "http://user:password@url/SERVICE?$format=json",    type: "GET", //or POST?    dataType: "jsonp",    success: function(){alert("ok")},    error: function(){alert("error")} })

Getting an error message Object already exported, no package change is possible while changing a package for 250 SAP development objects

Ankitha Reddy
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


This problem commonly occurs when you move development objects from Transportable enabled package to non-Transportable package. You can resolve this issue by following steps − You need to migrate legacy package using report RS_MIGRATE_PACKAGES. Check SAP Note: legacy package' will be removed, but the package will be still non-transportable. You can recreate package after migration. Next is to delete non Transportable package and create a copy of non TMS package. Next step is to assign all development objects to package created in the previous step using report RSWBO052. You use this program “RSWBO052” (Change Object Directory Entries) to ... Read More

In SAP ABAP, few records are skipped during parallel processing

Sravani S
Updated on 14-Feb-2020 10:11:03


Check out on code to handle parallel processing-gv_semaphore = 0. DESCRIBE TABLE lt_itab LINES lv_lines. LOOP AT lt_itab INTO ls_itab. CALL FUNCTION 'ZABC' STARTING NEW TASK taskname DESTINATION IN GROUP srv_grp PERFORMING come_back ON END OF TASK EXPORTING ... EXCEPTIONS ... . "

How to extract data from SAP using .NET provider.

Johar Ali
Updated on 26-Feb-2020 10:18:56


To extract using SSIS, you need to have access to backend system. You can use .NET connector and write a Windows application that extracts data from SAP system using Function Module.For more details on how to connect SAP using .NET connector, you can refer this blog- use of BAPI’s you can allow external applications to access business processes and data in R/3 system. Below code is used to make call to BAPI. First is to create a class that implements IDestinationConfiguration −Imports SAP.Middleware.Connector Public Class ECCDestinationConfig    Implements IDestinationConfiguration    Public Event ConfigurationChanged(ByVal destinationName As String, ByVal args As ... Read More
