Found 1044 Articles for SAP

Using SAP ABAP, how can I read content of CSV files in a directory to an internal table?

Updated on 12-Dec-2019 10:17:53

2K+ Views

There are many functions that can be used to read csv however many are broken and read part of content. You need to go through each file and then process the file content. I would prefer to perform this manually.You can use the READ DATASET to read data from a file on the application server. Below is the syntax:READ DATASET INTO [LENGTH ].Below is SAP documentation link that you can use to know more about reading data from files:SAP DocumentationExampleIncase you are using binary mode, you can use LENGTH to find the length of data transferred to . ... Read More

Automating SAP Purchase Request via Eclipse with use of QTP10

Updated on 17-Feb-2020 10:12:40


Note that Eclipse UI is JAVA based so you can automate Eclipse using QTP Java add-ins.To perform QTP Java add-in, Go to Control Panel → Add or Remove Programs and select Quickest Professional from the list. Click on Change button.To perform add-in installation, click on small black down arrow next to the cross button for Java Add-in. Clicking on it would show a small menu with 3 options as shown in the below image.

In SAP system, auto filling of NAME_1 while entering client number

Updated on 12-Dec-2019 10:12:32


You should use maintenance view to display name corresponding to customer number. With use of Maintenance view, you can maintain related data in several tables. Check out this link to know more about Maintenance view:SAP LinkTo perform a check for the mandatory, edit the generated screen and in screen flow logic you should add a module to check if the required fields are filled or not. You can also set the field possible to mandatory in the screen field options, however this is not recommended as it will show it as mandatory even for empty lines.SAP Link

In SAP Crystal Reports, Putting 2 pages of data into a single report

Updated on 12-Dec-2019 10:11:25


You can do this by adding a group based on participant Id as primary key. Then you have to add ran description in group footer.In your group footer settings, check the "New page before" option

Executing SAP RFC creates an error: “The current application triggered a termination with a short dump”

Updated on 12-Dec-2019 10:54:19

1K+ Views

This is very generic error and it could be due to any reason: code error, inconsistency in data, or some other issue. You can use T-Code: ST22 to check short dump message in SAP system.This is used to check ABAP Runtime errors- All Client. You need to pass the filter condition, and click on Start

Combining fields in CDS view in SAP ABAP

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 16-Dec-2019 07:42:39

2K+ Views

With the use of SAP ABAP 7.5, you can make use of the CONCAT_WITH_SPACE function.ExampleThe above code can be simplified like this:CONCAT_WITH_SPACE( bp.name_first, bp.name_last, 1 )

Keyboard shortcut for double clicking a selected object in SAP

Sharon Christine
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


You can use F2 for this.

Print screen using VBA in SAP

Swarali Sree
Updated on 16-Dec-2019 07:51:47


If you are using SendKeys then avoid using it. I had used it in the past project and it seems to be inconsistent and error-prone.You can use the below snippet at the top of the module and call it wherever required.Option Explicit Private Declare Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal _bScan As Byte,  ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long) Private Const KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = &H2 Private Const VK_SNAPSHOT = &H2C Private Const VK_MENU = &H12 Sub PrintScreen()     keybd_event VK_SNAPSHOT, 1, 0, 0  End Sub

Finding index of rows and columns in SAP

Samual Sam
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


To identify the index of the row, you can use the property “indexOfRow” to get the row of the clicked button.All the buttons will be in the same column, so it does not make sense to get the column index, but if you still need to get the column index then you can go ahead and use the property “indexOfColumn” or “columnIndex”.

Finding location of uploaded file using SAP GUI_upload

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 16-Dec-2019 07:44:17


When you upload a file using the gui_upload function, the file is not uploaded to the Application server. The file is read from presentation layer to an internal table.ExampleFollowing code can be used to call a gui_upload function to read the file to an internet table:lv_filename = p_filebp. CLEAR lt_data_tab. IF NOT lv_filename IS INITIAL.   CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_UPLOAD'     EXPORTING       filename = lv_filename     TABLES       data_tab = lt_data_tab     EXCEPTIONS       file_open_error = 1       OTHERS = 17.   IF sy-subrc 0.     EXIT. ... Read More
