Found 10784 Articles for Python

Creating Snow Effect using the Arcade Module in Python

S Vijay Balaji
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 13:11:24


We’ve all wanted to add additional effects to our presentation or to a video. These effects help us in better present our product or helps increase user experience. And in this tutorial, you will learn how to implement the snow effect using the arcade module. You can use this in your games to create a snow drizzle or a rain drop effect. You can even go ahead and set it up as a screen timeout effect. That being said, let us get started! Getting Started Throughout this tutorial, we will be using the arcade module that helps users create game ... Read More

Automate GUI Interactions in Python using the PyAutoGUI Library

S Vijay Balaji
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 12:50:02


PyAutoGUI is a fantastic module for automating graphical user interface interactions in Python applications. It enables developers to imitate user input and automate repetitive operations, making it a good choice for testing, data entry, and other jobs that require interacting with GUIs. PyAutoGUI is a cross-platform library that supports all major operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and macOS. In this tutorial, we'll understand how to use Python's PyAutoGUI package to automate GUI interactions. We'll start by installing PyAutoGUI and learning how to use it. Then, we'll delve further into the library's features, such as keyboard and mouse control and ... Read More

Build a Simple Chatbot in Python using Errbot

S Vijay Balaji
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 12:45:36


You can use Errbot (a chatbot) to start scripts interactively from your chatrooms. The most important feature of errbot is that it connects to any chat server you want it to and has a range of features. It can even connect to your slack and discord channels and interact with users. Now that you know what we are dealing with, let us get started. Getting Started It’s better to download errbot in a virtual environment rather than directly installing it. Firstly, we have to download and install the errbot library. We’ll be using the pip package manger to do this. ... Read More

How to Convert a Numpy Array to Tensor?

Mukul Latiyan
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 18:16:10

5K+ Views

Numpy is a popular Python library used for numerical computing and scientific computing, providing a powerful array object for handling large and multi−dimensional arrays. However, when it comes to machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks, PyTorch is a widely used library that provides an efficient and flexible platform for building and training these models. While Numpy arrays and PyTorch tensors are similar in many ways, they have different properties and methods, which makes it necessary to convert a Numpy array to a PyTorch tensor when using PyTorch for machine learning applications. In this article, we will explore the process ... Read More

How to Control a PC from anywhere using Python?

Mukul Latiyan
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 18:15:09

4K+ Views

Remote access to computers has become increasingly important, especially in today's work from home environment. While there are many commercial tools available for remote access, Python provides a simple yet effective way to remotely control your PC from anywhere using the Python programming language. In this article, we will explore how to control your PC from anywhere using Python. We will discuss how to establish a remote connection between two computers, how to use Python to execute commands on the remote PC, and how to transfer files between the local and remote computers. With this knowledge, you can remotely access ... Read More

How to connect WiFi using Python?

Mukul Latiyan
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 18:13:51

5K+ Views

Python is a popular programming language used in a wide range of applications, including network programming. In this article, we will explore how to connect to a WiFi network using Python. Connecting to a WiFi network using Python can be useful in situations where you need to automate the process of joining a network, such as in a headless system or in a situation where manual intervention is not possible. Python provides several libraries that can be used to interact with WiFi networks, and we will explore some of them in this article. We will start by looking at the ... Read More

How to Convert Datetime to Date in Pandas?

Mukul Latiyan
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 18:12:55

2K+ Views

In data analysis and manipulation, dealing with dates and times is a common requirement. The Pandas library in Python provides powerful tools for working with datetime values. In this article, we will explore the process of converting datetime values to date−only format in a Pandas DataFrame. When working with datetime values, it is often necessary to extract specific components, such as the year, month, day, or time, for further analysis or visualisation. However, in some cases, we may only be interested in the date portion of the datetime object, excluding the time information. Converting datetime values to date−only format can ... Read More

How to Create a COVID19 Data Representation GUI in Python?

Mukul Latiyan
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 18:11:13


The COVID−19 pandemic has disrupted daily life around the world, with numerous countries implementing lockdowns and other restrictions to control the spread of the virus. As a result, there is a great deal of interest in tracking the spread of the virus, including the number of active cases and confirmed cases. With the help of technology, it is now possible to access this data and visualize it in real−time using graphical user interfaces (GUIs). This tutorial will provide an overview of a Python program that creates a GUI for displaying COVID−19 data. Creating a Tkinter GUI to Show COVID19 Data ... Read More

How to write Code Effectively in Python?

Mukul Latiyan
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 18:09:39


In the modern era of technology, coding has become one of the most popular practices. It is an essential skill that is highly prevalent and considered mandatory in many fields, especially those that involve software development or data analysis. At its core, coding is the process of communicating your mental logic to a computer program, allowing it to execute a specific task. With advancements in programming, it has become increasingly important to write efficient code. This means not only creating code that produces the desired outcome but also optimising it to be as fast and resource−efficient as possible. In addition ... Read More

How to Create a PySpark Dataframe from Multiple Lists ?

Mukul Latiyan
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 18:07:08

2K+ Views

PySpark is a powerful tool for processing large datasets in a distributed computing environment. One of the fundamental tasks in data analysis is to convert data into a format that can be easily processed and analysed. In PySpark, data is typically stored in a DataFrame, which is a distributed collection of data organised into named columns. In some cases, we may want to create a PySpark DataFrame from multiple lists. This can be useful when we have data in a format that is not easily loaded from a file or database. For example, we may have data stored in Python ... Read More
