Found 10784 Articles for Python

How to learn Python without prior programming knowledge?

Swarnava Bhattacharyya
Updated on 24-Mar-2023 14:02:38


Introduction Python is one of the most popularly used languages in today’s world, with its application spread out in a wide range of domains, ranging from applied fields like computer vision and IoT, to Machine Learning and data-based fields such as Data Analysis. Along with this, Python is one of the easiest languages to start one’s programming journey with, due to its very easy syntax and ease of writing code. Thus here we will look at some steps to learn Python as a beginner. Steps Learning the basics Maintaining consistency Become a part of peer groups Build ... Read More

How to Get the Sign of an Integer in Python?

Swarnava Bhattacharyya
Updated on 24-Mar-2023 14:01:12

10K+ Views

Introduction Python Integers are one of the primary data types, and are used for almost all major mathematical and logical operations. In Python, integers are zero, positive or negative whole numbers without a fractional part and having unlimited precision.They can be expressed in binary, octal and hexadecimal values. In this article, we will learn how to obtain the sign of an integer. Methods Used Using simple mathematical comparison with zero Using copysign() function of math module Using numpy.sign() function Creating a method with abs() function Method 1: Using Mathematical Comparison with Zero We ... Read More

How does a Python interpreter work?

Swarnava Bhattacharyya
Updated on 24-Mar-2023 13:58:32

4K+ Views

What is an Interpreter? The Python interpreter works as a computer converter that converts high-level language to low-level machine language, which is essential for the computer to understand the code written by a programmer. Python codes are executed by an interpreter called CPython, which is written in C language and executes instructions in a block of code one line after another. Steps used Lexing Parsing Creation of byte code Conversion to machine-executable code Returning output Let’s dive into the steps in detail. Step 1: Lexing The first step of analyzing a code block in ... Read More

How can we update a large Python 2 codebase to Python 3?

Swarnava Bhattacharyya
Updated on 02-May-2023 15:07:26


Introduction Python initially started off as Python version2, which is also known as the Legacy Edition. The last edition of Python2 was Python2.7, which went out of service in 2020. Python 3.x was introduced as a replacement, with a host of improvements and bug fixes over the Python 2.x versions. The older Legacy Python was a LTS software, which means it had Long-Time Support. However, Python 3.x versions are backward incompatible releases, which makes it very essential to upgrade Python 2 codebases to Python 3, to fully enjoy the ease and support of Python 3. The biggest reasons for upgrading ... Read More

Multilingual Google Meet Summarizer and Python Project

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 23-Mar-2023 16:54:26


Introduction Multilingual Google Meet summarizer is a tool/chrome extension that can create transcriptions for google meet conversations in multiple languages. During the COVID times people, they need a tool that can effectively summarize meetings, classroom lectures, and convection videos. Thus such a tool can be quite useful in this regard. In this article, let us have an overview of the project structure and explore some implementation aspects with the help of code. What this project is all about? This is a simple chrome extension that when enabled during a google meet session can generate meeting transcriptions and summarize the conversation ... Read More

Implementation of Teaching Learning Based Optimization

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 23-Mar-2023 16:48:21


Introduction Teaching Learning Based Optimization (TLBO) is based on the relationship between a teacher and the learners in a class. In a particular class, a teacher imparts knowledge to the students through his/her hard work. The students or learners then interact with each other among themselves and improve their knowledge. Let us explore more about Teacher Learning Based Optimization through this article. What is TLBO? Let us consider a population p (particularly a class) and the number of learners l in the class. There may be decisive variables (subjects from which learners gain knowledge) for the optimization problem. Two modes ... Read More

Image Segmentation by Clustering

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 23-Mar-2023 16:33:23

7K+ Views

Introduction Image Segmentation is the process of partitioning an image into multiple regions based on the characteristics of the pixels in the original image. Clustering is a technique to group similar entities and label them. Thus, for image segmentation using clustering, we can cluster similar pixels using a clustering algorithm and group a particular cluster pixel as a single segment. Thus, let's explore more image segmentation using clustering, Image Segmentation The process of image segmentation by clustering can be carried out using two methods. Agglomerative clustering Divisive clustering In Agglomerative clustering, we label a pixel to a close ... Read More

How to add PDF in Tkinter GUI Python?

Manas Gupta
Updated on 23-Mar-2023 15:19:45

3K+ Views

This article will teach us how to display PDF files in the Tkinter GUI. We will be using the PyMuPDF library to read the pdf files and convert them into images which will then be displayed using Tkinter. For our task, we will do the following steps − Read the PDF file. Define a transformation matrix to apply on the pages of PDF to get their images. Count the total number of pages for error checking. Define the screen (the canvas) for our GUI. Define a helper function for converting a PDF page to a PIL image. Define ... Read More

Commands to Get Min, Max, Median, and Mean of a Dataset

Satish Kumar
Updated on 23-Mar-2023 16:33:43


When working with datasets, it's important to understand characteristics of data. One of most fundamental aspects of a dataset is its central tendency - point around which data tends to cluster. This can be quantified in a number of ways, including minimum, maximum, median, and mean. In this article, we'll explore these different measures of central tendency and show you how to calculate them using a variety of programming languages. What is Minimum of a Dataset? The minimum of a dataset is smallest value in set. This value is useful for understanding lower bounds of data and can help identify ... Read More

How Can Python Improve Your Digital Marketing?

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 20-Mar-2023 10:36:17


Living in the age of digital marketing, we have realized the value of information. Therefore, we need more advanced tools for our eCommerce website to search for and process huge chunks of data every day. Moreover, these tools also help to perform repetitive tasks efficiently, including generating reports, gathering campaign performance insights and statistics, measuring conversion rates, analyzing customer behaviors, email marketing, and more. You can perform all these mundane tasks with ease, try adopting Python to gain real-time insights, thus making more informed decisions. In short, there are endless possibilities for using Python to automate your day-to-day processes, ... Read More
