Found 198 Articles for React JS

Fixed Options in Searchbox in ReactJS

Shubham Vora
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 16:52:52


Sometimes, developers require to add the fixed options in the search box while creating the search bar. For example, you are developing a web application containing different web pages related to cars, bikes, other vehicles, etc. Also, you require to add a search bar on every web page. So, you may be required to add the fix tags like car, bike, or some car or bike brands as fixed tag in the search bar to highlight. In this tutorial, we will learn to add fixed options in search box in ReactJS using the AutoComplete component of the Material UI library. ... Read More

How to Update the State of React Components Using Callback?

Nikesh Jagsish Malik
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 16:10:21

3K+ Views

Updating the state of a React component is an essential part of building interactive and dynamic web applications. State management can become challenging as components become more complex and nested. This article will cover how to update the state of React components using callback functions, providing you with two different approaches and working examples to make your development process smoother. Algorithm Understand the state management in React components Choose the right approach for updating the state Implement the chosen approach with code and explanations Provide working examples to demonstrate the usage of the approach Conclude with the benefits of ... Read More

File uploading in React.js

Nikesh Jagsish Malik
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 15:30:51

9K+ Views

File transmission represents a vital aspect of any online platform, permitting users to effortlessly transfer and disseminate files among each other. With the proliferation of JavaScript libraries and frameworks, file uploading has become significantly easier, with React.js being no exception. In this treatise, we shall delve into the intricacies of file uploading in React.js, exploring the algorithmic approach, various methodologies, and functional illustrations. Algorithm At the crux of it, the act of file uploading in React.js entails transmitting a document from the user's machine to the host server. This is achieved by employing a form that comprises an input element ... Read More

How to use CircularProgress Component in ReactJS?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 14:58:34

1K+ Views

The circular progress bar is an attractive UI for any application. We can show the circular loading indicator whenever our application fetches data from the server; users are uploading files or downloading data. Here, we will learn different approaches to creating a circular progress bar using the various libraries. Use the React-circular-progressbar NPM Package The react-circular-progressbar is an NPM package, and we can import the ‘circularProgressbar’ component. It takes value as a prop to show circular progress. Users should execute the below command in the terminal to install the react-circular-progressbar NPM package in the React application. npm i react-circular-progressbar Syntax ... Read More

How to use Button Component in Material UI?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 15:33:14


The button is used to perform some actions like form submission, file upload, link click, web page routing etc. The Material Ui provides the pre-styled button component, which users can import into the React application and use inside the React component. Different variants of the button are available in the Material UI, and users can use any according to their requirements. Execute the below command in the terminal to install the Material UI library. npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled Syntax Users should follow the syntax below to use the Button component of the Material Ui library. Click ... Read More

How to use Box Component in Material UI?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 15:07:07


As the Box name suggests, it allows users to add the box of different dimensions on the web page. Users can also add any custom HTML content inside the Box component. Also, users can style the box by passing the style as props. To use the Box component of Material UI, users need to run the below command in the terminal to install the Material library. npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled Syntax Users should follow the syntax below to use the Box component of the Material UI library. Content of the Box. Users can see how ... Read More

How to show pagination in ReactJS?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 05-Apr-2023 16:31:34


The pagination allows users to show content on different pages. For example, we have thousands of data and want to show that to users on a single webpage. It will look worse if we show thousands of data on a single page, as users must scroll through all data to reach the last data. So, to solve the issue, pagination comes into the picture. We can show a particular number of data on a single page and create a total number of pages according to the total data available. Gmail is the best example of pagination, it shows 50 emails ... Read More

Getting started - The First Progam in Snack

Saba Hilal
Updated on 23-Mar-2023 12:49:18


Snack is an open-source Expo platform where React Native programming is done and the results can be seen instantly. It compiles and builds the bundle for execution on different types of devices or for Android , IOS or web. The code can be saved and shared quickly on Snack. As the user types the code, the library installation links are given by this interface to the user. Snack is a nice and quick to use platform which makes learning of React native easy for beginners. The user doesn't need to install anything. Just SignUp and then login to your expo ... Read More

How to use Redux with React Native?

Mohit Panchasara
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 17:54:53

6K+ Views

Redux is a state-management library for JavaScript programs. It provides a central location to store all state information for an application and a predictable way to alter the state using actions and reducers. React Native is a framework for building native mobile applications using React. To utilize Redux with React Native, users must integrate the Redux store with their React Native components. To use Redux with ReactNative, we will follow some steps described in short, and later we will discuss the process more descriptively. First, install the Redux and React-Redux libraries. To construct a store, use the ... Read More

How to use Container Component in ReactJS?

Mohit Panchasara
Updated on 09-Mar-2023 13:34:20

3K+ Views

The container component creates a container on the web page like a box. Also, we can set the height of the container according to the height of the inside content. Furthermore, we can set the variable width for the Container component. Basically, we can use the Container to create a Rectangular box and add some HTML content inside that. Users should use the below command to install the Material UI in the React project. npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled Syntax Users can follow the syntax below to use the Cotnainer component of Material UI. ... Read More
