Found 198 Articles for React JS

What is client-side rendering in React?

Payal Mittal
Updated on 07-Nov-2022 10:35:28

7K+ Views

Client−side rendering is a technique used in web development to improve the performance of web pages. It moves the browser’s rendering process from the server to the client. This way, there is no need for a round−trip request to render a page. Let's start by discussing what occurs when your program requires client−side rendering. React applications are developed by calling one or several JavaScript modules from a simple HTML document while utilizing only the CLI or React command create−react−app. The HTML of each page is created and loaded into the website by JavaScript, which automatically adds it to the document's ... Read More

What is a Single Page Application?

Payal Mittal
Updated on 07-Nov-2022 10:31:24


Single Page Applications or SPAs are beginning to rule the IT marketplace now. (And for good reasons!) They are incredibly fast and render an amazing user experience. But what makes them faster? Well, the reason is that the SPAs enable the users to navigate through several pages without having to refresh the page. As the single page applications dynamically rewrite the web page content from the server, they do not load the entire web page after every render. This way, the web pages potentially improvise the performance by creating a more dynamic user experience. Let’s learn about the ... Read More

What are Hooks in React?

Payal Mittal
Updated on 07-Nov-2022 09:26:21

3K+ Views

React Hooks open up a completely new approach to constructing functional components, enabling us to include capabilities like stateful logic that are only available for class components. React mostly makes use of its built−in hooks, useState and useEffect Hooks, to do this. These hooks j In this article, we will go over what hooks are and how they can be used to create applications with React. We will also see how they simplify everyday development workflows. All About React Hooks As quoted by team React− “React Hooks are a new feature of React.js that makes it possible to use ... Read More

How does React work?

Payal Mittal
Updated on 07-Nov-2022 09:30:04


The front−end development ecosystem is constantly changing. It is getting harder for business owners to choose the finest library or framework from the many available since new tools are released daily. Speaking of frontend, React.js have been setting records in the web development industry for some time and doing splendidly despite having huge competition. Why is it so? How is it that react has been able to rule the IT industry while other libraries are still struggling? We’ll get all these answers in this blog. So, let’s dive in − What is React.js? React is an open−source, front−end JavaScript library, ... Read More

A Guide To Server-Side Rendering In React

Payal Mittal
Updated on 26-Oct-2023 03:36:11

19K+ Views

Server−side rendering has been around for a while now. It was first introduced in the early 2000s and has been used by many websites since then. The idea behind this technique is to pre−render HTML pages on a server and send them back to the client's browser as they request them. With server-side rendering (SSR), the page is rendered on the server. This ensures that the page is available to users even before it loads on their browser. We’ll get to know more about SSR in this article − How Server-side Rendering (SSR) Works? It is the process of rendering ... Read More

How To Add Lifecycle Methods To a Class In ReactJS?

Huda Sameer
Updated on 23-Aug-2022 08:49:34


Every component in React has a lifecycle that incorporates several phases. Programmers usually think of this lifecycle as the component’s ‘lifetime’. The components experience the following events: Mounting, Updating, Unmounting, and Error handling. Mounting refers to the procedure of adding nodes and updating requires programmers to alter and change these nodes in the DOM. Unmounting, on the other hand, removes nodes and error handling tracks your code to ensure it works and is bug-free. These occurrences can be compared to a component's birth, development, and eventual demise. You can override multiple lifecycle methods in each React lifecycle phase to execute ... Read More

How do I embed JavaScript expressions into JSX?

Geetu Magoo
Updated on 23-Aug-2022 08:39:05


JSX is an extension used to easily create templates in ReactJS, a prominent framework of Javascript. Similar to how Javascript files are saved under the extension .js, React files are saved under the extension. jsx. With JSX, programmers can write HTML code in React and easily render the elements in the React DOM without needing additional methods or functions. What's more? JSX was created with the intention of easily converting HTML elements into React elements. In fact, JSX is beneficial for all sorts of programmers due to the fact that it’s faster than conventional Javascript. Developers can also design UI ... Read More

How to Create a Color Picker in ReactJS?

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 25-Apr-2022 12:34:09


In this article, we are going to explore how to create and use a Color Picker in ReactJS. A Color Picker can be defined as a graphical user interface widget that is usually found within some graphics software or used online to select/choose colors and sometimes to create new color themes as well.React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript Library that is used for building user interfaces or UI components. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual contributors who keep it updated.ApproachWe can run through the following steps to create a color picker −First we would ... Read More

ReactJS: How to Create a Pie Chart using Recharts?

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 25-Apr-2022 11:34:47

7K+ Views

In this article, are going to explore the Rechart JS Library and implement it in a React application to watch how they are used. Rechart Libraries are specifically used for creating different types of charts over the React Application. Charts that can be build using this library are Line Charts, Bar Charts, Pie Charts, etc.In this tutorial we will be creating a Pie Chart using the library and a set of data entry points. Based upon this data the chart will be formed that will define the slices with the pie element. This will have the data property that will ... Read More

How to Create an Area chart using Recharts in ReactJS?

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 21-Apr-2022 13:26:19

1K+ Views

In this article, are going to explore the Rechart JS Library and implement it in a React application to watch how they are used. Rechart Libraries are specifically used for creating different types of charts over the React Application. Charts that can be built using this library are Line Charts, Bar Charts, Pie Charts, Area Charts, etc.In this tutorial, we will be creating an Area Chart with the required data points and displaying the same to the user. We will define the slices of the Area Chart by using the data property that is defined by the data from the ... Read More
