Found 198 Articles for React JS

How to create Menu Item Component in ReactJS?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 12:01:53

7K+ Views

The Menu item component shows users various menu options, and they can select any option from the menu item component. The menu item component in React Js is similar to the element in HTML, or we can say it is a dropdown menu. Also, menu components contain a submenu to show multiple options for any menu item. Developers should use the HTML tag to implement menu item components from scratch. However, many React libraries available on the internet provide pre-designed Menu item components. So, we will use different libraries to build the menu item components below. Use ... Read More

How to create Instagram Like button in ReactJS?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 11:58:18

2K+ Views

Most of all, you have used Instagram and have looked at the Like button given below every post. There are two things to notice about Instagram Like button: one is its shape is a heart shape which we need to create, and another is it fills up with red colour when we Like someone's post. There are two different ways to create Instagram Like button. One is created from scratch using CSS and JavaScript, and another uses two different icons. One is filled, and another is outlined. Use the Material UI library We will use the FormControlLabel component from the ... Read More

Conditional Properties Using React with TypeScript

Shubham Vora
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 15:36:11

5K+ Views

In React with TypeScript, you can use conditional rendering to choose what to render based on a condition. This is useful when displaying different content or components based on specific criteria. There are a few different ways to implement conditional rendering in React with TypeScript. One way is to use the conditional operator (also known as the ternary operator). This operator takes a condition and returns one value if the condition is true and another if the condition is false. You can also use the && operator to render a component based on a condition conditionally. This operator evaluates to ... Read More

How to call the loading function with React useEffect?

Updated on 16-Feb-2023 12:14:36

12K+ Views

We will use the React useEffect hook to call our loading function. This hook allows us to specify a function that will run on a specific component lifecycle event, such as when the component mounts. By passing in our loading function as a dependency, we ensure that it will be called whenever the component loads or updates. React useEffect The useEffect is a Hook in React that allows you to synchronize a component with an external system. It runs after the component renders and can be used to fetch data, update the DOM, or set up event listeners. It ... Read More

How to create Price Range Selector in ReactJS?

Mohit Panchasara
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 18:43:37

5K+ Views

The price range selector allows us to select two values representing the range. Sometimes, we require to create a range slider to allow users to select a range. For example, we can allow users to select a minimum and maximum price using the price range selector. We can also show the products by filtering based on the selected minimum and maximum prices. In this tutorial, we will learn to create a price range selector using various libraries in ReactJS. Using the material UI to create a range selector The material UI provides various components we can import into the ... Read More

How to create a Password Checklist in ReactJS?

Mohit Panchasara
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 18:39:51

5K+ Views

Nowadays, applications use a one-time password or magic link for authentication, but we can’t ignore the authentication using the username and password. Whenever we allow users to register with a username and password, we should ensure that the password users have entered is strong. So, it can be unbreakable by hackers. In this tutorial, we will learn to verify the security level of the password in ReactJS. Create a Custom Validation Algorithm We can create a custom validation algorithm to check if the password is strong or weak. We can create regular expressions for lowercase, uppercase, and numeric ... Read More

Highlighting Dropdown Options in ReactJS

Shubham Vora
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 15:43:53


Highlighting dropdown options is important because it improves the menu's usability by making it easier for users to identify the options they are hovering over. When a user hovers over an option, it becomes highlighted, making it stand out from the other options. This helps the user quickly identify the option they are interested in and select. Additionally, highlighting dropdown options is a simple but effective way to improve the usability and accessibility of the menu. Creating interactive dropdown menus in ReactJS with option highlighting Users can follow the steps below to implement the option highlighting in the ReactJS dropdown. ... Read More

How to create Dialog Box in ReactJS?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 15:14:41

12K+ Views

The dialog box is a popup box like a modal in ReactJS. In vanilla JavaScript, maybe you have used the alert() method, which allows us to show an alert message in the alert box. Also, vanilla JavaScript provides the confirm box and prompt box to take user input. The dialog box also allows us to perform all operations. We can add the normal HTML to the dialog box according to our requirements, and it works as a popup box. In this tutorial, we will use the various libraries to create a dialog box. Use the Material-Ui library The Material-Ui library ... Read More

How to create Date Picker in ReactJS?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 15:13:42

8K+ Views

The date picker allows users of the application to pick a date. If we take data in the string format from the users, they can make a mistake while entering the date and enter the wrong format of the date. So, the best way to take a correct date input from the users is using the date picker. In this tutorial, we will use various libraries of ReactJS and create a date picker allowing users to pick any date, month, year, or decade. Use the ‘react-date-picker’ NPM package The react provides various libraries and npm packages to manipulate the date ... Read More

How to create Dark Mode in ReactJS using Material UI?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 15:05:48

2K+ Views

Using the Material UI library, we will learn to create a Dark Mode in ReactJS. The Material UI is the external react library that provides the designed react components that we can directly use in our react project by importing from the library. In the world, most users like dark mode, and only some love light mode. The dark mode helps us decrease visitors' eye strain and look more luxurious. So, we should allow users to choose the either dark or light mode according to their preference. In vanilla JavaScript or JQuery, we can create dark and light modes by ... Read More

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