Found 594 Articles for SAP Basis

Commit changes on SAP BAPI Transaction

SAP Developer
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 12:05:35


You are correct that in order for the changes done by BAPI to come into effect, you need to call the commit function.It will commit all the changes which are uncommitted not only the last transaction. You can refer below link to know more about BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT and COMMIT WORK:BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT

Apply CSS on a table cell based on the content in SAPUI5

SAP Developer
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 12:08:05


You are having one of the most common requirements in the case of the table. You can achieve the end result using formatter function exposed on the cells of a table.Here is a code snippet for your reference which you can alter as per your use case:cells: [    new sap.m.Text({       text: {          formatter: function(name) {             if (name == "") {                // you can add style class or do your own logic here                this.addStyleClass("Total");             }          }       }    }) ]

Instantiation of Export Options throws an Exception in SAP Crystal Report

SAP Developer
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


Even after referencing the correct version of the dll, if you are still getting the error then it means that the runtime for the crystal reports is not properly installed.I think you would have used MSI installer over EXE for the installation of SAP Crystal Reports however it has a shortcoming that the MSI installer does not properly incorporate Crystal Reports with Visual Studio.You can refer to the link for more details:SAP Note Link

Connect to dynamic URL within OData in SAP project

SAP Developer
Updated on 13-Feb-2020 07:15:44


You can try and create a URL in your code which you can read from config or XML.Here is a sample code snippet −String uri = // Can read from config or anywhere string odQuery = "?$format=json" var req = WebRequest.Create(uri+"/"+ odQuery); req.Method = "GET"; var streamreader = new StreamReader(stream: request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()); string response = streamreader.ReadToEnd(); //json responseThis is a sample code snippet but you can modify it as per your use case.

Best way to connect to SAP system from JAVA

SAP Developer
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20

1K+ Views

There are lots of possibilities but a lot depends upon on your exact requirement and needs.One way is that you can go ahead and use Java Connector also known as JCo. JCo is a prevalent option to do similar requirements as of yours. It has a lot of support available online as well.Also, as you said Web service is by default the web standard and can be opted too. SAP functions are readily available and can be tuned effortlessly to be available as web services.

Using a SQL View in SAP BusinessOne

SAP Developer
Updated on 13-Feb-2020 07:16:30


Yes, it is  possible to use a view in Business one client and you can use it too. Please find below a sample format that you should be using to query the view in business one environment −SELECT FROM [dbo].[]I have done the same and it is working for me.

Add Authentication details in the AJAX request in SAPUI5

SAP Developer
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 12:20:58


Basically you need to exploit the beforeSend function of JQuery AJAX to sort out your requirement.Here is a basic code snippet −function AddToHeader(xhr) {     var pwd = // get the password;     xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(user + ":" + pwd)); } $.ajax({    type: "GET",    url: ,    dataType: "JSON",    beforeSend: function(xhr) {       AddToHeader (xhr);    } }).done(function(data) { /* do success logic */ }You can add further details to the header as explained in the AddToHeader method.

Not able to get the difference between two dates (SAP)

SAP Developer
Updated on 13-Feb-2020 07:17:41


It’s a very basic operation that you do in database. You can try using DateAdd function available and use the date overload of the function. You need to pass one date as negative so in actual the difference is calculatedSELECT DATEADD(d,-[dateTwo], [dateOne]) AS 'Difference in Dates' FROM [TABLE]Here‘d’ refers to the day.

Reduce number of columns of a result set from a Transaction in SAP system

SAP Developer
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


The simple answer to your question is NO. Because, this is SAP standard behavior and if you want to restrict the number of columns to be returned then it will require you to change the original source code of SAP implementation.The change will be quite exhaustive and it will also mean that you are violating the contract and hence, no support from SAP on any issue encountered later.As you said you are filtering data that means the number of rows will not be huge and hence the number of columns will not have much implication on the performance of the ... Read More

Using JCo to connect SAP with Android

SAP Developer
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


I have not tried it but it does not seem feasible. The reason being if you are planning to use JCo library, you will require a native library but that is still not available for Android environment.You can try an alternative for it. You can create a Web Service either a SOAP or REST which communicates to SAP via JCo. Then, you can use the service to do two way communication with SAP.The result of communication can then be shared to Android environment in either JSON or XML format as per requirement.
