Found 10784 Articles for Python

How to Annotate Bars in Grouped Barplot in Python?

Atharva Shah
Updated on 24-Mar-2023 15:13:21

1K+ Views

Introduction As data visualization becomes an integral part of every data analysis project, bar plots serve as a great tool to represent categorical data. Grouped bar plots in particular are useful when we want to compare multiple groups side-by-side. Syntax and Use Cases Annotations can be added to a bar plot to provide additional information or clarification to the data being presented. The annotation function of matplotlib can be used to add these annotations to each bar. The function takes the following parameters − text − The text to be displayed in the annotation. xy − The point ... Read More

How To Annotate Bars in Bar Plot with Matplotlib in Python?

Atharva Shah
Updated on 24-Mar-2023 15:04:43

5K+ Views

Introduction Bar plots are a common sort of chart used in data visualization. They are a go-to choice for many data scientists since they are easy to produce and comprehend. Bar charts, however, might fall short when we need to visualize additional information. Annotations are useful in this situation. In bar plots, annotations may be used in order to better comprehend the data. Syntax and Usage Use Matplotlib's annotate() function. The method accepts a number of inputs, such as the text to annotate, where the annotation should be placed, and several formatting choices including font size, color, and style. The ... Read More

How to animate an object using the Arcade module?

Atharva Shah
Updated on 24-Mar-2023 15:03:18


Introduction Python's Arcade module allows users to build interactive animations. It has simple and straightforward documentation for making interactive games, and its object-oriented architecture makes working with animated objects simple. Wonderful Animations with Arcade Module The Arcade module in Python is a Python library for creating 2D video games and can be easily installed by pip installing the arcade package. In order to use Arcade in your Python project, you need to install the Arcade external dependency by running the command "pip install arcade" in the terminal. Let's look at two fantastic uses for this Python package. Create a ... Read More

How to Adjust the Number of Ticks in Seaborn Plots?

Atharva Shah
Updated on 24-Mar-2023 14:44:38

12K+ Views

Introduction Ticks are tiny symbols that Matplotlib uses to represent the positions of data points on both axes of a plot. They may be positioned to best fit the data range and are used to highlight certain locations on the x and y axes. Usually, ticks may be labeled to indicate the precise values they stand for. In the python package Seaborn, there are two functions, namely, xticks() and yticks() that can be used for adjusting the ticks of a given graph. Syntax To adjust the number of ticks in Seaborn plots, we can use the following syntax − ... Read More

How to Adjust Marker Size in Matplotlib?

Atharva Shah
Updated on 24-Mar-2023 14:38:06

10K+ Views

Introduction In a plot, a marker is a symbol that designates a single data point. Size, color, and shape are just a few of the attributes that may be changed. Markers are commonly used in conjunction with other charting methods to enhance the readability and comprehension of data. With Matplotlib, a wide variety of marker shapes are provided, including circles, squares, triangles, diamonds, and more. It is possible to alter the marker size to draw attention to crucial details or to develop more aesthetically pleasing plots. We'll show you how to alter the marker size in Matplotlib using examples of ... Read More

Why is Python used on YouTube?

Swarnava Bhattacharyya
Updated on 24-Mar-2023 14:26:22

3K+ Views

IntroductionBefore Google acquired Youtube, most of it was built using PHP. However, PHP at that time had a lot of restrictions for cross-platform applications, and generated a lot of clutter.  After Google’s intervention, Youtube underwent an overhaul, with a major change in interface and security. In this article, we will go through the portions of Youtube where Python is used as the primary language. Reasons why Python is Used Reducing clutter Implementing newer features Frontend and API deployment Increased security Data visualization and analysis Easier maintenance Reason 1: Reducing ClutterAs Youtube was first established ... Read More

Why is Python the Best Language for Web Scraping?

Swarnava Bhattacharyya
Updated on 24-Mar-2023 14:23:02


What is Python Web Scraping? Python Web Scraping is an automatic method of collecting data from the web and its different websites, and performing further operations on the data. These may include storing the data in a database for future references, analyzing the data for business purposes, and providing a continuous stream of data from different sources in a single place. Some common methods of web scraping High performance Simple syntax Available existing frameworks Universality of Python Useful data representation Let us take a detailed look. Reason 1: High Performance Python scripts written for web scraping ... Read More

What are some of the common frustrations one faces while learning Python?

Swarnava Bhattacharyya
Updated on 11-May-2023 15:12:36


In the current era of computers and software everywhere, we have thousands of new joinees everyday who want to learn the essential skill of programming. Among beginners, Python is one of the most popular languages to start with, due to its dynamic typing, ease of learning and wide range of applications. However, there are a few recurring frustrations of new Python programmers who are just starting out on their programming journey. We will talk about them here. Problems Faced Unavailability of good learning resources Facing compiler or runtime mistakes Executing an external command through Python ... Read More

What's the coolest program you've made in Python?

Swarnava Bhattacharyya
Updated on 24-Mar-2023 14:11:49


The coolest Python program I have ever made is Python password hasher. Let's first understand what python password hashing is. What is Password Hashing? Python Password hashing is a form of advanced encryption which can be used to store passwords online safely. In today’s world of everything being online, user passwords are one of the most easily attacked sensitive information on the internet. The password string is converted to a string of random characters using different hashing algorithms, which have been used in my program. The user is instructed to input the password string, then select the appropriate hashing algorithm ... Read More

In the Python dictionary, can one key hold more than one value?

Swarnava Bhattacharyya
Updated on 24-Mar-2023 14:09:40

36K+ Views

What is a Dictionary in Python? A dictionary is Python’s own indigenous representation of a data structure, and can be considered similar to maps in C++. It is a dynamic data structure which stores key-value pairs dynamically, and is mutable. It can be better understood as an associative array, where each element is associated with its key value. Can one key hold more than one value? Although dictionaries in Python store values as key-value pairs, it is possible to store more than one value corresponding to the same key in a dictionary. This is performed by setting containers like ... Read More
