Found 1044 Articles for SAP

Performance data of servers in SAP HANA

Anil SAP Gupta
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21


Statistics server is used to manage health of your HANA system. You can take information related to status, performance consumption of resources from all the servers in your system landscape. You can also pull the reports related to performance of server components for analysis.

Performing text data analysis and Search capability in SAP HANA

Anil SAP Gupta
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21


Preprocessor server provides text data analysis and search capabilities in HANA system. Preprocessor server is used by Index search to analyze the text data and to perform any search on the text data. This server is used to extract the information based on text search capabilities in HANA system.

Details maintained under Name server in SAP HANA

Anil SAP Gupta
Updated on 21-Feb-2020 10:06:46


In SAP HANA system architecture, Name server is used to maintain topology of SAP HANA system. It details complete information about system landscape- all hosts in distributed environment, active components and services running on each component in a distributed system environment.Topology details of SAP HANA system is maintained.Name server holds the detail of each component and services running on each host and hence reduces the re-indexing time.

Maintaining topology details of SAP HANA

Anil SAP Gupta
Updated on 21-Feb-2020 10:08:25


In SAP HANA system architecture, Name server is used to maintain topology of SAP HANA system. It details complete information about system landscape- all hosts in distributed environment, active components and services running on each component in a distributed system environment.You can check service start time, memory used, CPU used, Process Id, port number and other details for each service under each component in your environment.When you navigate to System Administration → Landscape tab of your HANA system, all the information provided there- Services, Hosts, Redistribution and System Replication information is relevant to landscape information.You can check the status of ... Read More

Handling system failure, database corruption in SAP HANA

Anil SAP Gupta
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21


Persistence layer is used in case of system failure, database corruption or power failure to restore the database to most recent save point in HANA. Persistence Layer is responsible for data and transaction log backup and also to store configuration of HANA system.Backup of data and transaction log files are taken as per Backup settings in HANA system configuration. It can be set to minutes, Hours and days and destination of backup is also defined under Backup settings.When a backup is run for data and transaction files, system takes the backup from all the servers in HANA system.Persistence Layer is ... Read More

Handling user requests for applications based on HANA system

Anil SAP Gupta
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21


It consists of various components as mentioned above for processing of SQL statements from application users hosted on the top of HANA system.User requests via user interface/web browsers are sent to Web server hosting application which is communicated to SQL/MDX Processor in form of SQL queries. These are further segregated to different data engines in Index server according to query types.Session and Transaction Manager authorize SQL transactions and keep track of all the transactions either completed or running in the system.

Handling failed transactions in SAP HANA system

Anil SAP Gupta
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21


In SAP HANA system, Session and Transaction Manager is responsible to keep track of all the executed transactions in HANA database. It includes both running transactions and closed transaction. When a transaction in HANA system is failed due to any reason, Transaction Manager informs corresponding engine to handle the error.Session Manager is responsible to manage open and closed sessions and to authorize all the transactions executed in HANA db.

Using different Engine types in SAP HANA

Anil SAP Gupta
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21


It will use both OLAP and Join engine. The join between the FACT and DIM will be executed in the OLAP engine and joins inside the attribute views will be executed in the JOIN engine so both the engines will be used.

Different Engine types in SAP HANA Architecture

Anil SAP Gupta
Updated on 27-Feb-2020 10:43:28


In SAP HANA system, there are three basic engines used to processes queries in SAP HANA. Following engines are used −Join EngineOLAP EngineCalculation EngineJoin EngineUsed when querying an Attribute View in SAP HANAOLAP EngineAnalytic Views (without derived columns) use the OLAP EngineCalculation EngineCalculation Views or Analytic Views with derived columns use this engine

Use of SQL/MDX processor in SAP HANA Index server

Anil SAP Gupta
Updated on 27-Feb-2020 10:45:44


SQL/MDX processor in HANA system processes all SQL and MDX statements executed in HANA system. SQL statements are generated for all the tables, schemas and MDX statements are raised for OLAP data processing. SQL stands for Structured Query Language and is Relational database language to manage two dimensional objects in HANA db.MDX stands for Multi Dimension Expression and is an OLAP language for processing MDX statements for multidimensional models.SQL/MDX Processor directs all the statement to relevant engines for processing and Engine optimization. It is used for authorization management in executing queries and Error handling while processing SQL/MDX statements.Following functions are ... Read More
