Found 1044 Articles for SAP

Starting SAP HANA Studio with immediate system logon

SAP Expert
Updated on 22-Jun-2020 09:16:01


Yes, to perform an immediate login you have to navigate to Installation directory and use the following start parameters −-h  Host name-n  Instance number-u  User nameUser name with special characters should be enclosed in double quotations (“”).Windows OShdbstudio.exe -h hanademo -n 03 -u HANAADMINhdbstudio.exe -h hanademo -n 03 -u "&hanatest"Linux OShdbstudio -h hana -n 03 –u HANAADMINhdbstudio -h hana -n 03 -u "&hana"Mac OSopen -a /Applications/sap/ --args -h hana -n 03 -u HANAADMINopen -a /Applications/sap/ --args -h hana -n 03 -u "&hana"Once you run above from command line, this will open HANA Studio. If you are prompted to enter password ... Read More

Different options under SAP HANA System Administration

SAP Expert
Updated on 21-Feb-2020 08:32:04


Following tabs are available under SAP HANA Administration Console −OverviewLandscapeAlertsPerformanceVolumesConfigurationSystem InformationDiagnosis FilesTrace Configuration

Dropping a SAP HANA database view

SAP Expert
Updated on 21-Feb-2020 10:03:55


You can drop a view using Drop command like we drop a table. You can perform all the operations that you perform on a table on the database view.Drop view "AA_HANA11"."DEMO_TEST";

Altering a database view in SAP HANA

SAP Expert
Updated on 21-Feb-2020 10:04:34


You can alter the view, then we can use the Alter View command to alter the view.ExampleAlter view View_EmpInfo  as Select Emp_Details.Id, Emp_Details.EmplName, EmpProj.Projname from Emp_Details inner join EmpProjInfo on Emp_Details.Id=EmpProjInfo.Id;We have applied ALTER command to update an existing view with name- View_EmpInfo which is applying Inner Join on two tables on Id column to create a database view.

Information exported using export system in SAP HANA Studio

SAP Expert
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21


When you use export option from main menu, it also exports the list of systems and their properties (name, description, host name, instance, and so on) is exported as an XML file to the specified location.

Exporting list of all SAP HANA systems in XML file

SAP Expert
Updated on 22-Jun-2020 09:09:25


Yes, it is possible to export a list of your SAP HANA systems from the SAP HANA studio as an XML file and then it can be imported to another instance of the SAP HANA studio or use it as a system archive to which other users can link.This can be performed by following below steps −From the main menu, select File Export... .Expand the SAP HANA folder and choose Landscape.Choose Next.Select the systems you want to export and enter a target file location.Choose Finish

Adding system archive link in SAP HANA Studio

SAP Expert
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21


To allow users who work in the SAP HANA studio to connect efficiently to multiple SAP HANA systems, you can manage a list of all systems in a centrally-accessible archive. Users can then simply link to this archive.

Finding a database view in SAP HANA database

Updated on 22-Jun-2020 08:40:26


This is created under the Current schema in your SQL editor. You can check schema name at the top −In the above snapshot, you can see the current schema name where the view is created. You need to find this schema under the Catalog folder in HANA Studio.

Example of creating a database view in SAP HANA

Updated on 22-Jun-2020 08:39:43


Let us see the below table ARTICLE_LOOKUP, we will create a database view with first 4 columns and will hide Family_NAME and FAMILY_CODE.SQL statement- To create a view on the above table, write down the below SQL statementcreate view view_Articlelookup as select ARTICLE_ID,ARTICLE_LABEL,CATEGORY,SALE_PRICE from "AA_HANA11"."ARTICLE_LOOKUP";This will create a database view in the mentioned schema and you can check it in Views folder (schema name here-AA_HANA11). You can see a view with the name- view_Articlelookup and only 4 data columns are there.

Create View SQL in SAP HANA database

Updated on 22-Jun-2020 08:52:55

3K+ Views

>Create View View_name as Select Col1,Col2 From Table_name;In the above SQL statement, you are creating a view that contains Col1 and Col2 from the table.Table Name − Emp_InfoExampleIdEmplNameEmpluserEmplpasswordJoining_Date1Employee 1Emp1Emp1Pwd9/11/20162 Employee 2Emp2 Emp2Pwd   16/08/20153Employee 3Emp3Emp3Pwd15/09/20164Employee 4Emp4   Emp4Pwd  3/07/20145Employee 5Emp5Emp5Pwd10/09/20126Employee 6Emp6  Emp6Pwd   1/10/2013                                                                                               To create a view, which contains only 3 columns you have to write->Create View View_EmpInfo As Select Id, EmplName,Joining_Date  From Emp_Info;This view can be used by users to get Id, EmplName, and Joining_date. 
