Found 10784 Articles for Python

Internal working of Set in Python

Updated on 29-Aug-2019 11:43:38


In this article, we will learn about the Internal working of Set in Python. We will observe the union and intersection operation in different frames and objects.Let’s declare an empty set.>>> s=set()Now let’s declare a set with elements.>>> s1=set('tutorialspoint')Adding an element into an empty set.>>> s.add(‘p’)Now we declare another set with the name of Python.>>> s2=set('python')Now let’s see the union operation.>>> s3=s1.union(s2)Finally, we implement the intersection option.>>> s4=s1.intersection(s2)ConclusionIn this article, we learned about the Internal working of Set in Python 3.x. Or earlierRead More

Internal working of Python

Updated on 29-Aug-2019 11:38:09

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In this article, we will learn about the internal working of python & how different objects are allocated space in the memory by the python interpreter.Python is an object-oriented programming construct language like Java. Python uses an interpreter and hence called an interpreted language. Python supports minimalism and modularity to increase readability and minimize time and space complexity. The standard implementation of python is called “cpython” and we can use c codes to get output in python.Python converts the source code into a series of byte codes. So within python, compilation stage happens, but directly into byte code and this ... Read More

Internal working of the list in Python

Updated on 29-Aug-2019 11:34:57


In this tutorial, we will learn about the internal working of the list in Python 3.x. Or earlier. We will also look at the object and frame formation when we write a python statement at each step.Initializing the list: This means that we are creating a list with some elements.>>> lis=[1, 2, 3, 4]Here list variable is declared in the global frame which is referring to a list object as shown aboveNow let’s see what happened when we append the element in the list.>>> lis.append(8)Here the element is added at the end and the size of the list is increased ... Read More

Interesting Python Implementation for Next Greater Elements

Updated on 29-Aug-2019 11:27:10


In this article, we will learn about defining and user-defined functions to predict the next greatest element.Problem statementWe are given an array & we need to print the Next Greater Element for every element present in the array. The Next greater Element for an arbitrary element y is the first greatest element present on the right side of x in array. Elements for which no greatest element exist, return -1 as output.4Input test case[12, 1, 2, 3]Output12 -> -1 1 -> 3 2 -> 3 3 -> -1Now let’s observe the source code.Example# Function Def elevalue(arr):    # Iteration   ... Read More

issubset() function in Python

Updated on 29-Aug-2019 11:17:28


In this article, we will learn the implementation and usage of issubset() function available in the Python Standard Library.The issubset() method returns boolean True when all elements of a set are present in another set (passed as an argument) otherwise, it returns boolean False.In the figure given below B is a subset of A. In case A & B are identical sets mean that A is a proper subset of B. This means both sets contain the same elements in them.Syntax.issubset()Return valueboolean True/FalseNow let’s look at an illustration to understand the concept.Example Live DemoA = {'t', 'u', 't', 'o', 'r', 'i', ... Read More

Input/Output from external file in C/C++, Java and Python for Competitive Programming

Updated on 29-Aug-2019 11:23:15


In this article, we will learn about Input/Output from an external files in C/C++, Java, and Python for Competitive Programming.Python I/O from the fileIn python, the sys module is used to take input from a file and write output to the file. Let’s look at the implementation in the form of code.Exampleimport sys # For getting input sys.stdin = open('sample.txt', 'r') # Printing the Output sys.stdout = open('sample.txt', 'w')Java I/O from the fileHere we take the help of buffered reader method to take input associated with file reader to read input from file and print writer to print the data ... Read More

IDE for Python programming on Windows

Updated on 29-Aug-2019 10:54:28


In this article, we will learn about different IDE’s available on Python for windows.PycharmInteractive python consoleSupport for web frameworksFaster refracting timeLesser developmentJupyter notebookCompatibility with almost every python moduleLesser space and hardware requirementsInbuilt terminal and kernel featuresA wide variety of widgets can be appliedWing ideInbuilt debugging toolsSupport for unit testingEasy code navigation capability.Komodo ideThird-party library supportXML autocompletionInbuilt refracting capacity.Sublime textCross-platformMultitaskingBetter customizationAtomBetter customizationBetter user interfaceCross-platform editorConclusionIn this article, we learned about IDE for Python programming on windows.

issuperset() in Python

Updated on 29-Aug-2019 10:48:29


In this article, we will learn about issuperset() in Python and its implementation in various areas.This method returns boolean True if all elements of a set B contains all elements set A which is passed as an argument and returns false if all elements of A not present in B.This means if B is a superset of A then itreturns true; else FalseExampleLet’s look at some example Live DemoA = {'t', 'u', 't', 'o', 'r', 'i', 'a', 'l'} B = {'t', 'u', 't'} print("A issuperset B : ", A.issuperset(B)) print("B issuperset A : ", B.issuperset(A))OutputA issuperset B : True B issuperset ... Read More

Interesting facts about strings in Python

Updated on 29-Aug-2019 10:44:35


In this article, we will learn about some Interesting facts about strings in Python 3.x. Or earlier.ImmutabilityAuto-detection of escape sequencesDirect slicingIndexed accessImmutabilityThis means that there is no permission of modification on type and we only have read only access to the strings.Exampleinp = 'Tutorials point' # output print(inp) # assigning a new value to a particular index in a string inp[0] = 't' print(inp) # raises an errorOutputTypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignmentAuto-detection of escape sequencesThe strings containing backslash are automatically detected as an escape sequence.Exampleinp = 'Tutorials point' # output print(inp+””+”101”)OutputTutorials point 101Direct slicingWe all are aware ... Read More

Implement IsNumber() function in Python

Updated on 29-Aug-2019 10:38:34


In this article, we will about the implement isNumber() method using Python 3.x. Or earlier.This method takes in a string type as input and returns boolean True or False according to whether the entered string is a number or not. To do this we take the help of exception handling by using try and except statement.ExampleLet’s look at some example − Live Demo# Implementation of isNumber() function def isNumber(s):    if(s[0] =='-'):       s=s[1:]    #exception handling    try:       n = int(s)       return True    # catch exception if any error is encountered ... Read More
