Found 10784 Articles for Python

Should I Learn Python or PHP for the Back End?

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 11:46:25


A stable online presence is indispensable for both persons and agencies in the modern-day digital era. Web builders are in high demand in order to do this. To guarantee that the entirety features properly, it is crucial to select the fantastic programming language for the returned end. So, one of the most well-liked programming languages is PHP, which has been around for a while and developed a reputation for its unique characteristics. Another popular language is Python and selecting between them can be a challenge. Here, we will explore the differences between Python and PHP and get you ready to ... Read More

Is Python the Programming Language Dead?

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 11:45:36


Python has hooked up itself as one of the most widely used programming languages in the world after being around for more than three decades. Python has obtained focus in many industries thanks to its simple syntax, adaptability, and countless libraries, alongside web development, data research, and artificial intelligence, to point out a few. Yet, some analysts have started to wonder whether Python will remain applicable given the recent rise of new programming languages. We shall examine if Python is nearing extinction or is still thriving in this article. We'll look at how it stands right now, investigate the causes ... Read More

How can I Automate the Download of TV Shows Using Python?

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 11:45:05


Automation has become an integral element of our lives in the modern day. We can increase productivity and save time by automating routine chores. For instance, Python can be used to automate the download of TV programs if you enjoy watching them. This tutorial will walk you through the procedures needed to use Python to automate the download of TV programs. Choose the Television Programs you want to Download Choosing the TV programs you wish to download is the first step in automating the download process. To find out more about the TV shows that interest you, use online TV ... Read More

Can I use Python as my First Programming Language? Why?

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 11:44:12


In today’s world, everyone is upgrading their skill by learning to program. As the market is challenging and competitive as well, knowing how to code gives you an upper edge in your workplace. However, selecting the best language is also a challenge to start with. Fortunately, Python has got your back. But can Python serve as a suitable introduction to programming? This article will go into that very issue and examine the factors that contribute to Python's appeal to novice programmers. Let’s have a look at the following factors before opting for a programming language such as Python − ... Read More

Can I Make Games with Python?

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 11:43:36

2K+ Views

Python has clearly had a significant impact on the technology and programming communities. Yet, have you ever considered creating games with Python? The response is unquestionable yes! Python has grown in recognition as a flexible and potent programming language. Data analysis, Artificial intelligence, Web development, and the queue goes on and on for Python. Well, Game development is no exception in Python. Python's abundance of libraries and frameworks, which is one of its distinguishing traits, makes it a great choice for game creation. Making games and realizing your ideas is made considerably simpler by these resources. The syntax of ... Read More

Why doesn\'t Python Developers Care Much if Python is Slow Compared with Other Languages?

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 03-Apr-2023 16:08:53


Python, a programming language that has captured the hearts of many developers, is a versatile device used in a range of fields, from internet development to scientific research. Despite being branded as a gradual language compared to C++, Java, or Rust, Python fans stay steadfast in their love for the language. In this article, we'll delve into the reasons why Python developers are undaunted by their performance limitations and uncover the unique advantages that Python offers over faster languages. Let's explore why Python is a language worth embracing, regardless of its speed. To begin with, programming languages are like superheroes ... Read More

Which are Some must-read Books for Python Developers?

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 03-Apr-2023 16:07:57


Python is everywhere! Rapid development and debugging? Python comes in handy in these tasks. Additionally, Python has the most welcoming user community. Investing yourself in learning Python may be an exceptionally good idea as this opens up numerous openings for you. Too, Python is simple to memorize and understand. Starting with Python is similar to acquiring any other contemporary skill in that it's important to discover a reference you can use to guide your thought. Thankfully, there are many excellent books available to help you understand both the fundamentals of programming and the details of Python programming. With the plenitude ... Read More

What Will be the Scope of Python for the Next 10 Years?

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 03-Apr-2023 16:07:12


Over the past few years, Python programming language has finished up incomprehensibly well and is known as a high-level language. Its adaptability, user-friendliness, and capacity to handle complex assignments with ease have all contributed to its triumph. Presently, everybody is wondering what the longer term holds for Python within the following decade. The reply to this address isn't clear, as Python is always advancing, adjusting to modern innovations, and growing its reach into different areas. In any case, there are a few forecasts that can be made based on the current trends and advancements within the tech industry. Python is ... Read More

What Tools Besides Python, R, and SQL are all Data Scientists Expected to Know?

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 03-Apr-2023 16:06:31


Data science may be a continually advancing field that requires an assorted set of aptitudes and instruments to keep up with the ever-changing information scene. While Python, R, and SQL are undoubtedly the foremost commonly utilized devices within the information science industry, there are a few other tools and advances that information researchers are anticipated to be capable of. In this article, we'll investigate a few of the other fundamental apparatuses that each information researcher ought to be recognizable with. Excel Excel may be an effective tool for data examination and is broadly utilized within the trading world. It ... Read More

What are the Criticisms of Python?

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 03-Apr-2023 16:05:18


Python has without a doubt ended up one of the foremost broadly utilized programming languages around the world. From machine learning, data science, and web advancement to logical computing, Python has found its way into different industries and applications. Be that as it may, like all different programming languages, Python has too confronted its honest share of reactions over a long time. We'll examine a few Python criticisms in this post along with their justifications. Speed One of the foremost common reactions of Python is its speed. Python is a decoded language, which implies that the code is executed line ... Read More
