Found 1044 Articles for SAP

Connecting SAP in Ruby on Rails

Priya Pallavi
Updated on 12-Mar-2020 12:25:33


Try downloading nwrfcsdk library from sap and follow instructions mentioned in Readme to perform the installation. Use function Module like ENQUEUE_READ to perform remote call as below −#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'sapnwrfc' require 'rubygems' conn = SAPNW::Base.rfc_connect(:client => '800',                                :sysnr  => '01',                                :lang   => 'EN',                                :ashost => 'hostname',               ... Read More

Integrate node.js with SAP HANA system

Srinivas Gorla
Updated on 12-Mar-2020 12:31:12


You can insert data into HANA database using node.js. You can also connect to SAP HANA database via JDBC driver.To connect via JDBC, you need to install JDBC driver ngdbc.jar. This driver is installed as part of SAP HANA client installation. Ngdbc.jar file is available at this location −C:\Program Files\sap\hdbclient\ on Windows platforms /usr/sap/hdbclient/ on Linux and UNIX platformsNext is to add ngdb.jar to the classpath and write a Java program to connect to a database and execute SQL command.jdbc:sap://myServer:30015/?autocommit=falseYou can also add one or more failover servers by adding additional hosts.ExampleFollowing is an example of connecting SAP HANA Server ... Read More

How to call RFC in SAP using an ETL job?

Samual Sam
Updated on 12-Mar-2020 12:34:24


You need to expose RFC as Web Service in SAP system. To create a Web Service, you have to open Transaction SE80 and this will open ABAP Workbench.You can define Web Service for −RFC Capable function modulesFunction GroupsBAPIsMessage InterfacesIn Web Service Wizard, enter the name and short text and select Function Module as Endpoint TypeWhen you navigate to configure service, you need to select SOAP profile from drop down as below −

Running T-code me51n again in SAP system throws an error

Syed Javed
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:22


Try using breakpoint on my include in EXIT_SAPLMEREQ_010 and check if it gets to breakpoint on the second run.It could be possible that error gets stuck due to standard SAP procedure. Try to run this T-code: me51n in different environments and check if it works fine.

How do we connect SAP Business One with Ubercart?

Sai Subramanyam
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:22


This can be done using SAP DI server as it is using XML based format for importing data and more suitable for external data exchange. You can refer to below documentation for more details on SAP BI DI Server. The DI Server enables business partners to develop SOAP-based solutions to read, write, update, and remove data objects on the database level. It provides a suitable infrastructure for server-oriented partner solutions. SAP Business One Web Services wrapper (B1WS) exposes the DI Server functionality as Web Services to provide a better usability. Developers only need to add the web references to ... Read More

Difference between the use of Type, Types and TYPE POOL in SAP ABAP programming.

Sai Subramanyam
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


TYPE keyword is used for Data or FIELD Symbol declaration You use TYPES keyword for defining local types TYPE POOL is used for grouping local types so that you can use them without duplication TYPES: BEGIN OF z_t000, Name TYPE c Length 10. N_id TYPE i. TYPES END OF z_t000. One of the common examples of TYPE POOL is Type Group ABAP. Navigate to Transaction SE11 and select Type Group and type ABAP there then press F7. You will see the body of the type group which is defined by the keyword TYPE-POOL.

Explain the difference between getColumnHeaders(), getColumnNames() and getColumnTitles() in SAP?

Sai Subramanyam
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


getColumnHeaders() − This function is used to return all the columns which are theoretically available. getColumnNames() − This function is used to return a list of columns displayed in a tree getColumnTitles() − This function returns same number of columns as returned by getColumnHeaders()

Error while using enter "!" on selection screen in SAP.

Samual Sam
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


Note that “!” this character removes all characters in the field before data is transported. So you get error message cos of this.

What is Agentry Toolkit in SAP Mobile Platform SMP 3.0 SDK? How do you use it in an application?

Monica Mona
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


Agentry toolkit provides various SDK’s to integrate with the various mobile component. With Agentry toolkit, you have a plugin to Eclipse that allows you to create modify Agentry applications.To know more about Agentry toolkit, you can refer the below SAP link:

Importing an object from ECM application in SAP Business Workplace

Sharon Christine
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:22


Correct, importing to the business workplace and using object importer is same.
