Found 594 Articles for SAP Basis

Comparing SAP ABAP Field symbols and data reference with Pointers in C

Sai Subramanyam
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


Field symbol resembles pointer in C but there is one main difference: you can use Field Symbol only to access the values present in it but not the memory address. Similar to a pointer in actual, it stores the memory address of the variable that was assigned to it. You can see the data held by the variable but you cannot fetch the memory address. Similar to a pointer, in case if you make changes to data referenced by field symbol, it changes the value at the original place too. Data reference too resembles pointer at a high level. You ... Read More

SAP Authorization concept and Authorization Objects, Object Class

Abhinanda Shri
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20

1K+ Views

To clear the air all at once, SAP Authorization Objects and Object Class has nothing much in common from Object Oriented classes and objects and differ vastly from it.Authorization object details the current user’s privileges which are used to authorize user activities and data availability. The Authorization Object is the place where configurations pertaining to permissions are set up and initialized against fields.An object class, on the other hand, is a grouping of Authorization objects. It may contain one or more than one authorization objects.

Distinguish SAP ABAP code between clients

Updated on 14-Feb-2020 07:57:10


You can use field “sy-mandt” to identify the client and then accomplish your requirement by doing something like below −IF sy-mandt = '002'. *do something for Client one ELSE. * do something for client two ENDIFThis field is included in almost all the tables which are client dependent so you can freely use this to fulfill your requirement.

Entering a condition to perform SELECT in an existing report in SAP system

Updated on 14-Feb-2020 07:55:03


You have made one of the most common mistakes. In ABAP almost at all the places be careful with SPACE. You need to have a space in method calls so just have a space before and after the brackets as below −SELECT SINGLE * FROM EKPO WHERE EBELN = GT_MSEG-EBELN AND EBELP = GT_MSEG-EBELP AND NOT ( F1 = 'value' AND F2 = '0' )

Handling higher level Boolean values in SAP system

Giri Raju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


As per the general standards and coding practice, you should use abap_bool for handling Boolean value or truth values. In this case, if any object is declared as abap_bool type, then it can hold values only from the set (abap_truth, abap_false and abap_undefined). But in older systems, you might not be able to use abap_bool as it is not available. For ex. In Web Dynpro abap_bool is not available.You need to use WDY_BOOLEAN as an alternative in this case. WDY_BOOLEAN only allows true Boolean values meaning it allows only true and false as permissible values but not undefined. Read More

Is it possible to delete the actives while you are running a loop over an internal table in SAP ABAP?

Srinivas Gorla
Updated on 13-Feb-2020 10:07:31


DELETE command will have a result. You should make sure that once you delete the row, there should not be any reference or use of row subsequently in the loop. The best is to use CONTINUE as soon as you perform deletion. I will suggest avoiding “DELETE lt_itab INDEX sy-tabix” because it will change the sy-tabix i.e. table index. In case if you just want to delete the current row in the loop then you can simply use.“DELETE lt_itab”One more thing if you are using statement “DELETE lt_itab FROM ls_wa” then whether knowingly or unknowingly, you are deleting the same lines ... Read More

\\\Parsing IDoc files to extract information from SAP system

Govinda Sai
Updated on 05-Dec-2019 07:24:06


There are few third party libraries which can be used to perform this task however they involve some cost however best way here is to use an SAP Connector. SAP Connectors are available for almost all prevalent programming languages like JAVA, C#, Python. You can program against these connectors and read data from IDoc. You can do a lot many things with these connectors from reading data to convert them to flat files for further usage.I have used JAVA connector for a similar scenario. You can use SAP Java IDoc class library and SAP JCO libraries for parsing IDoc files. The SAP ... Read More

What is ABAP? Explain ABAP OOP feature in detail?

Nikitha N
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:22


ABAP stands for Advanced Business Application Programming. It is one of the primary programming languages used for developing programs and applications for SAP R/3 systems and its related modules. It is a high-level language with respect to SAP as it is understood and known only to SAP environment.The latest version of ABAP which is ABAP Objects follows Object Oriented paradigm. Also, it is fully backward compatible with applications written in previous versions of ABAP whether it is ABAP/4 or other which were highly impressed by COBOL.Being an Object Oriented Programming language it fully supports features like inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and ... Read More

Using SAP T-code SM37 to check background jobs in SAP system

Paul Richard
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 12:45:29


In SM37 you can only see the scheduled background jobs as it is not used for foreground jobs. Below shows an initial screen of SM37 Transaction code:

Using Aggregate function to fetch values from different tables in SAP

Updated on 05-Dec-2019 08:04:28


First of all, the example you gave has different description for a fund. So, you should know which one to be kept. If you want to keep any description, you can use the below query using aggregation functionsSELECT    X1."FundName"    ,min( X0."Dscription")    , X0."FundId" FROM INV1 X0 INNER JOIN OINV X1 ON X0."FundId" = X1."FundId" INNER JOIN NNM1 X2 ON X1."SourceId" = X2."SourceId" WHERE X1."FundTotal" > 1000 AND X0."FundStart" between [%1] and [%2] GROUP BY X1."FundName", X0."FundId"
