Found 47 Articles for Ruby

Difference Between Java And Ruby

Updated on 31-Jul-2023 17:26:50


Java and Ruby are two strong, significant level programming dialects broadly utilized in the tech world today. Java, an arranged language made by Sun Microsystems during the '90s, has a post in huge business level applications. Ruby, a dynamic, unraveled, open-source language made by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto in Japan, is striking for its elegance and conceivability, especially found in the Ruby on Rails structure. This article will jump into the intricacies of their sentence structure, estimations, and different ways of managing programming tasks. Syntax The syntax of a programming language refers to the set of rules defining how programs written ... Read More

Which is Used More for DevOps: Ruby or Python?

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 08-May-2023 13:41:09


The software development landscape has seen a huge change over a long time, with DevOps getting to be a fundamental portion of the cutting-edge computer program delivery handle. Pointing to streamline the method of computer program advancement and operations, DevOps cultivates a culture of collaboration, continuous integration, and nonstop delivery. The choice of programming language plays a noteworthy portion in the productive utilization of DevOps, and two well-known contenders in this space are Ruby and Python. Here, we'll look at the choice, popularity, and utilization cases of Ruby and Python within the setting of DevOps.We are going to investigate their ... Read More

Starter Kit to Learning Puppet Achitecture

Aadyaa Srivastava
Updated on 27-Apr-2023 12:28:30


Puppet is a configuration management and deployment tool that serves as a safety net for IT infrastructure when SysAdmin teams become overburdened. With machine-like efficiency that humans rarely match, Puppet enables users to install multiple servers with identical specifications and thresholds, ensuring that all IT systems are maintained consistently. As a deployment tool, Puppet can autonomously install software, services, and applications on nodes. Puppet implements "Infrastructure as code, " codifying the procedures, directives, and other elements of an IT company. The tool is an important asset for expanding IT staff in even faster-growing companies. Let's start this Puppet lesson by ... Read More

Chef - Components and Configuration Management

Aadyaa Srivastava
Updated on 27-Apr-2023 11:38:34


Chef is an open-source configuration management tool created by Opscode. Chef is free, however there are premium versions as well, such Chef Enterprise. Chef, a program created in Ruby and Erlang, provides a way to define infrastructure as computer code that can be installed on multiple servers and includes automatic configuration and upkeep. If you are curious about what a chef is, read on. And if you want to know how it works, you've come to the perfect place. You can learn more about Chef and its complexities with the aid of this guide. Let's get started with this Chef ... Read More

Difference Between Golang and Ruby

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 10:02:42


Golang and Ruby are two popular programming languages used for building web applications, software tools, and more. While they share some similarities, they differ in several key areas. In this article, we will explore the differences between Golang and Ruby, and how they stack up against each other. Difference Between Golang and Ruby Syntax Golang has a C-style syntax, similar to C++ and Java, while Ruby has a more flexible syntax that is similar to Perl and Python. Golang uses curly braces to define blocks of code, while Ruby uses keywords like "end" to delimit blocks. Performance One of the ... Read More

How to Implement Multithreading in Ruby

Mukul Latiyan
Updated on 12-Apr-2022 13:27:24


In this article, we will learn how we can use multithreading in Ruby. We will take a couple of examples, where we will spawn two new threads and then perform some concurrent operations on them. In Ruby, we can create a new thread with the help of the function.Example 1Take a look at the following example to understand the nature of multiple threads and how they are executed in Ruby.#!/usr/bin/ruby # first method def First_Method    a = 0    while a

Useful Methods of Integer Class in Ruby

Mukul Latiyan
Updated on 12-Apr-2022 08:54:48


Ruby's integer class is the foundation for the two concrete classes that represent whole numbers. Bignum and Fixnum are these concrete classes. Bignum holds the integer value that is outside the range of Fixnum, which is displayed in the native machine word.There are a variety of methods in the integer class that can be used to perform various tasks. Numeric class has a subclass called Integer. Let's check some of the useful methods that are available in the integer class in Ruby.to_i methodThe to_i method is used to return an integer. Consider the code shown belowExampleConsider the code shown below.num ... Read More

How to Use Instance Variables in Ruby

Mukul Latiyan
Updated on 12-Apr-2022 08:52:45

1K+ Views

In Ruby, there are four different types of variables that we can declare −Local VariablesInstance VariablesClass VariablesGlobal VariablesAn Instance variable has a name that starts with the @ symbol. It should be noted that the contents of an instance variable are only restricted to the object which itself refers to.An important point to note about the instance variable in Ruby is that, even if we have two separate objects that belong to the same class, we are allowed to have different values for their instance variables.Instance Variable Characteristics in RubyBefore checking how to use instance variables in Ruby, let's understand ... Read More

Difference between 'include' and 'extend' in Ruby

Mukul Latiyan
Updated on 12-Apr-2022 08:49:45

1K+ Views

In Ruby, when we are using the include keyword, we are importing a module code, but we aren't allowed to access the methods of the imported modules with the class directly because it basically gets imported as a subclass for the superclass.On the other hand, when we are using the extend keyword in Ruby, we are importing the module code but the methods are imported as class methods. If we try to access the methods that we imported with the instance of the class, the compiler will throw an error.Now let's use these two keywords in a Ruby code to ... Read More

How to use the "or" keyword in Ruby?

Mukul Latiyan
Updated on 12-Apr-2022 08:45:00

1K+ Views

In Ruby, we use the "or" keyword to return the logical difference between its two operands. In simple terms, we can say that a condition becomes True if both the operands are true."or" returns True if any one of the conditions/expressions is "true".It returns False only when all the conditions are "false".It should be noted that the or keyword is equivalent to the "||" logical operator, but it has lower precedence in Ruby.SyntaxThe syntax of the or keyword is shown below.Condition1 or Condition2Let's use the or keyword in a Ruby code and see how it works.Example 1Consider the code shown ... Read More
